Love Is a Four Letter Word, and So Is Liar

Determination Gets You Somewhere

Ryan's Point of View

I sat there on the plane next to Spencer thinking. I never thought it would be so hard to see Bianca again. That night on the bus was stuck in my head.

"I was Pregnant."

Those three words were forever going to haunt me. I felt like a bigger jerk than before. She was pregnant, and I didn't even know. I left her all alone with no one.

"Dude, we're here. Snap out of it." Spencer said smacking me lightly on the arm.

I shook my head lightly, and realized everyone was rushing off the plane.

Once I gathered all my belongings, I grabbed a solo cab to head home. So much of this city reminded me of her. I've know Bianca since I was in middle school, and we've been through so much. She was one of my best friends, and accepted me just the way I was. She never tried to change me. She never judge me.

I passed the city lights and sighed. There had to be a way to talk to her. She was everything I had wanted, and I went to fuck it up.

Before I knew it, I was in my neighborhood. I passed Brent's house, it look like he was already home. Then we past that other familiar home, a home I know all so well. It was a block away from Brent's, and a block ahead of mine. It was Bianca's house. The light on the two stories home was still on.

We got to my house and I decided to go ahead and drop my things at home. I would clean up and attempt to go to Bianca's house. I know that is the only way I will be able to talk to her.

I paid the driver, and looked at my empty dark house. I shrugged my shoulders and figured that my dad might be out somewhere looking for some booze. I'll deal with it when I get home.

I tried my best to look presentable. I began walking towards her house. My heart was pounding loudly in my ear. I felt like the first time I walked to her house and decided that no matter what I would kiss her that night. This is what I was going to have to do today.

I wanted her back, and I wasn't going to leave without having her in my arms again.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Kiss her, kiss her."

YAY!! Another one. Thanks to everyone who's reading, comments, and messages.