‹ Prequel: Angel's Child
Status: This story is already fully written, but I'll try to only put up a few chapters at a time. No worries!

Digital Monsters, Digital Adventure

Chapter 2: 'Birth of Greymon'


Biyomon’s foot caught hold of her partner’s wrist, and she flapped her wings as hard as she could.



Patamon and Tentomon struggled against the added weight, but all three fell once their wings gave out…

“Poison Ivy!”

Lily jerked almost painfully as the vines found a hold, but some of the cliff came free of its place…

Z and Gomamon hit the water first, and the she-turtle sputtered, unable to swim…

“Marching Fishes!”

A raft of colorful fish, and Z panted for breath as the others hit the floating fish.

“I’m NE’ER eatin’ sushi ‘gain…” Izzy muttered.

“I’m with you…” Angie agreed.

Patamon was checking Rose over, since her eyes were closed and she couldn’t seem to talk…

“Thank you, fishies!” E stated, smiling as Biyomon covered her shell with a wing.

“Uh oh…We’re not out of the woods yet!” Gabriel informed.


The boulders, and Kuwagamon, hit the river behind them, making massive waves and rough water…

The turtles gripped the fish raft tighter as it threatened to buck them off unintentionally.

A massive wave sent them tumbling through the air and onto shore, where they lay on their shells, gulping air down into their begging lungs…

“…AWESOME! Can we do it again?”

Everyone glared at E…

“Um…Maybe not…”

“If it adn’t been fer Bukamon…”

Z stopped…

“Well, I guess it ain’t Bukamon anymore, huh?”

“Gomamon now.”


“So you’re not Tokomon anymore?” Rose wondered.

“Now I’m Patamon.”

“It’s all because we Digivolved.” Agumon explained.

“So Digivolving is when they advance to the next level and become more powerful…” Gabriel mused.

“Right, all of us Digivolved.” Tentomon replied.

“I went from Motimon to Tentomon.”

“I Digivolved from Yokomon to Biyomon.”

“First, I was Tsunomon, then Gabumon.”

“And I changed from Tanemon to Palmon.”

“And me, I was Koromon, and I Digivolved into Agumon.”

“Ya sure got bigger when ya Digivolved…” Izzy noted.

“Are you still Digimon?” Lily wondered.

“Digimon. But I needed your help, Angie.”

“My help? What did I do?”

“You see, Digivolving is a very difficult process. In order to be successful, I had to share your energy.”


“I guess you don’t run on batteries…” Elie stated.

“Sure don’t!” Biyomon replied, nuzzling her partner’s chin.

“But how do you access my energy?” Gabriel wondered.

“Even we don’t know everything!”

“Thanks for my magical powers!” Palmon stated.

“This kind of hurts my head…” Lily muttered, still smiling at her partner.

“No problem, Palmon.”

“I’m glad I helped you change…” Rose admitted, smiling at her partner.

“I’m glad I changed, too. Now I can protect you!” Patamon replied, grinning.

“Yer not so bad, Gomamon…I guess this won’t be TOO horrible…” Z joked.

“Maybe it won’t be so bad traveling with you, either. Maybe I’ll get you to loosen up, Ms. Grouchy-Pants.”

“We’ll see, little man…We’ll see…”

“Let’s stop messin’ ‘round. What are we gonna do?”

“That’s a hard thing to say…” Angie muttered.

“We started up there.” Lily noted, pointing up at the forest on the other side of the river, up in the cliff.

“It would be too much work to get all the way back there…” Gabriel noted.

“So let’s explore ‘round ‘ere.” Z decided.

“But what about mommy?” E worried.

“Won’t she be looking for us?”

“She’ll find us just fine, sis. If we stay ‘ere, then that big bug will find us again, too.”

“But which way do we go?” Rosie wondered.

“We don’t even know which way is north…” Gabriel agreed.

“Wait, I do!”

“Really? Where?”

“It’s the opposite of south!”



“If we go back, we might find out why we’re here…How we got here…” Lily mused.

“…Are there humans here?”

Everyone turned to see Elie, who kept eye contact with Biyomon.


“They’re kind of like us, only different.”

“Nope. You’re the first ones ever!”

“…If you’re all Digimon…Are those monsters…Digimon, too?” Rosie asked.

“Yes…” Patamon replied, wings lowering.

“This is dangerous…” Lily muttered.

“And what happens when it gets dark?” Angela agreed.

“We ain’t gonna fin’ out anythin’ by standin’ ‘round ‘ere.” Izzy decided, standing.

“Where are ya goin’?”

“I saw the ocean before. Maybe there’s a boat or somethin’.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Angie, and she thought it over as Gabumon followed his partner…

“…Let’s go.”

The group trotted after, and settled in a gentle pace alongside the river.

Gomamon swam beside them, a smile on his face, as he tried to splash Z.

This didn’t make her the happiest person…

“Digital Monsters…Who exactly came up with that name, anyway?”

“Just call us Digimon. We like that.” Tentomon replied.

“I only ask because your composition isn’t machine-like.”

“Oh, really?”

Sparks flew from his wings, and Gabriel shielded his face with his arms.


“So, Patamon…Can you really fly?” Rosie wondered.

“Of course!”

Patamon jumped off his partner’s head, flapping his wings hard in order to stay in the air.

“That’s great, Patamon.”

Rosie sweat-dropped…

“…Um…But you’re going the wrong way…”

“I’m faster than that! Watch!” Biyomon stated, taking off.

Elie joined her cousin in watching their Digimon fall behind…

“Wouldn’t it be faster to walk?”

“Those are beautiful flowers…” Lily mumbled, lifting some into her hands.

“What are you going to do with them?” Palmon wondered, seeing the purple-masked turtle start weaving the stems.

“I’m making…”

Once done, she hung the purple and green flowers around the Digimon’s neck…

“A necklace.”

Green eyes looked up at her curiously, and Lily returned a smile.

“I always make something for someone I think needs it.”

“This’ll be one CRAZY story…” Angie stated, smiling at Agumon.

“I’m just glad my parents will believe me.”


“They’ve done plenty of weird things, especially when they were our age. Uncle Don will have field day.”

Gabumon stopped, and Izzy halted when she noticed him sniffing the air.

“Ah…Nothing like the ocean.”

“Everybody, get in the water!” Gomamon laughed.

“…I don’t think so…” Z replied.


“…Ya’d better watch yerself when ya get out ‘a that water…”

“Then there’s a beach ahead…” Gabriel deduced.

“We can make sandcastles!” E rejoiced.

A ringing reached their ears, and the four eldest turtles looked around, zeroing in…

“Payphone?” Izzy wondered.


“Then let’s go find it!” Z replied, heading off at a fast clip towards the sound.

“Wait for us!” E called, and the group jogged to catch up.

Dirt turned to sand, and it slid a bit under their feet as they started running.

Eight payphones, lined up in a row, seemed to rise out of the loose sand, and Angie got to the first one in a moment.

Opening the door, she quirked an eye-ridge when the ringing suddenly cut off.

“Wron’ number?” Izzy suggested.

“They wouldn’t have been on the line long enough if that was the reason…” Lily replied.

“We can still call our parents.” Gabriel replied.

“Yeah…I’ll call mom, you get dad.”

Izzy nodded.

“Rosie, ya call mom.”


“I’ll take mom.” Z offered as E ran to a payphone.


Angie sighed, looking at the phone before her sadly…

‘I’m glad Ari’s not here, but…I’m just worried that she’s not okay…’

Picking up the phone, she carefully pushed in the right number…

“At the tone, the time will be exactly 45 miles per hour and ninety seconds.”

“Tomorrows weather calls for clear skies with the occasional ice cream.”

“This number only exists in your imagination. Please hang up, and don’t call back.”

“No telephones are working in your service area. Hang up and have a nice day!”

“…Either they’re playin’ the biggest prank in the whole world, or these thin’s are messed up…” Z decided.

“…It could be either…” Izzy muttered.

“I guess they don’t work…” Angie mumbled to herself, looking over her cousins…

“…But I guess we could take a break here.”

Everyone breathed out, settling on the sand. Angela stayed standing, leaning on the Cliffside keeping watch, as the others tried to relax.

Izzy sat up, an arm around her partner’s shoulders as she looked down the beach…

Z and Gomamon were arguing quietly with each other, seeming to enjoy having someone with their verbal skills to fight with, as Gomamon lay on his partner’s stomach.

Lily let her own partner lean on her in a doze, and she mumbled lullabies and stories to keep herself occupied.

Gabriel was on her other side, listening to her soft voice as he tried to get his computer to work, Tentomon leaning on him.

Elie was cuddled up with Biyomon on the sand, already starting to fall asleep as her partner kept her warm.

Rosie watched the ocean, mesmerized by the gentle waves and the reflection of the sun…

Patamon was curled up on her lap like a cat, ears down and face peaceful as the wind rustled his fur.

She patted his head carefully, looking distant and quiet…

“Who has anything to eat?”

Lily shook her head.

“I only have my first aid equipment and…”

She paused, touching something on her belt…

“Hey…It’s that weird device that fell from the sky…”

Gabriel nodded, pulling his own into his palm.

“I fergot all ‘bout it…” Izzy admitted.

“We wouldn’t have them if they weren’t important.” Angie stated.

“If I could take mine apart…”

A growling rumble cut the dark blue-banded turtle off…

“On the other hand…”

“None of us brought anything…” Z muttered.

“We were going to a comic convention. We couldn’t have known…” Angie grumbled.

“Then shouldn’t we go find some food?” Elie wondered.

“Right…I’ll go.”

Izzy stood up, Gabumon following…

“Wait for me.” Rose called, standing up to run after her sister.

“Ya better stay behind, sis.”


“Go on. Ya look tired.”

Strange crimson-tinted brown eyes narrowed.

“I feel fine.”

Izzy sighed, allowing her sister to follow, Patamon on her head.

The little orange-furred Digimon flew up, grabbing hold of some high fruit…

He pulled, wings flapping hard.

“Patamon? Do you need some help?” Rose worried.

“I’ll ‘elp ‘im.”

The crimson-masked turtle jumped up among the branches, and pulled the fruit off easily.

“Come on, then. Let’s look fer more.”

Patamon followed her through the leaves, and the other two kept watch from below.

“Look out below!”

Rosie caught the food as it fell, but one unlucky one…


Gabumon rubbed his head, the food stuck on his horn, and Patamon smiled sheepishly…

“Sorry, Gabumon…”

Izzy chuckled.

“Ya better watch yer aim, Patamon.”

“It’s alright, Patamon…” His partner assured.

“Nobody got hurt.”

The gold-eyed turtle jumped down, and the two turtles headed back with armloads of food…

Elie looked up drowsy eyes when they returned, but the sleep vanished from the dark eyes when she spotted the food.


Everyone seemed to jump to attention, and the turtles sat in a circle around the pile.

“We don’t have enough for all fourteen of us…” Gabriel informed.

“But we can’t just let some ‘a ‘em starve. That ain’t fair.” Z replied.

“We’ll figure somethin’ out…”

“Not a problem at all. We Digimon hunt and forage for ourselves.” Gabumon assured.

“No need to include us into your calculations.” Tentomon agreed.

“You sure, Biyo?” Elie wondered.

“Oh, absolutely! We can do alright for ourselves.”

“Well, since that’s done wit’…” Z started…

The blue-eyed she-turtle paused when she heard the sounds of eating…

Everyone turned…


He looked at them, mouth full with a rather large orange they’d found…


“You should’ve waited!” Angela chided.

Z smacked her forehead, and Lily rolled her eyes good-naturedly…

Gomamon shifted sharply in the water, the sound catching his partner’s attention, and Biyomon stood up, facing the payphones…


“What now?”


A beam of water came out of the sand like a geyser, sending the payphones high into the sky before they crashed down into shards.

Something drilled its way up, revealing a massive shell, and a pink Digimon revealed his head, topped with green tentacles.


“Whose that?” Gabriel asked his partner.

“Something that gets mad for no reason!”

“Oh, that’s just GREAT!” Izzy muttered sarcastically.

Z remembered something…


She bolted for the water…

“Z!” Angie yelled.


“Z, DON’T!” Gomamon shouted, swimming towards her…

A stream of water hit her into the air, and she hit the sand rolling…


Gomamon was hit back into the water himself…

“Z!” Elie shouted, worried and near tears…

“Get him, Agumon!”

“Digimon, attack! Pepper Breath!”

“Blue Blaster!”

Nothing escaped but wisps of blue flame, and he seemed confused…

“Spiral Twister!”

Green sparks, and Biyomon nearly fell out of the air in exhaustion…

“Super Shocker!”

Barely a crackle of electricity…

“What’s wron’ wit’ ‘em?!” Izzy demanded.

A stream of water knocked all four Digimon back, rolling head-over-heels.

“Boom Bubble!”

A breath of air, like a sigh, and he was smacked away by a green tentacle.

“Poison Ivy!”

The vines didn’t escape their sheathes, and Palmon was head-butted away.

“Pepper Breath!”

“Why’s Agumon the only one who can fight?” Lily wondered, cradling her partner’s head…

“We’re just too hungry…” Tentomon complained.

“That must be it!” Gabriel exclaimed.

“Agumon was the only one who ate anything! The others just don’t have any strength left to fight!”

“But…Can ‘e do this by ‘imself?” Izzy wondered.

Angie’s eyes searched the sand, as if looking for an answer, and then clenched her fist.

“Agumon, it’s just you and me!”

“Then give me a diversion!”

She bolted off to Shellmon’s side, picking up a piece of scrap metal…

“Angie, DON’T!” Z shouted, still struggling to her feet as Gomamon tried helping her…

The metal rang against the hard shell, again and again…

“Pepper Breath!”

The attack wasn’t enough…

Angie cried out as a tentacle wrapped around her waist, ripping her feet off the ground…



A massive hand closed over the dinosaur Digimon’s body, immobilizing him…


“What are we gonna do?” Elie wondered, tears escaping in her worry…

“We’ve got to save her!”

Lily tried bringing water to her hands, but…

It didn’t move…

“What’s going on?”

“In this world, we can’t bend elements…” Gabriel noted.

Angie cried out as the tentacle tightened its hold…

“ANGIE!” Izzy shouted, worried for her friend…

Water blasted them back, and they were too dazed to stand up again…

“No! Stop it-!”

The sky-masked turtle gasped for breath as her shell squeezed her lungs…

‘I can’t let him hurt them…’

She struggled, but it seemed to worsen the pain…


“Angie, hold on!”

“I-I can’t…”

Blackness started eating at her vision…

“I-I’m sorry…” She managed to gasp out…


A bright light enveloped her senses, and crimson eyes snapped open…

“Agumon, Digivolve to…GREYMON!!”

Shellmon was knocked back by the sudden size change of his prisoner, and Angie was flung from his hold…

She hit the sand shell-first, and rolled away.

“Agumon?” She panted, confused.

‘Wait…I’ve seen him before? Where…?’

She couldn’t place it…

Like the memory was fighting to try and come up, but it only tickled her consciousness…

The two large Digimon faced off, waiting for who would strike first…

They charged, smashing together like boulders, but Shellmon pulled back.

A beam of water, but Greymon dodged to the side, fire escaping his mouth so it turned the liquid to steam.

Shellmon was lifted into the air by the large dinosaur Digimon’s horned head, and flung high into the air.

Greymon aimed for the exposed underbelly…

“Nova Blast!”

Smoke as the pink Digimon flew to the horizon as fast as a shooting star…

The splash barely caught their attention, and Angie looked up at Greymon in amazement.


He glowed, Dedigivolving back to Agumon, and fell forward…


Scrambling to her feet, the sky-masked turtle kneeled next to her partner.


“Yeah, buddy?”

“Do you have anything to eat?”

Confusion, then a soft smile crossed her face…

“Anything for you, Agumon…”

Everyone regrouped, allowing the Digimon to eat their fill of their findings.

“…Why’d you do that, Z?”

She quirked an eyebrow at her partner.

“Do what?”

“Try to save me.”

“…Well, I figured it wouldn’t ‘urt ta try…” She grumbled, clearly uncomfortable.

“Shellmon wasn’t destroyed, just…”

“Temporarily removed.” Gabriel assisted.

“Right.” Lily agreed.

“So we need to get away from the water.”

“Then we’d better get going.” Angie decided.

“Anywhere you wanna go I’ll go, Angie! Just pick the direction!”

“Then let’s get out of here!”

“An’ let the monsters beware…” Izzy added, smirking.

Rose seemed to shudder, hugging Patamon tighter.

“Monsters? But I don’t WANNA see anymore monsters!” Elie whined.

“Suck it up, sis.” Z replied, standing.

“Well, let’s make the best of it!” Lily decided, Palmon taking hold of her hand.

“Yeah! Right, Biyo?”


“These guys don’t know what they’re in fer…” Z mumbled, smirking a bit.

‘This may be more fun than I thought…’