Love Is a Four Letter Word, and So Is Liar


Ryan and I took a taxi to his house. He wanted to get some clean clothes.

We got off and looked around to see it dark. No car in the driveway,and no lights on everything was quiet.

"Where's your dad?" I asked cautiously. His father was a touchy subject. When he was in school, Spencer and I took him in each week, because his father was in rehab, or just drunk all the time.

Ryan squeezed my hand and shrugged. "I'm not sure. Come on, let me just grab my things. Then we'll head to your house."

I nodded. Ryan let go of my hand as he reached into his pocket for his key. After fumbling with the door for a couple of minutes, he got it open. I followed in after him.

He threw his keys on the coffee table. I looked around and smiled. It hasn't changed one bit. There were still pictures of him and his dad. Pictures of the gang being silly, and photographs he had taken.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt him place his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on, we can head to my room." He said walking into the hall way. I followed him into his room.

I smiled as I carefully looked around. Nothing had changed. Everything was the same as the last time I was here. His bed was pushed up against the window; there was a dresser, and his drawers. Then there were posters and pictures plastered all on his wall. On the floor was a huge suitcase. When he opened it I noticed there was an Eyeore. It was the one I gave him so he wouldn't forget about me.

Ryan picked it up and looked at me. He smiled and handed it back to me. "I told you I would take care of him for you."

I smiled wider, and took it from him. "Thank you." I whispered hugging it tightly.

He nodded, and proceeded to rummage through his suitcase. I sat on his bed staring at my Eyeore. I gave it to him before he left to Maryland to record. He promised to take care of it, and he kept it.

"Ok, I think I got just about everything I am going to need for tonight." Ryan sighed zipping up his backpack.

I looked at the clock on his night stand. "We still have about two more hours before we go meet with my family."

Ryan dropped his bag and sat next to me on the bed. His skinny arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him.

He began to kiss my neck lightly.

"Ryan?" I breathed out.

"Hmmm?" he asked.

"Don't do that." I sighed.

"Why not?" He teased.

"You know why." I giggle falling back on the bed and bringing him with me.

He ran his hands underneath my shirt, sending chills all over my body. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He smiled and pulled me into a kiss.

"Ryyyan, are youuu, homeee, soooonnnn." His dad interrupted us staggering into his room. I could hear the slur in his voice. He had been drinking.

Ryan quickly stood up and pulled his shirt back on. "Yes dad, I am home. Come on dad, let's get you to bed."

Ryan grabbed his dad and tried to help him walk straight and stopped stumbling around.

"I'll be right back." He whispered softly to me. He walked out of his room, with his dad leaning on him for support.

I sat up and shook my head disapprovingly. His dad had a drinking problem. Ryan was always the one to take care of him, put him to bed when he would come home staggering drunk. It got so bad back in high school that he stayed frequently at mine, Brendon's, and Spencer's house. His dad was always in and out of rehab, the hospital, and jail.

Ryan came back into the room. "Sorry. Come on; let's head over to your house." He said grabbing his bag from the floor.

I nodded not really knowing what to say, or if I should even say anything. He held my hand as we quietly walked out the house. We reached the chilly breeze outside, and began our way back to my house.

"I think it's gotten worse now." Ryan spoke softly.

I turned to my head slightly towards him. "What do you mean?" I asked confused.

He sighed. "My dad, he's gotten worse. Ever since we got sign, and began touring I've noticed his behavior."

"I'm sorry Ryan." I whispered.

He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "Don't be. It's not your problem. I just wish he could stop, that's all." He shrugged.

I nodded but decided on not saying anything at all. We got to my house shortly and decided to freshen up a bit before going to dinner.

I was in the bathroom fixing my makeup when I heard Ryan's phone ring. I heard him answer it. I didn't want to eves drop, but it was so hard not to.

"What do you mean-Fuck-fine I'll be there in about 10 minutes." He groaned hanging up the phone. I could still hear him cursing underneath his breath.

My thoughts started racing, I wanted to know who called and why. I heard his footsteps come closer towards the door. I went back to applying my makeup, and pretending as if I didn't just hear his conversation.

Ryan stood at the door way watching me. I finished my eyeliner, and smiled at my job well done.

"I don't know you put that shit on. You're beautiful just the way you are." He said snaking his arms around my neck.

I turned around to face him. "You're too charming Mr. Ross." I laughed.

He made a weird face and shrugged his shoulders. "I try."

He kissed me on my cheek, than my lips. We began a mini make out session. I felt that needy, weak feeling every time we kiss. I wanted him. I needed him. He always makes me feel this way.

Ryan pulled away first. I frowned because I wanted to continue on with this. "Baby, I have to run an errand for my dad."

I looked up at him and frowned again. "Why? I thought we were going to dinner together with Nana."

He shook his head. "I'm sorry. I'll be back as soon as possible. I promise, I'll be here before you fall asleep."

I shook my head and placed my forehead on his shoulder. "No. I don't want you to go."

Ryan sighed obiviously annoyed. "I know babe, but I have to. I'll be back soon. I love you."

He kissed my lips one last time. "I love you too." I whispered.

He let go of me and walked out of the door. I stared at the wall.

I had a strong feeling that his father didn't call. I knew that it must have been someone else, but who?

I knew that I had to find out.
♠ ♠ ♠
"You're a regular decorated emergency"

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