Love Is a Four Letter Word, and So Is Liar

I Want You Back

Kay had decided to come straight over after landing in Vegas. She insisted that she needed to know why I left that night. I told her the story, but left out the part of me being pregnant.

"So, Ryan was being his usual asshole self and you left?" Kay asked for the 100th time.

I nodded in annoyance. "Yes, I already told you that."

"I guess. Well I must go home. Call you tomorrow. The boys want us to go to lunch." Kay said before hugging me and leaving.

It was 4 in the morning, and I wasn't even tired. I decided to clear my bed, and get ready for bed. I showered and came back into my room. I closed the door and made my way to my bed.

"You still never lock your windows. That can be dangerous." I heard behind me. It was Ryan, and I knew it.

"Get out." I mumbled.

"No. I want to talk." He said walking towards the bed.

"About what? There's nothing left to talk about ok? Just leave me alone. You've got everything you've wanted." I groaned into my pillow. I felt the weight of the bed sink in, I looked to see Ryan sitting on the foot of the bed.

"No, I don't have everything. I don't have you." He said above a small whispered.

"No, you have Dawn. Did you forget?" I asked annoyed.

"She means nothing to me."

"Like always." I scoffed.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Ryan asked getting upset. His voice got a little louder.

"It means you play with emotions. You let girls believe everything you say, and then you leave them with a broken heart." I said angrily.

"I didn't want to leave you. I had to ok?!" He yelled.

I shook my head. "No it's not ok. Now leave." I yelled back.

"You know what? I thought about you everyday I was gone. I wanted to have a good reason for not calling you, but I couldn't face you. I love you so much that it stings my heart every time I see you and can't hold you. I want to feel your lips on mine again. I want you." Ryan yelled close to my face. I could see the tears stinging his eyes. I knew I had pushed his buttons. "I love you."

I quickly blinked away the tears stinging my eyes. He still loved me, and I was just pushing him away. But he still didn't understand how much he had hurt me in the past. I looked down at his lips and kissed him.

It took a while before he decided to kiss back. When he did, I pulled him on top of me.

Before I had time to think about anything, our clothes we're thrown on the floor.

I wanted Ryan Ross, and there was nothing stopping me.
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