Status: Active.

Dear . . . . .

Dear Greg.

Dear Greg,

The months that we've been together have been some of the best months of my life so far. When I'm with you, my heart soars and I get this indescribable feeling from my head to my toes. We've had ups and down, like all couples, but we've prevailed and came out stronger. People had their doubts about us, but we proved them wrong. Nobody thought we would make it, as my dating history is not a pretty one, and yours is non-existent, but now, nearly 10 months later, we've beaten the odds and are still going strong! Now, we face a challenge that makes all other look miniscule., college. You're staying in California and I'm leaving for Minnesota. While on the outside I may look prepared and confident in this, on the inside I'm freaking out and completely insecure. I'm afraid that you'll find a girl that is prettier than I am, who is more interesting, lives closer, all the things that I'm not! I also worry, that with me being gone for 4 months at a time, that I will develop a wandering eye. I can say the things like “there's no one else for me but you” and all that crap, but there probably IS someone else out there for me, but I don't want them! Being away from each other is going to require a whole new level of trust and its going to require so much more work to keep things alive. Are you willing to put that kind of effort in? Because 100% committed to this relationship if you are! I am old enough to know what I want in a relationship and all the signs point to you. It goes beyond the 'smart funny good looking' shit, it's the bigger things. You understand me in a way that no one else does, you find the littlest ways to put a smile on my face. You endure embarrassment for me and I thank whatever higher power there is for you every day. Though, you're not perfect, far from it for sure. While you make me smile, you also make me cry, you make me angry, and you make me wanna punch you at time. But even through the roller coaster of emotions, at the end of the day, I still love you and I don't want to lose you! I love almost everything about you, from your love of video games, to your stubbornness, even your love of golf, the most boring game on the planet! I can't imagine myself with anyone else but you right now, and picturing you with some other girl makes my blood boil!
I know the chances of you reading there are microscopic since these kinds of sites aren't your thing but I just have to get it all off my chest.

Your loving girlfriend,

♠ ♠ ♠
I want to than Vengeance 4 My Synz for letting me post on here :)