Status: On Hold Until I Like It Again

A Tornado Meets A Volcano


‘‘Cleo, get this stage cleared up! How the hell do you expect bands to sound check in mess like this?’’ My boss, Eddy yelled at me.

I marched from the side of the stage where I was currently having my break, to move microphones, wires, amps and spare guitars that had been left lying around.
‘‘Happy?!’’ I snapped at Eddy once I’d finished. He just smirked and walked away. I swore to the back of his head and walked to the back room to check out who would be playing at the academy that week.

I was only nineteen, I’d started my job when I was sixteen, just for a bit of spare money for the weekends so I could go out with my friends and get beyond drunk and lose myself in the arms of a boy.

I didn’t sleep around, if that’s what you’re thinking, I wouldn’t do that. I was more of a boys worst nightmare. I’d kiss and tease and get them so far then leave. I couldn’t help myself, its just how I was.

Somehow, I was still at my job three years later, unable to leave because I enjoyed the free gigs and meeting bands too much.
I slumped in one of the armchairs and snatched the band list from the table beside me. I scanned my eyes through the list only recognising a few since they’d played a few times at the academy.

‘‘My Chemical Romance…’’ I muttered to myself. I didn’t recognise that band, I’d never actually heard of them to be honest. I lived in North Dakota, which to be fair, wasn’t deprived of bands, but some slipped by if they didn’t have a big enough name for themselves.
I looked to the date to see they were playing that night.

I sighed heavily, I just wanted to go home, I’d been working since seven in the morning, it was three o’clock, surely I’d worked enough.

‘‘Cleo! Why are you sitting in here? You know this room is for bands, not you to just sit about in and hide.’’ Eddy snapped as he entered the room I was sat in, his hair was all over the place and he looked like he‘d been running around looking for me. He was becoming a large pain, I couldn’t handle much more of his attitude.

‘‘What the hell else do you want me to do? I’ve cleared the stage, sorted out volumes, swept the floor, would you like me to lick it clean, too?’’ I yelled at him. I’d been known for an attitude problem, people called me the erupting volcano. I never argued because it was true.

‘‘Is that an offer?’’ He asked cockily. My attitude never phased Eddy because he had one just as bad. It’s why he’d put up with me for so long.

I stood up from the chair and shoved past him and threw the door open. I crashed into a tallish guy, possibly two years older than myself, dressed all in black. I didn’t see his face since it was covered by a mass of dirty black hair. Behind him, a geeky looking guy stood, his glasses perched in the middle of his nose, he was tall, thin and gangly. All I saw next was an afro which framed a face which had interesting features. A blonde guy stood next to him who was currently chewing on his lip ring and darting his eyes all around the tight corridor where we were stood. I squeezed myself past the four of them, not apologising for crashing into the one in front.

As I reached the back, I saw a shorter guy, only a little taller than my 5”4 self, slouched against the wall, his red and black hair positioned neatly on top of his head. He brought a cigarette up to his lips and took a long drag on it.

‘‘You can't smoke in here.’’ I told him bluntly, staring at his face. The rest of the guys turned to face us.

‘‘You gonna stop me?’’ He asked, a crooked smile making its way onto his lips.

‘‘Is this a challenge?’’ I stated, cocking my head to the side slightly.

‘‘Cleo! Get out and get the stage ready for their sound check!’’ I heard Eddy’s irritating voice pierce the tension we’d created.

I threw my head back in annoyance and stomped away like a child.
I heard one of them say ‘Cleo’ under their breath which in reply made me say ‘My Chemical Romance’
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So...I haven't written in a while so this may be a crappy start.
Think of it what you will, I may update again