Status: On Hold Until I Like It Again

A Tornado Meets A Volcano


''Lucy, I’m going out for some fresh air!'' I shouted in her ear as Thursday continued to play. I was starting to feel dizzy and ill from standing in amongst the jumping, sweating teenagers. The excitement had built up in my stomach so much I didn't think I'd be able to stand for any longer.

''You ok?'' Lucy called back looking at me, a worried expression etched onto her features.

I nodded in reply and made my way past the dancing people and found my way to the exit. The cool evening air hit my face, immediately calming me down and making me feel better. I walked around the side of the building as not to get caught up in all of the people that were arriving late or coming out of the venue for a nicotine fix.

''You have a habit of leaving gigs early, don't you?'' A familiar voice asked me.

I slowly turned around, half hoping it wouldn't be Frank. Even though I wanted to spend every minute of every day with him, part of me knew better of that and tried to tell me it would all be a mistake.

I saw him slouched against the wall, his dark t-shirt hugged his body and his jeans hung loose around his waist causing them to fall slightly at the back. He'd changed his beat up converse from that morning to a pair or DC's, much like my own. His hair was still messy though, not as neat as they first time I'd saw him. He was currently puffing away on a cigarette, blowing smoke in my direction.

''I'm not leaving, I just needed some air.'' I shot back in defence. ''Anyway, what's it to you? I can leave early if I want, there's no law stating I have to stay on purchase of ticket.'' I tried to be smart with my attitude, it didn't work very well.

''No, but I'm more than sure you wont have wanted to waste money like that, and I know there will be a few disappointed kids out there who hadn't managed to get a ticket. It would just be mean of you to waste it by leaving.'' Frank explained, stepping forwards from his slouched position on the wall.

''True.'' Was all I managed to mumble out. Every time I'd spoken to Frank he'd had a smart answer back, I couldn't win.

''So, why'd you need air?'' Frank asked, coming closer, his eyes fixed on mine. I started back at him, my eyes darted all over his body but I managed to tear them away and divert my gaze to the floor.

''The same reason you do, to breathe.'' I stated cockily.

''I see what you did there,'' Frank replied, a crooked smile forming on his face. I swear I melted a little inside when he did it.

He was stood only about a foot away from myself. His eyes were still fixed on mine. Silence had overcome us and neither one of us moved. I didn't know what to say or what to do.

I didn't want to leave him and go back inside, yet I felt uneasy where I was. Frank had some sort of hold over me and he didn't even know it. To him, I was just another fan, but to me he was everything.

''You seem tense.'' Frank stated as we stood there, in our same positions at the back of the building he and his band would soon be playing in.

''Nope, I'm not tense.'' I replied, trying my best to loosen myself up without him noticing.

''Really?'' He asked, cocking his head to the side slightly. I nodded, uneasy. ''Let me test that.'' Was all he said as he walked further towards me.

My heartbeat raced and my palms grew clammy. His crooked smile came back onto his face as he grabbed my wrist and felt my pulse. He stood right in front of me, his fingers pressing into my wrist, still feeling my pulse that was beating even faster.

He started to lean down so his lips were an inch from my own. I thought for a moment we were going to kiss, I thought it was going to be the start of something, but I knew better.
''Tell me again, are you tense?'' Frank asked, still an inch from my lips.

''No...'' I lied, trying to calm my heartbeat and blushing cheeks. He brushed his lips past mine and across my cheek then lowered his face down to my neck. As he did so, I stiffened up. I was nervous and scared. I didn't know him and he didn't know me. We were strangers, and strangers didn't do things like that. I wasn't sure how we'd even gotten so close, I was confused and wanted Lucy to save me.

''Answer again, and this time, don't lie.'' His breath was on my neck and I could feel his lips as he spoke to me.

''Yes.'' Was all I replied. I felt his grip loosen on my wrist and he stood upright and stepped back. His smile was still on his face and he proceeded to walk away from me.

''See you inside, Cleo.'' Was the last thing he said as he walked into the building. I wrapped my jacket around me and shuddered as if I'd done something dirty and wrong.

Did this mean we were friends? Did it mean anything at all?
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thought I'd 4 in the morning for me, I know.
too angry to sleep. Hope you liked =]