Love Is a Four Letter Word, and So Is Liar

Standing in Line at The Rock Show

I really didn't want to be here. Why didn't she understand that? Just because she let go doesn't mean I have.

"Are you really not going to talk to me all night?" Kayla asked while we stood in line.

It was 4 in the after noon and there was already a small line forming in front of the arena.

I just glared at her with my arms folded in front of my chest and nodded.

"Bumble beee....don't do this to me!" Kayla singed playfully. I looked up at her and laughed. I hated when she called me Bumble bee.

"Fine you win." I sighed defeated.

"YAY!" Kayla yelled and threw her arms around me. She gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Ok get off already before I don't talk to you again!" I said pushing her off of me playfully.

She pulled away and blushed. "Sorry, I was just trying to make you happy!"

"Whatever." I mumbled sitting down on the sidewalk against the wall.

Kayla did the same and took out her ipod. She handed me a pair of headphones. I smiled and took them.

She pressed some buttons and chose a song.

"my heart on my sleeve,
Wear it like a bruise or black eye,
My badge, my witness,
Means that I believe every single word that you said."

I smiled as I heard the first verse. It was my second favorite Fall Out Boy song. I looked up as some of the people in front of us started to freak out a little and wave and at the gate.

Kayla looked at me confused than back up at the people. She took off the head phones and stood up. She whispered something in one of the guy's ear and he whispered back into hers. She nodded and turned to look at me.

Her face was shock, and her eyes were filling up with tears. I took off my headphones, stood up, and put the Ipod in my back pocket.

"Kay, what's wrong?" I asked touching her arm. She put her head down and shook her head.

"They're here." She whispered. I picked up her head and looked at her.

"Who's here?" I asked confused.

"Brendon and Ryan, they're here." She said again whispering. I let go of her and walked back a little.

I shook my head and some tears fell from my eyes.

"Bee, I'm sorry. I didn't know they were going to be here. I really didnt." She tried comforting me.

"What do you mean you didn't know that you didn't know they were going to be here? I mean didn't you find out who was coming with them when you went to buy the tickets?" I asked getting upset.

"I didn't buy them!" Kay yelled back.

I looked at her more confused. "What do you mean?"

"Monday when I got off of work early I found a letter in our mailbox. It didn't say anything. I opened it and found two tickets for tonight's show. I hid them from you because I knew that you would throw them away. I just knew Fall Out Boy, and Motion City Soundtrack were going to be here. I swear." Kay said explaining herself to me through small tears.

I hugged her, and she hugged back. "It's ok. Let's just see the show and avoid them. Ok?" I asked. She nodded sadly.

We pulled away and the line started moving letting us know that the doors opened. We both looked at each other and took a deep breath. We held hands and braced ourselves for tonight.

We had one common goal:

Avoid Ryan and Brendon at all cost.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Back to where this all started, before you got yourself broken hearted"

Comment/message me....hope you liked it. <3