Love Is a Four Letter Word, and So Is Liar

Talked To Me Please

Kayla had ran into the bathroom right after they started playing the third song. I ran after her, pushing people and trying to make my way through.

I got in the bathroom and looked around for any sign of her. I saw Kay's shoes in the last stall. I walked over to it slowly and knocked on the door avoiding the stares of everyone else in there.

"Bianca, I can't do it. I can't face him. I know you think I'm over him, but I'm not. I pretend to be strong for the both of us. You have always been stronger than me." Kayla cried.

"Kay, open the door please." I pleaded talking only loud enough for her to hear.

I waited about two minutes and I heard a 'click' indicating she had unlocked the door. I pushed the door slightly open and slid in.

I didn't say anything but hugged her and allowed her tears to fall on my shoulder. I even let a few slip out myself.

"Look Kay kay, I don't know how we are going to do this, but let's just try to get through the night ok? We'll just try to blend in." I ressured her. "Or do you want to leave?" I asked as she pulled away fixing her running makeup.

"No let's go out there and show them what they're missing!" she huffed. I smiled and nodded my head.

"That's the Kayla I know!!" I smiled proudly.

She smiled happily hugged me one last time and grabbed my hand. She nodded and I unlocked the door. We walked out of the restroom swinging our hands and smiling. We got some weird looks and glares from some of the girls in the bathroom. But kay and I didn't care and continued our way out.

"You want to go and look at the merch tables?" I asked Kay yelling over Boys Night Out.

"Yea. I want a shirt." She yelled back. We walked over to the tables and looked at everything.

I opted for a yellow Starting Line shirt with Blue hearts and a blue fish. I asked for the shirt, and paid my money. I walked away from the table meeting up with Kayla. She had 2 shirts from each band, not including Panic!

" spent a lot of your money." I told her looking at her full hands. She shrugged and began to fold them and stuff them in her bag.

I saw the FOB hoodie and Kiss Me Electric shirt. I went over and asked for it. Afterwards, I walked back to Kay and we stood in back watching Motion City, and Starting Line. We just enjoyed the show and sang along.

We even laughed at all the girls giggling and trying to act like they know the song. When Starting Line's set was over, we walked around.

I took a cigarette out and lit it. I took a large puff of my cigarette. I exhaled and smiled wildly.

"Those can kill you, you know that right?" someone said behind me.

I turned around to meet a pair of light brown eyes. I smiled weakly.

"Hi Brent." I said softly.

"Come on Bianca, is that anyway to treat your cousin and best friend?" Brent pouted opening his arms.

I smiled and walked into his arms. We both wrapped each other in a tight hug.

"Aww Bumble Bee, I missed you!" Brent slightly yelled pulling me tight.

"I miss you too Brent." I laughed.

We pulled away and he hugged Kayla.

"Gosh it feels like forever!" Kay said smiling.

They pulled away.

"Yea it has been forever!" Brent and I said at the same time.

We all started laughing. Brent had this twin vibe. We were only a year apart, and grew up together. It was always Brent and Bianca. He was my best friend. When Ryan broke up with me, I couldn't face Brent. I was so heartbroken, and angry at all of them.

"Ok, maybe not forever, because you two are still like twins." Kay laughed.

"Yea, but still, we need to catch up." Brent said looking at me.

"I know."

"Let's go somewhere to talk." Brent said walking away. Kayla and I looked at each other and shrugged. We followed Brent to wherever he was going.

I notice that we were walking around the back to where the buses and trailers were. Brent turned around and smiled.

"Don't worry. You won't see them." Brent smiled warmly at me and Kay.

We nodded and sighed in relief. I loved how Brent respected our decisions to not talk to them. We sat on the floor in a small circle and talked catching up on life. I didn't realize how much I actually missed Brent. I wish I could take back that whole year.

"Hey Brent, who are you're friends?" We heard someone ask.

We turned our heads up to see Ryan and Brendon standing there. Kay and I stood up and began to walk away.

"Bumble bee don't be like that." Ryan yelled running towards me.

I stopped dead in my tracks. My face fuming. My heart racing.

How dare he act like the victim.

I turned to meet his face.

"Don't you ever call me that again! You walked away from ME! Remember?" I screamed. People were looking over to see what was going on.

"I'm-I'-I'm" Ryan said quietly stuttering. He put his head down.

"You're what? Sorry? Well it's too late Ryan. Too late. I don't care that you miss me. I dont care what you have to say anymore. I will not allow you play with me ever again!" I yelled crying. I tried my best to wipe away the fallen tears.

I refused to let him see me cry. I refused to allow him to see how weak I was, and what he could do to me.

"I love you." Ryan whispered looking up and meeting my eyes.

I looked away and sighed angrily. I wasn't going to give in.

"I will not believe your lies. Save your breath and tears for someone who cares. I'm over this. I'm over YOU." I said in a calm manner.

I turned around and began to walked back to my car. It wasn't until I was there that I noticed Kayla wasn't with me.

I took out my sidekick and text her. I waited a little while before I received news from her.

"Don't hate me but I forgave Brendon. Ryan really does love you. Give him a chance."

The text read. I threw my sidekick at the dashboard angrily. I put my head on steering wheel and banged it lightly. I never imagined I was going to blow up on him like that. In my mind when I confronted him I was calm, and didn't cry. But that obiviously didn't go as planned.

There was a small knock on the window. I turned my head slightly to my left. There stood Brent and Spencer.

I rolled down my window and put on a fake face, a fake act. Frankly this act was getting too old to put up with.

"Hi boys. What's up?" I asked nicely and smiling.

"We wanted to hang out with someone cool." Spencer said smiling.

"Alright hop in." I said unlocking the doors.

Brent sat in the passenger seat, and Spencer sat in the back.

"Where to boys?" I asked as I started the car.

"Food." They said at the same time.

I laughed and nodded. "Ok. Good because I'm hungry too."

I drove to a pizza hut. We ordered and sat down.

"So Bianca, what have you been up to lately?" Spencer asked. "What brings you and Kay to Chicago?"

"I'm here for school." I stated simply.

"For?" Spence asked.

"Nursing School." Brent and I answered at the same time.

"Wow. You two still do that!" Spence pointed out.

We talked for a little while longer. We acted the exact same way as before I left. It felt good to be around old friends. It felt good to smile and laugh again. For once, I felt like my old self.

The pizza parlor was closing up before we decided to leave.

"Where are we headed to now, boys?" I asked them leaving the parking lot.

"To your place to sleep!" Brent answered cheerfully.

"Um, don't you have a tour to do?" I asked slightly confused.

"We have a three days off." Spencer answered me. "You know, a break before finishing the rest of the tour."

"So don't you have a hotel?" I asked again.

"Damn we know when we're not wanted!!!" Brent pouted.

"It's not that it's....." I stopped myself from finishing the rest of my sentence. I think they knew what I was going to say anyway.

"Dont worry, Ryan will not come over." Brent answered before I had finish.

"Promise?" I asked hopeful.

"Promise Promise." Brent stated with his hand over his heart.

I smiled.

"Ok to my place it is." I sighed. I turned the car and put it in gear. We drove off towards my apartment.

Maybe for once I can avoid Ryan Ross.

Just maybe.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Come over, come over. I won't make the same mistake."

Another chapter for you all. Thanks for the comments. I will get back to you!!