‹ Prequel: Angel's Child
Status: This story is already fully written, but I'll try to only put up a few chapters at a time. No worries!

Digital Monsters, Digital Adventure

Chapter 37: 'The Prophecy'

“I swear, this whole thin’ is SERIOUSLY startin’ ta piss me off!” Izzy seethed, stomp-pacing.

“Ya thin’ I’M ‘appy? I’m ready ta kill somethin’!”

“Izzy, calm down!”

“Z, put that boulder down! Z!!!”

“Not now, Bukamon!”

Lily sighed, Tanemon in her arms as her eyes scanned the sky and occasionally landed on her brother.

Motimon was watching the screen more intently than she was, and Elie was practically fidgeting.

Yokomon tried to calm her, with little success, as Ari and Rose talked about what could have happed, their partners by their sides.

Angie seemed frustrated and confused, with Agumon following her as she paced.

The four brothers watched their children sympathetically, understanding how it must feel to not know how you were supposed to save two worlds…

A beep heralded a solution out of this deadend, and Gabe jumped upon it.

“It’s from Gennai!”

This brought all seven other Digidestined to crowd around the screen, to see the news he brought from the Digital World.

“Wonderful news, my friends! I may have found the way to defeat him once and for all!”

Another screen popped up, showing some strange hieroglyphic symbols.

“Although this looks like a graham cracker, its actually an ancient text which I’ve translated! ‘The sky will be darkened by the wings of many bats/The fallen people will invoke the name of the Undead Digimon King/When the clock strikes the hour of the beast/The Undead King will reveal himself in his true form AS the beast/Then angels will shoot arrows of Hope and Light at the loved ones of those they’ve been sent to protect/And a miracle will happen/Please always recycle’.”

Confused blinks all around…

“That last part seems weird, but good luck!”

That signaled the end of the message, and everyone relaxed themselves to think it over.

“…What the shell does THAT mean?”

“I don’t know, Belle…But it’s important.”

“How are we supposed to figure it out?” Elie wondered, hugging her partner closer.

“I’ll manage.” Gabe assured.

“We’ve still got to get the others from the lair before heading to the mall.” Lily reminded.

“We should probably get some supplies, too. Those people might need some medical attention.”

Everyone agreed that was the right thing to do, so Lily went with Elie and Z to pick up Splinter and Mizu, with Don and Mikey following close behind.

With everybody else heading for the mall, the group including the majority of the Digidestined, two fathers, Casey, and the three boys, the streets seemed even more deserted.

Angie was at the head of the group, worried for her family and her mother…

The mother she’d seen get attacked by Bakemon and dragged away…

Agumon nuzzled her side, looking sympathetic, as she glared at the road ahead.

The sky-masked turtle almost jumped at a hand on her shoulder, and looked up at Izzy’s smiling face.

“Don’t worry, Fearless.”

A sigh, a release of pressure, and Angie smiled in return.

“I wasn’t planning on it.”

The mall was silent as a graveyard, and they went through shops and large areas to find people laid out side by side evenly along the floor.

They were motionless, almost asleep like mummy would be, and it seemed they were dead…

Fifteen minutes later, when Lily arrived with the others, they checked to see.

The lilac-masked turtle seemed a bit puzzled, a hand running over their pulse and a glowing palm hovering over their temple.

“It’s like they’re asleep…”

“Or in some sort of trance.” Her mother agreed.

Ari sat beside her mother’s motionless form, eyes forlorn and head bowed, Gatomon in her lap.

Bukamon hovered over his own partner, Z watching her mother’s blank expression with a concerned one of her own.

Elie was rocking on her butt sadly, hugging Yokomon to her plastron and watching Chi with wavering eyes.

Izzy spotted her own mother, and her own eyes watered a moment before she growled at herself and stormed off.

Rose looked after her sister, eyes soft, before sharing a glance with Patamon.

It was obvious that the crimson-banded turtle would take this very hard, seeing as she loved her family so much, but such an outburst showed guilt.

Raph would have followed, but the little turtle stopped him.

Explained that Izzy just needed Gabumon to talk with until she could handle coming back, and then led him to his wife’s side.

Angie stood off to the side, her partner leaning against her hip, with Gabe sitting beside her trying to figure out the prophecy.

“I’m gonna look fer a way through the fog.” Izzy decided, holding her partner’s hand.

“I’m comin’ wit’ ya.” Raph assured, standing.

“Me too, daddy!”

Rose jumped to her feet, Patamon flapping his wings happily.

“Alright then. You guys can be the exploration team.” Angie agreed.

“Don’t press too far. We’ll be here.”

“We know. See ya, Fearless.”

Leo watched his eldest daughter, saw her eyes follow the trio safely out the door before the crimson irises scanned the people.

There was something different about her, ever since she’d been ‘revived’.

Like there were different emotions visible on her face, like she’d seen something she probably shouldn’t have…


Crimson eyes blinked, refocusing, and she smiled at her chocolate-eyed sister.

“Yeah, Ari?”

“Is mommy going to be okay?”

“Of course she will.”

Angie put a hand atop the youngest turtle’s head, smile becoming more gentle.

“I’ll make sure she does.”

Seeming a bit settled with that thought, the little gold-masked turtle turned to her mother…

“…This is my fault, isn’t it?”

“No it’s not.” Gatomon assured, looking up at her partner.

“It could never be your fault. There’s not one person that could think that.”

“…Really, Gatomon?”


Lily straightened from the body she’d been examining, brow furrowed in concentration.


“It’s strange…Like they’re all having the same dream, and they can’t wake up…I’d think at least Aunt Artie would be able to wake up, but…”

The lilac-banded turtle shook her head, her mask tails falling over her shoulder.

“It’s like a weird spell, Gabe…”

“How are we supposed to break it, then?”

“…I don’t know…”

Z sighed, looking to her sister.

“Ya feelin’ a’right, Elie?”

“I think so…”

The orange-masked turtle relaxed, leaning against her sister’s leg as Bukamon hovered over Z’s shoulder.

The Earthbender’s head snapped up after a moment, and she shook her leg a bit to catch her sister’s attention.


A horde of them rushed in through one door, and the four In-Training Digimon leapt to meet them.

“Yokomon, Digivolve to…BIYOMON!!”

“Motimon, Digivolve to…TENTOMON!!”

“Bukamon, Digivolve to…GOMAMON!!”

“Tanemon, Digivolve to…PALMON!!”

They were like an unstoppable force opposing a weak ragtag army.

“Super Shocker!”

“Marching Fishes!”

“Poison Ivy!”

“Spiral Twister!”

The evil Digimon disintegrated, and the cheering Digimon were met with proud partners.

Somehow, it still amazed the adults how strong those little creatures could be…

How this weird bond the group shared made them all stronger and bolder and happier.

How long would this last?


“I don’t thin’ there’s a way through…”

“What makes ya say that, pop?”

“HELLO, anybody!! Come out, come out, wherever you are!!”


“…Okay, ya may ‘ave a point, pop…”

“I think they’re making progress. Right, Pat?”


“I still say we row back ta shore…”

As Raph steered the boat back towards the general direction of the shore…

They found Divermon when they returned, and Gabumon and Patamon were having trouble keeping them at bay.

“Get in the Battle Shell!” Izzy shouted, pulling the door open with a powerful tug, ushering her sister inside.

“If you insist!”

Once they were all safely within the armored vehicle, they braced against the rocking motions as Divermon tackled the sides.

They covered all the windows, making the interior pitch black, and Rose cried out as she hugged Patamon close.

There was a fluttering, a twittering of bats, and the darkness was slowly eaten away.

Blinking in confusion, the crimson-masked turtle opened her door, looking up at the sky.


“’The sky will be darkened by the win’s ‘a many bats’…”

The trio shared a glance.

“We’ve gotta get back.”


Gabe rubbed his eyes, trying to fight back the blurring after having watched the screen so intensely.

‘I’ve gotta figure this out…I’ve gotta solve this puzzle…It’s our only hope…’

Tentomon leaned against his shell, a comforting, grounding weight, as Angie made another round past the rows of people.

She claimed it was to check if anyone was waking up, but they all knew it was to help keep her mind occupied.

Suddenly, Chi sat up, as if she was a puppet moved by strings, and Elie jumped to her feet.

“Mommy? MOMMY?!”

“Lord Myotismon…Lord and master…”

Z’s eyes narrowed as those same words were repeated over and over again, with Elie trying to shake her mother from this trance.

Tears were escaping dark eyes, and the orange-masked turtle was beginning to sound desperate as Biyomon wrapped an arm around her waist.

Soon, all the other forms were repeating the same chant as well, and the Digidestined were sharing the same worried look.

“Oh no…”

“What’s goin’ on?” Raph demanded.

“The prophecy.” Gabe replied, surprising everyone.

“’The fallen people will invoke the name of the Undead Digimon King’…”

“An’ ‘The sky will be darkened by the win’s ‘a many bats’.”

Angie looked deeply concerned now, her brow furrowed.

“If all that’s happened already…What’s next?”

Gabe went back to the prophecy, reading the next section aloud.

“’When the clock strikes the Hour of the Beast/The Undead King will reveal himself in his true form AS the beast’.”

“Well, what’s the hour of the beast?” Lily wondered.

“Six, six, six.”

They all turned to Master Splinter, who looked serious as always.

“Six seconds after six minutes past six o’clock, young ones.”

Angie looked down at the clock on her Digivice…

“It’s almost time!”

Izzy steeled herself, heading for the door.

“Let’s roll!”

It was like an unspoken order that the younger Digidestined stayed behind as Angie followed her, both Digimon partners at their heels.

“Whose going to drive the Battle Shell?” Don wondered.

Two immediately-worried fathers rushed after their eldest daughters…

“…I hope they don’t waste their time fighting over the driver’s seat, dude…”

“Me too, Mikey…Me too…”

The four turtles leapt into the Battle Shell, with Angie and Izzy shouting for them to hurry to the Foot Headquarters as their partners fidgeted upon their shells.

Burning rubber, since Raph had managed to reach the driver’s seat first, they bolted down the streets at an increasing pace.

The bats were dark shadows against the white fog, centering on the top of the Foot Headquarters.

Angie watched time slip away between her fingers like grains of sand, feeling her heart ache the closer the time came…

“Daddy, we’re not gonna make it!”

The moment it struck the sixth second, the whole building shattered under the evil Digimon’s massive bulk.

The Battle Shell screeched to a halt, and the two Digidestined scrambled out to fight this massive enemy.

“Is that Myotismon?” Raph wondered.

“It’s his true form. The beast.” His older brother replied, eyes narrowing.

“Come on, Gabumon!”


The two turtles gripped their crests, looking serious…

“Go get ‘im!”

“It’s time to end this!”

Their Digivices glowed brightly…

“Agumon, Digivolve to…GREYMON!!”

“Gabumon, Digivolve to…GREYMON!!”

The massive Digimon merely turned to face them, and the wind from his wings was so strong that the two Champion-level Digimon could hardly stand their ground.

“Where are my manners?” Demidevimon piped up, flying before his master.

“Allow me to introduce you to the new and improved Venommyotismon!”

Izzy was actually rather pleased when the little Digimon was eaten…

Then again, him moving towards the mall was a BAD thing…

“Garurumon, ya gotta stop ‘im!”

“Greymon, Digivolve!”

The Crest of Friendship and Courage glowed like stars…

“Greymon, Digivolve to…METALGREYMON!!”

“Garurumon, Digivolve to…WEREGARURUMON!!”

The two Ultimate-Digimon ran forward, ready to strike…

“Giga Blaster!”

Weregarurumon leapt upon one of the missiles, riding it up to the chest before running up to the face.

“Garuru Kick!”

It cut the skin, and tentacles escaped to grab the wolf Digimon out of the air.

“Mega Claw!”

He was cut free, and landed beside his larger partner.

“Giga Blaster!”

Venommyotismon was knocked back thanks to the explosion in his face, crushing a building behind him.

He rose from the smoke, and Angie gripped her crest tighter.

“Izzy! Angie! Go to the mall and warn the others! Don’t worry about us, we can handle this clown!” Weregarurumon shouted.

“A’right, buddy. Be careful.”

“You too, Metalgreymon.”

With that, they piled into the armored truck once more.

The sky-masked turtle couldn’t help looking back at the battle…


“Oh my…”

Elie hugged Biyomon tight as the others watched the massive Digimon from miles away.

“I don’t know how long they can keep it up…”

“What can we do?” Lily wondered.

“We couldn’t move all these people with all the time in the world…” Gabe muttered.

“You don’t understand. You can never outrun him. You have to destroy him.” Gatomon put in, looking serious.

The other Digimon agreed, ready for the fight of their lives.

“Patamon’s the only Digimon I need to come with me. The rest of you stay here.”

Gomamon wasn’t happy with that answer, and was held under his partner’s arm.

“Nothing personal, I just want all of you to save up your strength. If my plan doesn’t work, you’ll all be needed.”

“…Let’s do as she says. She knows these bad Digimon better than anyone.” Biyomon put in.

“But how do we fight HIM?” Elie worried.

“I’ve got a plan, like I said.” Gatomon assured.

“Come on, Patamon. Let’s fly!”


“Wait for us!” Rose called, Ari following after her to the Battle Shell.

Raph and Leo jumped into the front seats once more, both pairs of children in the back as the wheels revved.

“Wait for us!” Gabe called, leaping in with his father and mother.

They’d be needed if anything happened…

“Patamon, Digivolve to…ANGEMON!!”

The Crest of Light shone bright…

“Gatomon, Digivolve to…ANGEWOMON!!”

By the time they reached the battle, Metalgreymon and Weregarurumon were flying through the air, Dedigivolving…

“AGU, NO!!!”


The Battle Shell skidded to a halt, and the two eldest Digidestined bolted out the doors to catch their falling partners.


Jumping forward, Angie caught him in her arms and rolled forward from the sudden weight, eventually landing on her shell in a slight daze.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m alright…But lets promise not to do that again…”


Izzy held her arms out to catch Gabumon, and fell backwards on her shells from the force.

“OW…I’m ‘kay…”


“It’s a’right…E’en?”


Venommyotismon was about to squash them…

“Celestial Arrow!”

“Hand of Fate!”


“We owe ya…”

Sitting up, both turtles eventually fell back to the Battle Shell, where Ari and Rose were cheering on their own partners.

The enemy seemed almost unscathed…

“Why is he so much more powerful than everyone else?” Don wondered.

“It’s like he’s a level above all of our…A level above Ultimate…”

“That’s cheatin’!” Izzy decided.

None of the angel’s blows were doing any damage, and Ari was worrying over their safety.

“Wait…The prophecy!”

Leo turned to his only nephew.

“Didn’t it say something about angels?”

“Yeah…it did!”

The dark blue-masked turtle immediately found the prophecy, bringing it to the screen.

“’Angels will shoot arrows of Hope and Light at the loved ones of those they have been sent to protect/And a miracle will happen’.”

“If Angemon an’ Angewomon are the angels in the prophecy, who ‘ave they been sent ta protect?”

“Rosie and Ari, of course. They’ll shoot arrows at their loved ones.”

“Well, if we think about it, who are your loved ones?”

“Well…I have mom and dad and Lil-.”

Gabe paused, eyes widening as his gaze turned to Angie and Izzy.

“They’ve both got older sisters…”

Tentomon nodded an affirmative.

“Why would you want them shooting arrows at your loved ones?” Leo demanded.

“Maybe they’re magical arrows. Maybe they don’t hurt.” Mizu suggested.

“Anything’s possible when Digimon are involved…” Angie admitted.

“But, Angie…”

“Don’t worry.”

The sky-masked turtle grinned quicksilver bright.

“Every miracle needs a little faith, right?”

“Yeah. Wouldn’t really work if we didn’t believe, right?” Izzy agreed.

“I don’t want to hurt you…” Rose admitted, fidgeting.

“Ya won’t. Trust me.”

After a moment, both younger siblings nodded their consent, and the four children turned to their fathers.



“…I would be lyin’ if I said I ne’er tried anythin’ risky…Go fer it.”

“…I’m not so sure about this…but I trust you.”

Both elder turtles smiled relieved, as their younger siblings used their crests to call Angemon and Angewomon’s attention.

With the arrows ready and their shells to the blow, Angie closed her eyes…

“Scared, Fearless?”



Hesitantly, she entwined their fingers, her own dark in comparison…

“I’ll just ‘old onta ya…In case ya chicken out…”

A smile crossed the jade-skinned turtle’s face…

“Same here…”

“One miracle-!”

“Coming up!”

Light flooded their senses…

“Agumon, Warp-Digivolve to…WARGREYMON!!”

“Gabumon, Warp-Digivolve to…METALGARURUMON!!”

“…We are TOTALLY gonna win…”


‘Nothing can stop us now!’