‹ Prequel: Angel's Child
Status: This story is already fully written, but I'll try to only put up a few chapters at a time. No worries!

Digital Monsters, Digital Adventure

Chapter 3: 'Garurumon'

The ocean looks beautiful from up above…

Angie sighed, watching the waves from a short cliff, Agumon beside her.

They were taking a short break against some large boulders, but the jade-skinned turtle preferred the sight than rest.


“Yeah, Angie?”

“When you Digivolved from Koromon, you stayed the same…So why didn’t you stay as Greymon before?”

“I can’t…But even superheroes need a rest!”


“I can’t WAIT to see how this comes out…” Izzy joked.

“Ha-Ha, Izzy…Ha-Ha…”

A strange roar, and everyone’s heads snapped to the left…

“…Do I wanna know what that is?” Z asked worriedly.

A dinosaur-like Digimon rammed through some stone, another strange roar escaping it’s throat.

“…No…No I don’t…”

“What is it?” E squeaked, hiding behind her sister.

“It’s a Monochromon, but don’t worry about him. He’s a laid-back Digimon.” Tentomon answered.


“…Although, it is wise to be a bit cautious with a Monochromon. They do tend to get a little miffed when they’re hungry…”

“Then ‘e must be starvin’!” Izzy replied.

“He DOES look mad…” Rose agreed.

“…We don’t look that great to eat, do we?” Elie worried.

“We’re too small to eat!” Patamon panicked.

Another roar, NOT from the Monochromon behind them…

“…I don’t think I want to turn around…” Gabriel admitted.

Lily looked over her shoulder…

“…No…No you don’t…”

“…Maybe they’ll be too busy bashing each other to notice us sneak away?” Angie suggested.

“Maybe…If we’re not between them!” Gabriel replied.

“Behind the rock!” Z shouted, and everyone bolted behind the boulders as the Monochromon charged for each other…

A crashing sound, and Rose cowered, covering her head.

Izzy tried to soothe her, to help her regain her wits.

The others were watching the two massive Digimon fight…

“They’re fighting over territory…”

“Well, they can just have it!” E shouted, bolting.

“Elie!” Biyomon shouted, flying after her partner.

“Wait up!” Z yelled, running after her sister.

The group followed soon after, and they soon slowed to a comfortable pace.

No one asked E why she’d bolted.

They already knew.

Fighting wasn’t a favorite thing for her, nor was it a favorite for many of them, but doing it for selfish reasons always made her feel horrible.

The sun was setting as everyone finally caught their breath, their feet starting to throb.

Trust me, when you’re trained as a ninja, it takes LOTS of walking to do that…

The sky was pink and yellow and a strange white color, the sun already half-hidden by the horizon.

“We’ve been walking FOREVER…” E whined.

“Suck it up, sis…Just a little longer.”

“Where are we going to camp?” Lily wondered.

“It’ll be too dangerous to just stay out in the open…”

“We’ll have to find a good spot.” Angie agreed.

“And fast.” Gabriel noted.

“Soon, we’ll have no light to see by.”

“Wait, I detect water!” Tentomon informed, taking off into the branches and leaves.

“Stay here while I check it!”

He landed on a sturdy branch, high up in the tree.

“Yes! As usual, I’m right! It’s a lake with fresh clean water and a variety of tasty fish! It’s the perfect campsite!”

“Then let’s go!” E shouted, running ahead again.

Gabriel had to wait for his partner to fly down before following the others, each one eager for a night’s rest.

The lake was tinted pink by the sky, and had scattered cell towers in the center.

“It’s so PRETTY…” Rose breathed.

“It should be safe to rest here tonight.” Biyomon voiced.

“But where will we sleep?” Z wondered.

“On the ground.” Angie replied, shrugging.


“It won’t be very comfortable…” Lily noted, rubbing the back of her neck.

“What’s that?” Gabe wondered.

Everyone followed his gaze, and the lights turned on for a…

“Trolley car?” Izzy muttered in disbelief.

It sat on a small island of earth, connected to a strip of rock to the shore.

“How’d it get there?” Rose wondered.

“Somebody must be in there!” Izzy decided.

Curious as cats, the group headed over to the vehicle.

Angie opened one of the doors, and blinked…

“It’s empty.”

“And clean as a whistle.” Lily added.

“How’s that e’en possible?”

“Who knows?” Z replied, sitting on a cushion.

“At least these thin’s are comfy.”


One of the seats almost rippled like a waterbed under E’s weight.

“Well, it’s a place ta stay…”

“Now we just have to go find food.” Gabriel informed.

“Alright. Gabe, Rosie, why don’t you guys go fishing? Me and Izzy will start a fire, and Z and E can get some firewood. The rest of you can go foraging.”

Everyone split up to do as they were told, and their partner’s followed to help.

Actually, everything was going rather smoothly.

In only a day, they were already working together with their Digimon.

Sure, it wasn’t always easy, but they managed.

It was like those three months their parents said they’d been stuck in the Jurassic.

Lily was foraging near the ground for berries, and spotted some mushrooms.

‘These look good…’

“Don’t eat those!” Palmon warned.

“They’ll make you sick!”

The blue-eyed she-turtle pulled her hand back.

“Whoa…Thanks, Palmon. I don’t know what would happen if you weren’t here.”

“Aw…It was nothing…”

Patamon stood on Biyomon’s head, aiming at a bunch of fruit…

“Boom Bubble!”





Patamon flew to Gabumon, pulling the fruit off his horn…

“Sorry, Gabumon…”

“You’d better watch it, Patamon.” Gomamon joked, going off to find his partner.

Angie was just done making the wood ready, and stood up with her hands on her hips.

“…Now how do we start this thin’?”

“Like this! Pepper Breath!”

“…Good idea, Agumon.”


“We caught a bunch of fish!” Gabriel announced.

“Good…Now how do we cook the damn thin’s?” Z wondered.

“With a stick.” Angie replied, positioning the skewered fish over the flames.

The sun was gone by the time the food was piled together, and the seven turtles crowded around the warm fire to eat.

Eating their fill made most of them drowsy, and everyone was ready for bed…

Even Rose, who was known to stay up late, was yawning and rubbing her eyes.

Patamon was cuddled in her arms, safe and warm as he listened to her heartbeat, and Izzy stretched her arms over her head.

“That was great…”

The moon was bright above them, catching Lily’s attention as Palmon leaned on her lap, almost fast asleep.

Gabriel was filling up some emergency water bottles he’d found in his sister’s pack, and kept them over the fire to get rid of any possible germs.

He knew their chances if anyone got sick, so he wasn’t taking any chances.

“…There’s no North Star…”

Everyone still more than half-awake looked at Z…

“I’ve been lookin’, but it ain’t there. All the constellations are messed up, too.”

“That’s weird…” Lily noted, Tentomon leaning on her other side.

“This whole PLACE is weird…” Gabriel mumbled.

“We’ll need ta keep watch.” Z noted.

“I’ll take first watch.” Angie offered.

“I’m not sleepy.”

“I’ll take the next one.” Izzy stated.

Quite a few of the Digimon were asleep anyway, so their partners lifted them up and headed back to the trolley car.

Angie made a small fire outside with her partner’s help, and the others settled into the trolley car.

Lily just stayed sitting, Palmon on her lap and her brother leaning on her shoulder, Tentomon on his own lap.

Z was lying on another seat, like a couch, as Gomamon curled up on her chest and E took up her stomach, hugging Biyomon to her chest like a stuffed animal.

Izzy just sat up, not even asleep, as Gabumon leaned on her, and Rose was on the other end, hugging Patamon as she drifted to sleep…

“Yo, Gabumon…”


“Go o’er there wit’ Rosie.”


“’Cause yer fur’s makin’ me sweat. Just do it.”

“You want me to keep her warm.”

“I didn’t say that.” The crimson-masked turtle replied, a blush of embarrassment on her face.

“You just don’t want to admit it.”

Gabumon scooted over before Izzy could reply, and the gold-eyed turtle stood up, looking out of the window in one of the doors…

“…Thanks, Belle…”

The blush deepened at the sleepy voice, and she stepped outside.


The dark-skinned she-turtle froze, sighing as she turned to her crimson-eyed cousin.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Fine. I just couldn’t sleep.”

“…Well…I guess you can go get some fresh air…but don’t stay up too long…You’ll need your sleep for tomorrow.”

“Yeah, yeah…Ya sound like my mom…”

The jade-skinned turtle sighed, putting her chin on her hand as her friend walked away.


“Leave her be.”

She saw a shadow follow…

“She’ll be fine.”

Izzy didn’t stop until she’d reached the shore, and she slid down a trunk onto her butt.

‘Why can’t I just admit I care?’


The gold-eyed turtle looked up at Gabumon, and she clammed up big-time.



He settled down beside her, and looked up at her with knowing red eyes.

“I am only here if you wish to talk.”


Truthfully, that was awfully tempting…

“Maybe…I ain’t gonna promise anythin’…”

Seeming satisfied, the blue-furred Digimon gently leaned on her, listening to her heartbeat.

Truthfully, though some of the other Digimon had admitted that they thought Izzy was a bit rough, he thought she was just emotionally closed-off.

A real heart of gold, hidden in layers of coal.

A strange rumbling sound brought both out of their thoughts, and they watched with wide eyes as the island rattled.



The water was starting to rage, and a sea dragon-like Digimon rose from the depths.

He didn’t look happy…

“It’s Seadramon!”

Everyone was piling out of the trolley car, terrified by the sudden attack.

The path connecting the little island to the shore shattered as Seadramon pulled it along by the tip of its tail.

It slammed to a halt in the middle of the lake, and Izzy clenched her fists…

‘Come on, Agumon…Digivolve…Digivolve!’

Tail now freed from the stone, Seadramon turned to take them down…

The island shook as he kept ramming it, everyone falling over their own feet.


That was Rose.

Her little sister.

‘HELL no!’

“Gabumon, come on!”


The crimson-masked turtle dove into the water, swimming as fast as she could.

Gabumon just couldn’t leave her alone out there with Seadramon…

Swimming after his partner, the Digimon tried his best to keep up.

“Spiral Twister!”

“Boom Bubble!”

“Poison Ivy!”

“Super Shocker!”

“Pepper Breath!”

It was SO not working…

Rose looked up, spotting her sister swimming nearer…


She ran to the edge, but the shaking ground made her slip off…

“ROSIE!” Patamon shouted, flying down to help his panicking partner with Gomamon.

Izzy reached them quickly, and helped her sister onto the swimming Digimon.

“Ya better take care ‘a ‘er, Gomamon.”

She took her sister’s terrified face into her hands.

“Don’t worry ‘bout me, sis. Ya just stay out ‘a danger.”

The pink-banded turtle nodded, and her older sister swam towards Seadramon, Gabumon at her heels.

“’EY! Ya o’ergrown water lizard! Leave ‘em alone!”

Seadramon looked ready to try and eat her…

“Blue Blaster!”

The little Digimon was smacked all the way back to the island, where Z managed to catch him.


Izzy was pulled under by something around her ankle, and she hardly got a chance to catch a breath…

“IZZY!!! IZZY!!!” Rosie started shouting, worried for her sister.

The tail came up, wrapped around the she-turtle’s body and shell like a snake.

“Oh no!”

“Seadramon might be a bubble-brain, but once he gets a hold of his prey, he won’t let go!”

“We’ve got to save her!” Angie shouted.

“But Agumon can’t Digivolve!” Lily reminded.

“Patamon, you’ve got to save her! Hit him with a Boom Bubble!” Rose begged, near tears.

“Seadramon’s just too big…I don’t have enough power now.”

The little Digimon tried his best to stop the tears flowing from her eyes…

“Gabumon, you’re bigger. What about you?”

“…You’re right, Patamon…Izzy is in danger, and I must save her.”

Gabumon turned to the water, gathering his courage…


“Just hold on!”

“D-Don’t…I-I don’t w-want ya…t-ta get…h-hurt…”

It seemed like a struggle for the smallest of breathes…



The world was darkening around the edges…



That bright light…

Where was it coming from?

“Gabumon, Digivolve to…GARURUMON!!”

Fangs flashing, the large wolf Digimon cut his partner free.

Izzy was flung towards the island with a snap, but Angie and Agumon managed to catch her.

“Izzy!” Rosie shouted in joy, hugging her sister.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, but…”

The dark-skinned turtle looked over her shoulder…


Garurumon’s jaws lost their hold on Seadramon’s back, and he was smashed through the water…



The Digimon burst up from the depths, his tail whipping Seadramon in the face as he tried to pursue his target.

“Garurumon’s fur is legendary. It’s strong as steel! He’s like a growling torpedo!”

“Really? He must be invincible!” Gabe replied.

“Well, that’s what I’ve heard…” His partner admitted.

“We’ll soon find out!”

“Ya’d better not be exaggeratin’, Tentomon.” Z warned.

“He could be…”

“But I HEARD about it!”

Izzy was almost biting clean through her lip…

‘Come on, buddy…Come on…’

“Ice Blast!”


Garurumon was frozen in place , ice building on his fur…

“Ya can do it, Garurumon! Hit ‘im wit’ yer best shot!”

A crack as the Digimon began to pull himself free, shards floating up from the sudden force…

“Howling Blaster!”

The two attacks collided for a moment, fighting for dominance, but it was soon apparent Garurumon’s was the stronger of the two.

Seadramon’s head snapped back from the force, snout scorched, and he fell limply into the water.


Garurumon Dedigivolved in a bright light, swimming back to the island as Gabumon.

“Fighting sure is a good way to keep my fur dry.” He joked.

“Ya did great, buddy.” Izzy congratulated.


“There’s no need for that. I’ll gladly do it again.”

Rose hugged the horned Digimon around the neck, smiling.

“Thanks for saving my sister, Gabumon.”

“Anytime, little friend.”

The pink-banded turtle turned to her older sibling.

“You were really brave…Like a superhero!”

The crimson-masked kunoichi blushed…


“Now that the reunions o’er…How the SHELL are we goin’ ta get back!?!”

“Don’t worry!” Gomamon assured his partner, jumping into the water.

“I’ve got this covered! Marching Fishes!”

The colorful little fish came up, pushing the mound of stone back against the shore.

No one wanted to stay ANYWHERE near the trolley, so they trotted off as the sun crept past the horizon.

They were too tired to go very far, and were soon lying on the cool grass, shaded by trees.

“There’s a pattern here…” Lily murmured, rubbing her eyes.

“This time, only Gabumon could Digivolve…”

“That’s right. Agumon was the only one who could do it before.” Gabriel agreed.

“Yeah…” Angie muttered, thinking…

“…So they Digivolve when we’re in danger.”

“It’s the only explanation…”

The sounds of sleep began to lull them, though Angie managed to fight it for a bit…

But Agumon was such a WARM pillow…


The little voice caught the crimson-banded turtle’s fogged attention…

A soft grunt of acknowledgement as one of the warm weights on her chest shifted…

“I love you…”

Silence, and she hugged her sister close…

‘I love ya too, Rosie…’

Sleep closed in around her as Gabumon smiled…