‹ Prequel: Angel's Child
Status: This story is already fully written, but I'll try to only put up a few chapters at a time. No worries!

Digital Monsters, Digital Adventure

Chapter 1: 'And So It Begins...'

“We’re going out, dad!” Angela called, pulling her katana sheathes over one shoulder.

“Where are you all going?” Leo wondered, seeing his nieces and nephew also pulling on their weapons or jackets.

“E’s makin’ us go ta a comic book convention near Central Park.” Izzy answered, slipping some kunai into her trench coat.

“She wouldn’t stop talkin’ ‘bout it till we agreed ta go.” Z explained, pulling a hood over her green face.

“And nobody else knew about this?” The blue-masked turtle wondered, looking over his shoulder at Mikey and Raph, who were watching TV.

“Sure I knew, dude!” Mikey answered.

“I told my little Ellie all about it!”

“Then why aren’t you going?” Artemis wondered, sitting back in a recliner.

“Silver Sentry’s signing autographs across town today. Thought it was more important.”

Both rolled their eyes, and Mizu closed her book gently.

“Why aren’t you taking Ari with you?”

“She’s feeling a bit under the weather.” Lily explained.

“So I made her some soup and sent her to bed.”

“You know what?”

Kasai straightened, smiling as she righted Rosie’s cap.

“Why don’t we go meet Silver Sentry? It’s been so long…I think it’d be a treat.”

“Just like the good ol’ days.” Chi agreed.

“HEY…” Izzy whined.

“What do you mean by that?” Angie added.

“Oh, never mind.” Don assured, smiling up from his project.

“You guys go have fun. We’ll leave soon, so try not to break anything when you get back.”

“Master Splinter will be here with Ari and Light, so you’d all better be on your best behavior tonight.” Artemis added.

“Alright, mom.” Angela promised.

“We won’t be out too long.” Gabriel added, filling his pack.

“Come on-Come on-Come on!!!!” E kept chanting, jumping around in her long orange skirt and white tank top, long high-heeled cowboy boots covering her legs, and a matching brown jacket covering her arms.

Rosie had pulled on a pinkish-red t-shirt and baggy jeans, and had a baseball cap on her head, unlike the cowboy one her younger cousin wore.

Their older sisters didn’t much like hats, and preferred to go with hoods or fedoras.

Izzy had on a fedora, and a black shirt and baggy jeans under her trench coat, chains rattling from her pockets when she moved.

Z had on her normal white cut-off shirt and baggy beige cargo pants, along with a beige hoodie.

Angela, watching over her cousin’s with a hidden smile, just shrugged.

She herself was wearing a white tank top and ripped jean shorts, along with a long blue coat that brushed the floor.

Pulling a blue baseball cap on, she smiled a bit when she noticed that Rosie had hers on backwards.

‘Just like her sister…’

Lily was checking through her medical kit, taking from experience that anything could happen at any time.

She had on a green tank top, flowers embroidered in white, and regular jeans, along with a jean jacket.

Her younger brother just had on a black/yellow shirt, the fading done to look like lightning, and black jeans.

They were hidden enough not to look suspicious in the summer heat, and were able to express themselves enough to be satiated.

Leo checked them over once visually, and was relieved.

Everyone bid them farewell, and the group was off.

Once streetside, E started skipping ahead of her family, happily chatting about the convention.

Z sped up to make sure her sister didn’t get into any trouble, and Angie had her hands full keeping everyone in a group.

The sidewalks of New York weren’t meant for such a large group of children to travel.

Personally, all of them preferred the rooftops.

Fresh air, lots of space, a clear view of the sky and a beautiful view of the city…

In fact, that’s what Rosie was looking at when she saw something…



“What’s that?”

Gold eyes lifted to the sky, and then the dark red-banded turtle tilted her head curiously.

“Don’t really know…Looks kinda weird…”

“What does?” Gabriel wondered, overhearing them.

“That weird wave thin’ in the sky.” Izzy explained.

“It’s all different colors, an’ I ain’t got any idea what it is!”

“It looks like the Aurora Borealis…”


“The Northern Lights.”

Lily furrowed her brow, the others stopping as well to join in the conversation.

“But we’re too far south for that, aren’t we?”

“Yes, but there’s nothing else that could make the sky do that.”

“Unless it’s just a trick of the eyes…” Angela suggested.

“I don’t think so…Then some ‘a us wouldn’t be able ta see it…” Z pointed out.

“Let’s get to a less crowded place.” Gabriel decided.

“I can check it out with my laptop and figure out what it is.”

They followed him into Central Park, around trees and over bushes, before they got a good view of the strange phenomenon in a clearing of trees.

Gabriel sat down with his trusty laptop, clicking away at the keys as everyone settled around him to look up at the sky.

E had started complaining, but her older sister distracted her with the beautiful colors.

Lily sat by her brother, quiet and contemplative as she bent a flower’s stem gently around her fingers.

Her Waterbending kept it from breaking, but she still loved how she could make so many different designs.

Looking up at her little brother, she tilted her head curiously at the focused look in his eyes, his detached aura…

Gabriel jumped when something wrapped around his wrist, and he looked down to find a strange purple flower.

Bringing his gaze up to his sister, he quirked an eye-ridge.

“…You needed something to keep you here…”

Seeming a bit confused, it seemed to spark together when he saw the almost sad smile on her face.

“I’m your sister. It’s my job to hold on, isn’t it?”

Before he could reply, E jumped up to a sitting position.

“Lookie! I think there are shooting stars!”

Everyone followed her gaze, seeing an open black hole with seven strange lights circling about its center.

“What the shell…?” Izzy muttered, getting onto her feet as Rosie clung to her arm.

“Gab, is it dangerous?” Angie worried.

“It shouldn’t be…” He murmured, standing and closing his laptop, slipping it into his bag.

Z was glaring warily up at the sky, and E seemed hypnotized by the colors.

That’s when the strange white lights seemed to be getting…


“Oh, shell-!” Izzy cursed, shielding her sister with her shell towards the incoming blasts.

“Get down!” Angie ordered, but it came almost too late…

The strange meteorites hit the ground around them, sending dust and debris and grass into the air…

Everyone coughed, too busy trying to breathe to bother with what the SHELL had just happened…

Gabriel was the first to sit up, using his hand to clear some air around him, and looked at the strange little hole near his feet.

There was one near everyone, and no one could help their curiosity.

Little rainbow-colored bubbles floated up, one nearly smacking Rosie in the nose, and they were each grabbed one by one.

Lily looked at the strange little device in her hand, turning it around and around in her fingers.

“Wonder what these things are…” She murmured.

Z nodded, flipping her own through the air before catching it.

E giggled, jumping up.

“Oh, I know! They could be cool maps to a lost kingdom in the sky!”

“…I don’t thin’ so…”

“AW…Come on, sis! It could SO happen!”

“Then again…” Rosie started…

“See?! Rosie believes me!!”

“That’s not very likely-.”

Angela was cut off as the sky seemed to open, dragging them in…

Their screams mingled before everything went dark…


Angela groaned, the darkness vanishing against her wishes…

She wanted to stay asleep a little longer…

She wasn’t ready to get up…


That voice…

Where had she heard it before?

She couldn’t remember…

The fog rose from her mind, and crimson eyes fluttered open…


The little pink head seemed so happy…

But he scared the SHIT out of her…

Angela yelped at first, then managed to regain hold of her heartbeat…

If this strange little creature had wanted to hurt her, it would have done so already…

“You’re awake!” It cheered, giving a toothy grin.

It’s large brown eyes seemed kind and gentle, and it’s strange, long ears gave it a cute look as little fangs peeked out of its mouth.

“How do you know my name?”

“It’s alright! I’m a friend!” He assured, jumping around the she-turtle as she sat up.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Koromon! It means ‘brave little warrior’!”

Angela smiled, picking him up out of thin air as he jumped.

“Should mean ‘hyper little warrior’.” She joked, smiling.

Something rustled in the bushes, and the jade-skinned turtle looked over her shoulder, quirking an eye-ridge.


A grin spread across her face.

“Hey, Gab!”

A little pink creature also followed him, with its cute brown eyes and stubby little arms.

“Hey. Looks like you’ve got one, too.”

“I could say the same. Mine’s Koromon.”


Angie sighed, standing…

“You don’t know where the others are, do you?”


The jade-skinned turtle frowned slightly, thinking hard as Koromon jumped onto her head.

“…We’ll have to go looking for them, then…”

Gabriel followed his eldest cousin through the trees and strange underbrush.

He studied the foliage with dark eyes, already deeming them a strange sub-tropical.

It looked like a rainforest, only more…humble.


The sky-masked turtle stopped on the path, tilting her head curiously.

“Z? Is that you, Zaira?”



E shot out of the bushes, hugging her older cousin as her sister brushed past the broad leaves.

“Are you two okay?”

Gabriel seemed curious of the two creatures following his cousins.

One looked like a pink bulb, a beautiful blue and yellow and orange flower sprouting from its head.

Little roots seemed to act like legs, and it looked up at them with wide green eyes.

The other looked like a strange little floating dinosaur, grey with a white underbelly, and little flipper-wings.

It had a strange tuft of orange hair, and laughing blue eyes.

“Who are…?”



“…Ya guys are good…Am I that predictable?”


Angela smiled, unafraid of Z’s irritation, as Gabriel rolled his eyes.

“And yours?”

“This is Yokomon!”


“It’s very nice to meet you.” Yokomon greeted.

“I wonder where the others are…” Z muttered, Bukamon floating over her shoulder.

“Don’t be so serious! Smile!” He encouraged, flying around her in a crazy pattern.

“Bukamon, would ya stop that?!”




Everyone sighed as the petite girl chased her personal little creature…

“Yo? Angie?”

She whipped around, smiling wider.


The darker-skinned she-turtle stepped onto the path, Rosie following behind her.

Izzy had a strange horned head tucked under her arm, with a white face and orange fur.

He looked up at them all with shy orange eyes.

A cute little white-furred creature was on Rosie’s head.

He had four stubby little legs, ears like Koromon, and the most adorable dark eyes.

“Are you all okay?” Gabriel worried.

“We’re fine.” The crimson-masked turtle assured.

“Who are yer new friends?” Z joked.


The gold-eyed turtle smirked.

“An’ it looks like I ain’t the only one that made a frien’ ‘ere.”

“…Shut it…”

“What about yours?” Elie asked her slightly older, more timid cousin.



Everyone turned to Gabriel, who was staring at the flower bracelet on his wrist…

Motimon tugged on his hand, but it didn’t work…

“Gabe?” Izzy wondered.

He looked up at them with worried, almost panicked, eyes…

“Where’s Lily?”

Silence fell…

They’d all hoped none of them had been stranded alone…

And now…

Was Lily okay?

Had she gotten hurt in the fall?

Had she been eaten?

Worry after worry flooded them, filling their throats and knotting their tongues…

A scream cut through the air, followed by crashing sounds, and the six of them were knocked out of their trances…


Taking off at a mad dash, they avoided twigs and roots and rocks in their desperation…

They broke out into a clearing, and a familiar form stumbled in from another side…

“LIL!” Gabriel shouted, using his old childhood nickname again.

The purple-masked turtle struggled to her feet, panting as a little green creature jumped to her side.

“Are you okay, Lily?”

“I’m fine, Tanemon…”

Trees were torn asunder, and a massive red beetle roared nearby.

“Oh, no! It’s Kuwagamon!” Motimon shouted.

“Guys, GET DOWN!” Lily shouted.

They did it in time to avoid those massive jaws…

He seemed gone in the wide blue sky the next moment, so the group relaxed.

“Lily, ya ‘kay?” Z wondered.

“I’m alright…”

Everyone turned to the little creatures grouped beside them…

“What ARE you guys?” Gabriel questioned.

“We’re Digimon! Digital Monsters!”

“…Huh?” Z muttered articulately, quirking an eyebrow.

“They’re CUTE!” E exclaimed, hugging Yokomon.

The dark blue-banded turtle crouched next to Motimon, studying him curiously…

Izzy seemed over it, but her younger sister seemed to enjoy playing with her own Digimon.

Everyone was sinking into a feeling of ‘normalcy’, like they’d heard their parents had.

Weird things happened all the time, so why fight the tide?

Make the best of it, they’d learned.

A roar, and everyone was startled by trees crashing just behind them…

“Oh shell-! RUN!” Izzy shouted, grabbing her sister’s hand as she started running.

Angie helped pull along Z and E, and Lily kept an eye on Gabriel as the group bolted.

The younger turtle’s kept stumbling, almost tripping over twigs and roots and rocks…

The Digimon hardly kept up, though they managed without the long legs.

“Guys, he’s coming back!” Rose shouted above the pounding of feet.

“GET DOWN!” Angie shouted.

The jaws skimmed just above them, upsetting the tails of their bandanas, and Z panted.

“We gotta fight!”

“He’ll eat us alive!” Gabriel argued.

“We don’t stand a chance!” Lily agreed, jumping to her feet.

“We have to keep moving!” Angela insisted, urging her family up.

Another sky-splitting shriek, and there was no need for more encouragement…

The trees suddenly opened up to a cliff, and Izzy had to skid to a halt…

“Is it safe?”

Angie shrugged, but headed out to edge to check it out.

“Too steep…We’ll have to find another way.”

“Oh, that’s nice…WHAT OTHER WAY?!” Z shouted.

A tree nearly fell on Lily and Gabriel as Kuwagamon flew for them.

They managed to get down, felt the air move sharply above them, before the large Digimon swooped back into the air.

Angie sat up, allowing herself to breathe, when Koromon shouted.



He was coming back, and there was hardly any time to run, let alone get down…

“Bubble Blow!”

It knocked the larger Digimon off-course, but Koromon was smacked harshly to the


He was heading straight for the others…

“Digimon ATTACK!” Yokomon ordered.

The six little Digimon jumped up, yelling simultaneously…

“Bubble Blow!”

A roar as the little creatures were knocked away, and Kuwagamon crash-landed into the forest, hidden from sight…

“YOKOMON!” Elie cried, worried for her little partner.

“Tsunomon? TSUNOMON?!”

“Bukamon? Bukamon, ya better not be playin’ wit’ me! Bukamon?!”


“Tanemon? Tanemon, are you okay?!”


They rushed to the creatures sides, cradling them close in worry…

“Koromon…Why’d you do that, buddy?”

“I wanted to make a good first impression…”

“Crazy little Digimon…”

Splinters flew into the air, making Rosie jump…


“Over here!” Angie shouted, and the seven were crowded at the edge of the jutting rock as Kuwagamon advanced on them…

“We’ve got to run…” Gabriel stated.

“No. We fight.”

Everyone stared at Koromon like he was CRAZY…


“That’s right! It’s the only way! Stand and fight!”

“Koromon’s right! It’s time to show what we’re made of!” Motimon agreed.

“No! You can’t!”

“They’re right!”

“Yokomon, you can’t!”

“Let me go-Let me go-Let me go!” Tsunomon chanted, fighting against Izzy’s hold.

“We can do it-We can do it-We can do it!” Tokomon started as well, baring shark-like teeth as Rosie fought for a hold.

“Ya can’t! Ya’ll get killed!”

“Don’t, Tokomon!”

“Let me go-Let me go!” Bukamon whined, flapping harshly against Z’s arms.

“…You too, Tanemon?”

A soft nod, and Lily bit her lip…

“Sorry, Angie!”

Koromon broke free, along with the others, and they charged.








Light shone from their belts, and a strange vortex opened in the sky…

Columns of rainbow colored light came down, surrounding each individual Digimon…

“What’s going on?”

“Koromon, Digivolve to…AGUMON!!”

“Yokomon, Digivolve to…BIYOMON!!”

“Motimon, Digivolve to…TENTOMON!!”

“Tsunomon, Digivolve to…GABUMON!!”

“Tokomon, Digivolve to…PATAMON!!”

“Bukamon, Digivolve to…GOMAMON!!”

“Tanemon, Digivolve to…PALMON!!”

The light died, and the group’s eyes widened…

“…WHOA…” Z muttered.

“They sure got…BIG…” Izzy noted.

“Maybe this means they’re stronger…” Gabriel mumbled to himself.

The Digimon jumped at their opponent, but he smacked them back with relative ease…

“Alright, then! You asked for it!”

Kuwagamon tried to take flight…

“Poison Ivy!”

He couldn’t go up any higher…

“Boom Bubble!”

“Super Shocker!”

Kuwagamon was coming down with a screech…

Gomamon slid, knocking him to his knees.

“Let’s get him everyone! Pepper Breath!”

“Blue Blaster!”

“Spiral Twister!”

The Digimon regrouped as flames licked at the large beetle’s head…

“Now, all together! Pepper Breath!”

“Blue Blaster!”

“Spiral Twister!”

“Super Shocker!”

“Boom Bubble!”

Kuwagamon seemed to burst into flame, and fell back with a shriek, seemingly defeated.


“…COOL!” Elie exclaimed, running forward to meet Biyomon’s hug.

Z had to agree about that, though she didn’t say it, and the smallest of smiles covered her face when Gomamon climbed onto her head.

“’Ey, ya crazy little Digimon. Let’s not try our luck ‘gain.”

“But that’s the fun part!” He whined playfully.

Angie smiled, crouching down to meet Agumon’s leaping hug…

This caused her to land on her back from the force, but she still smiled and embraced him back.

Izzy put a hand on Gabumon’s head, smirking.

“Nice one, Gabumon.”

Rosie smiled as Patamon flew into her arms, and the little blue-eyed Digimon nuzzled her chin happily, wings flapping softly.

Gabriel studied Tentomon’s shell intently, asking questions with the curiosity of a young child.

Lily lifted Palmon up into a hug, giggling and laughing as the embrace was returned.

Unfortunately, the celebration was cut short…

Sharp jaws split the rock apart, and it skidded under the turtles feet…

“IZZY!” Rosie shouted, terrified as she clung to Patamon tight…

“Z!” E screamed, and Biyomon began flapping her wings as the rock started free-falling…

Everyone shouted in surprise, trying to grab hold of siblings or cousins or Digimon as the air whistled past...

What more could POSSIBLY go wrong?