Love Is a Four Letter Word, and So Is Liar

What's She Doing Here?

"I can't believe we're here!" Kay cheered as we got off the plane.

"Me either. Do you think they'll like the surprise?" I asked worriedly. I just wanted Ryan to be happy that I came here.

Kay began to walk away. "They better be. I mean we didn't come down here for nothing."

I nodded trying to keep up with her. We retrieved our luggage and hailed the taxi for the hotel.

"This is so exciting. Really, I mean-I can't wait until I see Brendon. I've missed him so much, and it's been forever." Kay gushed on the drive to the hotel.

I smiled and nudged her in the stomach. "You are so cute when you talk about him."

"I bet you're just as excited to see Ryan." She teased nudging me back.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Maybe." I smirked shyly.

"Yea, you are! I know it." She pointed at my smirk.

"If you say so." I shrugged.

"I know so." She said proudly.

We got to the hotel. The guys actually got a really nice place. It was beautiful. After checking in and going to our room, we finally found out what rooms the guys were in.

"That lady was sooo mean!!" I gasped as we stumbled into the hotel room.

"I know; it took me being Brendon's pregnant fiancée to make her give us the room number!" Kay sighed tiredly.

"So, what is the plan now?" I asked sitting on the bed.

"We are going to meet them in the lobby. I called Brendon to see what he was doing today. It's an off day, and they are going out to eat."

"Wow, you really got all of this covered, don't you?"

"You have to, I mean if you're going to surprise somebody, you have to do it right!" She laughed.

"I agree."

We got ready in a rush. Well, in girl time that meant we had one hour. So we took turns taking a shower, and getting dressed. Ok, ok, Kay took longer. It just took me 30 minutes, I'm not one to get all done up.

I had to keep reminded Kay of time. It's not like she cared. We were always late because she takes forever.

"KAYLA!! Seriously, we have five minutes and you are still putting on makeup!" I groaned.

"Relax, I'm done. Shit, you are so pushy." She snapped back.

"I'm just so anxious to see Ryan. Now go." I said literally pushing her out the door.

"Ok, I get it. Just calm down. Take a deep breath and relax." She told me slowly.

I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind. "It didn't work." I said once I exhaled.

She laughed at me. "Yea it did, you're not going crazy." She pointed out.

The bell in the elevator rang, and I started to panic. "Shit, do I look ok? How's my breath?"

Kay grabbed me by the shoulders. "You look fine. Everything is going to be fine." She said looking straight into my eyes.

I nodded. "Right."

We found a sit where we could see the boys when they come off the elevator. My nerves were getting the best of me.

Why? I don't know honestly. Maybe it was because I've missed Ryan so much.

I couldn't sit still in the chair. My right leg kept shaking and I couldn't stop biting my fingernails.

"Yo, chill! It's going to be ok!" Kay hissed pushing my hand away from my mouth.

She was getting annoyed with my anxious behavior. Can you tell?

Then she looked up and smiled. I followed her stare and saw the guys talking and walking towards the door. Their backs were to us.

"Um-Excuse me!" I called out to them. "Can I have your autograph?" I squealed. I ran towards them, Kay followed behind me.

"Oh my god, me too!!" Kay squealed. We ran up to them with grins on our faces.

Ryan turned around. "Sure wh-BIANCA!!" His eyes widen and his mouth went into a 'o' shape. It's like he was in total shocked. Then he ran to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. I hugged him back just as tightly.

"I didn't know you were coming." He said happily once he pulled away.

I couldn't stop grinning. He was actually happy with my surprise. "I know. I wanted to surprise you."

"It is a good one. I'm so fucking happy you're here." He sighed kissing me lovingly.

I kissed back closing my eyes tight. "Me too." I whispered into the kiss

We pulled away and stared at one another. The smiles on our faces seemed to never wipe off. I hugged him again and pulled him close to me (if it was possible). I took in his scent and dug my face into his chest.

Nothing could ruin this moment.

"Ryan, what are you doing? I'm hungry!" A voice shrieked.

I quickly pulled away from Ryan and turned around to see whose voice it was.

A small scream escaped her mouth. "What is she doing?"

"Hi Dawn." I choked out. She was huge, but of course that was because of the baby. I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. She had dark green eyes, light blonde hair, and a bit taller than me.

"Aren't you suppose to be in Chicago?" she snapped pointing at me.

I was about to open my mouth when Ryan grabbed my arm and pulled away from everyone. We sat down in the lobby by ourselves. I guess he wanted us to talk privately.

"You know I'm really sorry." Ryan said softly.

"I know you are." I sighed irritably rubbing my eyes.

"I just-I want to be there if the baby comes early." He reasoned.

I turned to face him. I forced a small smile and nodded my head briefly. "I know. No worries, really, I understand." I should have just told him what I really felt, but then, what kind of girlfriend would I be?

He smiled and hugged me. "I love you."

I took in the hug. "I know."

"Ryan, let's go. I'm so hungry!" Dawn snapped. She grabbed his arm and pulled him away from me.

"I heard you-" He pulled his arm away. "Bee is coming too."

"What?! Oh no!! I don't want her coming with us." She said rudely.

"Why shouldn't she?" Kay snapped at her.

Dawn stared at Kay, and then rolled her eyes. "You're child is hungry." She smirked evilly at Ryan.

Ryan nodded his head. "Come on babe, let's get some food." He said to me lovingly. He grabbed my hand lacing my fingers with his.

I smiled at him and nodded.

This was going to be a long night.
♠ ♠ ♠
"I don't wanna grow up....nanananana."

I know this one took forever to get out, but I've actually wirtten alot. I decided to cut it off here. THere is another one, then it's the ending. I've got a good idea on how I want to end it. message/comment!! <3