Status: Active.

Dear . . . . .

Dear Me

I know that you hate me, but please just listen this time.

You are beautiful, no matter what you see. I know you see every little imperfection, but look at the bigger picture. Stop concentrating on the details of your face, your hands, your toothpick body. Be happy with your little extended stomach: you are the only one who thinks your fat (ignore your sister at the moment).

You are a smart girl, you just feel like every answer you get wrong makes you a horrible accelerated student. You work hard for what you want in your future, and that what matters to you right?

No, don't answer that question. Stop focusing on just the past, present or future. Focus on your smiles and cheers. Sing. I don't care if your voice is scratchy and you have problems talking to others. You just have to tell them to, "Deal with it."

Your sister is bothering you again? Tell her to, "Deal with it." You have put up with her crap. It's time for her to put up with yours. Your mom being a big over controlling (what an understatement?): tell her to, "Deal with it," when you want to text during dinner.

Your brothers just not leaving you alone? Tell them to go away, and if they still talk to you about stuff and their problems, say, "Deal with it." You're dealing with your own.

Your friends at school need help on their homework which you conveniently didn't do? Don't tell them to, "Deal with it." Just tell them, "I don't know." There's nothing wrong with that, now is there?

You are a goober, yes, but a goober everyone loves. If they hate you, let them deal with it. They aren't worth your time.

Just please don't hate me. I'm a good person too! I sacrifice for my friends, and love my unfair family members. I love my enemies, since I don't really know them from the start. I'm not always smart, and at times my looks of the day barely gets past the D- the fashion cops give out. I'm not a bad person for any of this. I'm just a person who is going through the rough patch of teenage life.

Who isn't going through this rough patch? I wanna know.
♠ ♠ ♠
So ya... Little letter to me! :D I noticed none of the other authors have updated and since I have to scold myself for sulking for the past couple of days (I'm mad at my sister... don't wanna talk bout it) I just gotta tell myself that I'm not as bad as my sister says i am. Cause I'm not! :D I'm awesome... like pumpkin pie... or if you prefer some other dessert, then I'm that awesome as that (like red velvet... oooo yum! ) haaha :D