Status: Active.

Dear . . . . .

Dear James Owen Sullivan

Dear James Owen Sullivan,

I am one of the many that didn't experience the absolute HONOR and PRIVILEGE that was meeting you in person.

I envy those who did.

I am a late mourner because I only REALLY started living my life around February-March.

I honestly thought you were nuts when I first saw some of the vids you were in but over time, you and the guys, really grew on me.

You and the guys were my main drive to do a lot of things.

You were the reason I tried to make friends, to see if a family-type bond, like A7X, was possible --- it was.

You were the reason I tried so much harder in music class, to strengthen the miniscule possibility of even being half as talented as you --- I'm not.

You were the reason I drove myself to be different, to stand up for myself --- I thought that if A7X could stand up for themselves and what they believe in then so could I.

But now that you're . . . . . gone . . . . . I honestly can't sit through any Avenged Sevenfold songs - especially those from Nightmare - knowing that YOU, Jimmy, aren't the one rockin' out behind those motherfuckin' drums.

I'm sure Mike Portnoy is good, but there will only EVER be ONE as good as Jimmy "The Reverend Tholomew Plague" Sullivan, and that person is Jimmy "The Reverend Tholomew Plague" Sullivan.

I, along with MILLIONS, love and miss you.
28.12.09 <<< The saddest day in the history of foREVer, but not because it marked the start of an entire year until 27.12.10, because we lost the GREATEST man that EVER walked God's green Earth.

Love ALWAYS, Natasha - Vengeance 4 My Synz

You Will Have A Place In My Heart, Always And FoREVer!
♠ ♠ ♠
Rest In Peace Jimmy.
I love you and miss you.

Have fun up in heaven and if any angels are mean to you then don't hesitate to break all their motherfuckin' harps!
Once again,
You Will Have A Place In My Heart, Always And FoREVer!