Love Is a Four Letter Word, and So Is Liar

In Hiding

"Hey bumble bee, it's Kayla. I just want to make sure you're ok sweetheart. Call me back."

I clicked seven to erase the message. When I got off the plane I had 21 voicemails. I was barely on number 3.

"Bianca, I know you don't want anything to do wi-" I clicked erase on that one once I heard Ryan's voice.

I decided not to listen to anymore and turn off my phone. Maybe my actions were a bit irrational, but I wanted to go home for a little while. I needed to get away from the world, I needed to disappear.

I grabbed a taxi, and gave them the address.

Luckily, my mom was home. I had called her to let her know I was coming.

I got out of the taxi, and saw my old house. Spencer, and Ryan lived down the street. That's how I met them, they were playing catch in the street. They had introduced me to almost everyone I knew now.

"Sweetheart!! You're home!" My mother cheered running out of the house.

"Hey mom!" I smiled running into her arms.

"What brings you home?" She asked walking with me inside the house.

For the first time I looked around and felt my face burn with the tears about to come. I turned around and my mother's face turned worried.

"What is it?" She asked concerned and holding me in a tight hug.

"Ry-Ryan found out." I cried into her chest.

My mother sighed. She was the one that found out I was pregnant. She found me throwing in the restroom and insisted that I get tested. She wasn't upset that I wanted to keep it. She understood my situation. She and my father had me when my mom was 16 and my dad was 18; and they got married.

"Shhh, it's ok now. How did he find out?" She asked stroking my hair.

"We got into a fight on the bus. I screamed it out. He doesn't know what leaving me did to me." I sobbed softly. I surprised she even understood me, my mouth was muffled by her chest.

" I know it hurts. Come on. Let's get some star bucks." My mom said pulling away to fix me up. I smiled. She always knew what to do to make me happy.

I walked up to my old room and changed. I fixed myself the best I could. I went back downstairs and followed my mom to the car. We drove to our destination.

We went inside, grabbed our orders and sat down.

"Is this why you came home?" my mom asked getting straight to the point.

I nodded taking a sip from my latte.

"Well tell me everything that happened." She ordered.

I sat there explaining everything that had happened on the bus. I felt better afterwards. That's all I needed, was to get everything off my chest.

"To think that he could win you over so easily! What was he thinking? He left you. Then he gets a slut to make you jealous!" She gasped.

I laughed at her. She could be a little dramatic at times, but none the less she means well. I nodded in agreement.

"I think you should call Kay, and the other boys. Just don't tell where you are. Unless that's what you want."

"You're right." I sighed.

We finished our drinks, and made our way back home. My father was on a business trip, leaving just my mom and me.

I picked up the cell phone and turned it on. I had 33 voicemails, and 78 text messages. All we're from Spencer, and Kay. I erased all of them and dialed a number.

"Hello?" the voice asked.

"Hello darling." I smirked.

"Don't hello me! You scared the shit out of me!!" Kay gasped.

I laughed lightly into the phone.

"Don't laugh. This is serious. Where are you?" She asked a bit more relieved.

"At home, in Vegas." I answered nonchatly.

"Good. We're going home in about a week and we are going to talk about what happened! I want to know what made my best friend leave me!" She pouted.

"Shut up! I swear you are so dramatic. But I will talk to you when you get home. Have fun, and see you in a week." I said before hanging up the phone.

I smiled at the thought of hanging out with my best friends in Vegas. I looked at my wall with pictures covering it. I saw one and stared at it.

Then my heart stopped.

That meant Ryan was coming home.

How does he always find me?
♠ ♠ ♠
"Bang, Bang, Shot 'em Up Yeah!"

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