‹ Prequel: Angel's Child
Status: This story is already fully written, but I'll try to only put up a few chapters at a time. No worries!

Digital Monsters, Digital Adventure

Chapter 28: 'It's All In The Cards'

“Myotismon has closed the gate. You can’t follow him now.”

“WE CAN SEE THAT!!!!!” Z raged, unable to calm herself.

“Look, man! Ya’ve gotta get us back ta our world!” Izzy demanded.

“If you don’t, he’ll go on a rampage and kill innocent people!” Lily added.

“Our whole world will be doomed, and so will this one if he finds the eighth child first…” Gabriel reminded.

“There’s just GOT to be a way!” Elie insisted.

“You know a way, don’t you?” Rose questioned.

“Of course I do. Any door can be opened with the right keys.”

Angie looked thoughtful, brow furrowed as Koromon sat on her shoulder…

“You have these key?”

“Yes. Come to my house, and I’ll explain everything.”

“How do we get there?” Z wondered, hope overpowering wrath.

“Just look up.”

“What kinda directions are those?” Izzy demanded, hands on her hips.

“Very good ones if you’d just listen.”

Interest perked, they began to search the dark sky…

“Look there!” Patamon shouts, wings holding him up as everyone’s attention was drawn to the searchlight.

“Sorry, I ran out of maps. Just follow the light and you can’t miss it.”

“Thanks, Gennai.”

“Time to go, guys.”

As the hologram disappeared, the turtles followed the light like the three kings followed the star to find baby Jesus.

So they were actually looking for an old guy instead of a holy baby, it was still the same thing!

And apparently, the old man lived in a lake…

You heard me.

IN a lake.

Not ON the lake or BY a lake.


“Only in the Digital World…” Gabriel muttered.

“How are we supposed to get to his house?” Rose wondered, crouching beside the pink-colored water.

“Guess we start swimmin’…” Z grumbled, ready to hit Gennai when they found him…

“Come on in!” Gomamon shouted, jumping in with a splash.

“The water’s great!”

Suddenly, the water began to glow and bubble, worrying his partner…

“Little man, are ya feelin’ a’right? Yer just fartin’, right?”

The searchlight stopped, pointing straight at the sky as the water parted.

It was like Moses himself parted the liquid, revealing stairs leading down into the lake.

“…I can’t wait to go home…” Angie admitted tiredly.

“All this crazy stuff always makes my head spin…” Lily agreed.

Scooping her partner up, Z followed her family in the pink underbelly of the lake.

Fish swam around them, some curious enough to come closer and amuse the two youngest turtles.

A large Japanese house came into view, with a beautiful garden, man-made pond, and polished wood bridge.

“Where’s the doorbell?” Elie wondered.


Jumping at the sudden call, everyone turned to glare at Izzy.

“DANG it, Belle! You almost gave me a heart attack!” Angie scolded.

“I think I’m deaf…” Gabriel muttered, rubbing where his ‘ears’ were.

“Who needs a doorbell with such noisy guests?”

Elie grinned.

“Look, Yoko! It’s the real Gennai!”

“Who were you expecting? Santa Claus?”

“Santa’s here? WHERE?!”

“…Don’t min’ my sis…She’s sweet, at least…”


“Gennai, why do you call us the Digidestined?” Angie questioned.

“Because you were chosen to save this world and your own.”

“By who?” Lily wondered.

“Now isn’t the time. Come inside, I have something to show you all.”

Following the elderly man, they settled into a Japanese-style dining room, complete with no chairs.

He left to get snacks, and the turtles looked around.

Three of the walls looked like aquariums full of different types of fish, mainly saltwater.

No one pointed it out, since the deduced Digimon would be far stranger than weird fish.

A strange projection screen came down after Gennai returned with sushi, and he stood beside it with a fan.

“Now a look at the weather. Country, state, city.”

The map had zoomed in, and showed a glowing red circle…

“Do any of you recognize this area?”

“It’s New York. Near the lair.” Gabriel answered.

“Correct. And the red circle…reveals Myotismon’s location.”

Angie shot up at the information…

“He’s only a mile from where we live!”

“Too close fer comfort, if ya ask me…” Izzy agreed.

Lily was worried, clasping Palmon’s hand tighter.

‘I hope everything’s alright…’


The room liked it was the archives for a library, with shelves and units along all the walls that reached the ceiling with ease.

“Now ‘ow do we open the gate ta our world?” Z questioned.

“You certainly are impatient. Keep your headband on, my young friend.”

Grumbling about annoying old men, the brown-masked turtle righted the headband atop her head as he went through a drawer high off the ground.

He hopped down with something in his hands, looking pleased.

“You’ll need these.”

Spreading them on a low coffee table, he flipped the cards up to show they were like playing cards with Digimon pictured on them.

“What are they for?” Gabriel wondered.

“There are nine holes on the stone wall of the gate.”

“…So these are the keys you were talking about?”

“That’s right. However, take a closer look. It’s not quite as simple as that.”

Everyone stared intensely at the cards…

“There’s an extra.” Lily noted.

“That’s right. One of them is a fake.”

“Well, that’s not helping much…” Elie stated.

“Well, we’ll just mess wit’ combos till we fin’ the right one.” Izzy decided.

“No you will not, you silly girl!”

As Izzy was being ‘choked’ dramatically by an ‘angry’ Gennai, the others sweat dropped…

“That’s absolutely the last thing you should do! There are many, many other worlds! If you put the cards in the wrong holes, it’ll be a disaster! You could end up in a different world, with no way to return!”

“A’right, a’right! I get it!”

Once released, it seemed Gennai contained himself as Izzy plopped on her behind, breathing hard as Gabumon nuzzled her arm.

“Let me explain. For example, putting the wrong cards in could send you to a world where people and Digimon change skin.”

“WHOA…” Z muttered.

“Sounds cool!” Elie added.

“Wouldn’t it, Yoko?”

“…Stop talkin’, sis…”


“As long as you learn to use the cards correctly, there will be no need to worry about that.” Gennai assured as he picked up said cards.

“But we don’t have an idea how to use them.” Rose pointed out.

“You must learn to use your power the way Myotismon is using his. Tomorrow, I shall teach you the proper use of the cards.”

Taking the offered deck, Angie looked at them closely…

‘I hope we don’t mess this up…’


With everyone fast asleep on futons, Gabriel had snuck out to meet Gennai in the library-like room.

He was a curious person by nature, and wanted to know everything he could.

This was important though, and was necessary information that he felt sure he’d need.

The blue-masked turtle, eyes bright with curiosity and eagerness, asked all the questions he could, memorizing the answers.

“The Digital World is like our world but…DIFFERENT…why is that?”

“The same material is used in all worlds.”

“Molecules and atoms?”

“Exactly. Everything in the Digital World came from data from YOUR world. So if there are strange things here, they are a result of broken or missing data.”

“Are you just made of computer data too, Gennai? Are you like the Digimon?”

“In each of the worlds, I would appear somewhat different.”

“If you’re not human, how are you different from the Digimon?”

“I have no attributes.”

“Attributes? You mean like the different attacks Digimon have?”

“Yes, and the way a Digimon Digivolves. But attributes determine much more than that.”


“They explain why some Digimon are good and some are evil. All Digimon can be classified as Data, Virus, or Vaccine.”

“I guess we’re pretty familiar with the Virus type…” Gabriel admitted, rubbing the back of his head in a sheepish manner…

“By the way, have you used that Digimon Analyzer I gave you?”

“Actually, I have. But the only problem is…Well, I can only see Digimon I’VE met before. What about seeing the ones the others have seen?”

“Hmmm…You’re right, that IS a problem…”

“Can you fix it?”

“Just leave it to me, my young friend. I should have it all taken care of by morning. But for now, you’d better get some rest. I’ve got a surprise for all of you tomorrow as well.”

“Alright, Gennai…Good night.”


Morning brought light and fresh food for breakfast.

All fourteen of them were starving, and were eager to dig in to their hearts content.

Sometimes they fought over the last sushi roll, or maybe a dumpling, but it was play-fighting at best.

Soon, all that was left were crumbs and bones, causing the turtles and their partners to lean back because of their bulging stomachs.

The sliding doors opened, revealing Gennai.

“Good morning, all.”

“Good morning, Gennai.” They all chorused respectfully.

“Gabriel, I completed the modifications for your computer.”

Opening the laptop, he pointed out a new addition.

“When you insert someone’s Digivice into this adaptor, the Analyzer will show information on any Digimon that person has seen.”

Shutting it once more, he slipped it back into its bag as he balanced another box on his other arm.

“I also installed a new screensaver. You know the one with the colored fishes swimming around? I really liked that one.”

“Great minds think alike.”

“And now I have a request for all of you. You must not forget that you are the Digidestined. I have something here that will help your search.”

Opening the box, he showed eight strange watches.

Each one had a different color, matching their crests.

“These are very powerful holographic machines. Merely strap them onto your wrists and you will blend into the human world for your search.”

Rosie’s eyes widened…

“You mean we can look human?”

“Exactly. Come to put them on.”

Angie carefully stepped forward, taking the orange-faced watch, cautiously strapping it on.

“Now press the large button.”

Doing so, there was a bright flash of light before the hologram started up.

She was the same height and build, but without a shell, she seemed more shapely under the clothes.

She had tanned skin, along with long, wavy platinum-blonde hair down to her knees.

It was in a ponytail, still reaching that length, and had side-swept bangs over one eye.

“WHOA…” Z managed.

“You look great, Angie!” Koromon complimented.

Smiling shyly, she blushed.

“Aw, you guys…”

“My turn!” Izzy stated, jumping up to grab the blue-faced machine.

Strapping it on and pressing the button, there was a second flash of light…

The clothes and build were the same, just like their eyes, but they seemed different thanks to the lack of shells.

Her skin was a bit darker, but with thick, wild-looking deep-red hair.

It was down her back, done in a chunky braid.

“WHOA…Nice look…”

“Thanks, Z…an’ if yer kiddin’, shut it…”

“Anyway, I’m next.”

The brown-masked she-turtle took the grey watch, pressing the button once it was secure.

She looked much the same, except her skin seemed a healthy normal color.

Lily came forward for the next watch, charging it up.

Once it was working, she was immediately different.

Her skin was a pale peach, and she had blue/black hair in ringlets down to her shoulder blades.

Gabriel took his own, and closed his eyes at the flare.

His skin was even paler than his sister’s, with dark brown, shaggy hair.

“My turn-My turn!” Elie shouted, jumping up to grab a watch.

When she pressed the button, she changed in the light.

With her shell gone, she had dirty blonde hair down to her shoulders in layers.

Rose went next, after much prodding, and was changed into a human like the others.

She had a strange red/orange hair color, down in pigtail braids.

“Now THIS is cool.”

Everyone seemed happy with the new looks, even if their clothes were the same.

Before they enjoyed it much longer, Gennai had to cut in.

“I will not be able to help you once you enter Myotismon’s castle. I know you will manage to do it. Good luck.”

Angie took the cards, and nodded as they shut off the watches.

She even pocketed the eighth one, with a pink face.

“Don’t worry, Gennai. We won’t let you down.”


“Is it possible that this place is scarier than it was the last time?” Elie wondered.

“I wouldn’t be surprised…” Lily admitted.

Izzy peaked in, eyes narrowing.

“There’s two Devidramon left in ‘ere. Big brutes, too.”

“How are we going to get past them to the gate?” Rose wondered.

“Leave that to me!” Tentomon assured.

“I’ll take them out while you go in.”

Angie nodded, and Gabriel held his crest.

“Go get them, Tento!”

“Tentomon, Digivolve to…KABUTERIMON!! Kabuterimon, Digivolve to…MEGAKABUTERIMON!!”

He busted through, tackling the two Digimon down as the others ran in and down the strange stairs.

The optical illusions were still up…

“Horn Buster!”

Then, in a flash of bright life…


Everything was set right again, and they tripped onto the stairs.

Gabriel managed to stay near the top of the pile as Motimon tumbled down the steps.


Catching the little Digimon, the dark-eyed turtle smiled.

“You fixed the warp in space!”

“Great…Can I sleep now?”

“Come on!” Angie ordered.

Running down the same flight of steps, they were soon before the massive metal gate that had closed on them the day before.

Staring at the ‘altar’ closely, the group of turtles and Digimon stared at the cards, trying to figure out what order they needed.

There were symbols upon it, and Gabriel was trying to decipher them as the others made suggestions amongst themselves.

As he muttered to himself to try and figure it out, something above them began to quake.

“What’s that sound?” Lily wondered.

“I’ll go find out!” Patamon offered, flying up the staircase.

“Someone’s goin’ ta ‘ave ta choose.”

Izzy turned to Angie decidedly.

“Yer call, Fearless.”

“My call?”

“Yer the leader, so it’s yer choice ‘ow we do this.”

The crimson-eyed turtle looked at all of her cousins, seeing the same decision in all their eyes.

“…So whatever I say, you’ll go along with?”

A group nod.

“…Then I choose Gabe.”

He jumped out of his thoughts.


“You’re the only one I can think of that could figure this out, Gabe. I trust you to make the best choice.”

“We all believe in you, bro.”

Looking unsure, he turned back to the podium of stone.

“…Alright…I’ll do my best.”

Everyone was jumpy, because there were crashing and tumbling sounds.

“Hey, guys! The walls and ceiling of the castle are all caving in! The passages are all blocked!”

“Are you sure, Pat?” Rose wondered, catching the Digimon in her arms.

“Guess we can’t go back…” Z grumbled.

Gabriel pulled out his laptop, mind racing…

‘What would dad do?’

Suddenly, looking at the pictures and the cards and the podium, a rush of inspiration filled him.

“That’s it!”

Everyone else was just as excited, seeing him rush around and make sure how to make it all work.

“Whose met up with Digitamamon and Shogungekomon?”

“I ‘ave.” Z answered, handing over her Digivice.

Snapping it into the adaptor, he downloaded the information.

“I’ve got it, guys.”

Everyone gathered around him as he drew on the dirt, mimicking the slots.

“See these pictures at the top? The lion, the centaur, and the monkey? They represent Leomon, Centarumon, and Etemon. Thus, there are three classifications. Data, Virus, and Vaccine. The stars represent Rookie, Champion, and Ultimate. With this information, we can put the cards in the right place!”

“You did it!” Elie congratulated.

“Still…There’s two cards here.”

Gabriel tapped the space holding both the Gomamon and Agumon cards.

“I don’t know which one is fake…”

“Ya did good.” Z assured.

“’Sides, Angie can figure out which one is fake.”

“Hope I don’t mess up…” Angie admitted.

“Ya won’t, Fearless.”

Placing the other cards in their places, the sky-masked turtle was faced with the two she needed to choose from.

Koromon was on her head, feeling her tension…

That’s when a massive spider Digimon came down at them from above…

“AH!” Lily cried out, ducking.

“It’s Dokugumon!” Gabriel informed, crouched over his laptop with Motimon.

Shutting it and putting the piece of technology away, he scooped up his partner and started moving for safety.

Little mini spiders were coming at them at a fast pace…


“Gomamon, Digivolve to…IKKAKUMON!!”

“Palmon, Digivolve to…TOGEMON!!”

“Gabumon, Digivolve to…GARURUMON!!”

“Go get ‘em!”

“Howling Blaster!”

“Hurry up, Angie!” Koromon insisted, almost jumping.

“I’m trying!” She replied, panicking inside.

‘I can’t be wrong! Not now!’

“Needle Spray!”

“Harpoon Torpedo!”

‘Agumon or Gomamon…Agumon or Gomamon…I don’t know which! I can’t tell!’

Elie whipped around as some of the spiders got past the three Champion-level Digimon…


“Yokomon, Digivolve to…BIYOMON!!”

“Biyo, you Digivolved!”

“Spiral Twister!”

Everything was falling apart at a faster pace, and Rose was standing beside her eldest cousin in worry.


“I’m TRYING, Rosie!”

‘I’m so confused! I don’t know whether to trust my gut or my heart!’

“Poison Thread!”




“Poison Cobweb!”

Dokugumon was charging again…


“Garurumon, Digivolve to…WEREGARURUMON!!”

Cutting Ikkakumon and Togemon free, they fell to the ground as they Dedigivolved, and Weregarurumon went straight for Dokugumon.

“Wolf Claw!”



“Fearless, we ain’t got anymore time! Choose NOW!”

Gathering their Digimon, the two turtles began to retreat as Angie finally got her courage.

Crest glowing, she flipped both cards over and went with her gut.

“Come on, Gomamon…Be good luck!”

Placing it into the slot, the gate began to open, giving off a bright white light.


Six of the turtles and their partners began to run for the doorway, though Izzy skidded to a halt.



Destroying Dokugumon, and some of the castle, he Dedigivolved to Tsunomon, landing in his partner’s arms.

“Great job, buddy! Now let’s get goin’!”

Bolting, the crimson-masked turtle managed to jump through before it slammed shut…

‘We’re goin’ ‘ome…’