‹ Prequel: Angel's Child
Status: This story is already fully written, but I'll try to only put up a few chapters at a time. No worries!

Digital Monsters, Digital Adventure

Chapter 38: 'The Battle For Earth'

“They’re Mega Digimon now…” Gabe muttered in wonder.

Izzy grinned, almost like a child on Christmas morning.

“Then let’s beat that o’ersized waste ‘a space! Got get ‘im, Metalgarurumon!”

“You can do it, Wargreymon!”

The gold-plated Digimon took to the air, tackling Venommyotismon back with massive force.


Unfortunately, this wasn’t enough to defeat him…

“We’ve got to follow them!” Rose reminded.

“On it!”

In the Battle Shell and zooming to reach the fight, Izzy cheered her partner on.

“Freeze ‘im up, Metalgarurumon!!”

“Ice Wolf Claw!”

Venommyotismon seemed frozen solid, and Rose grinned.

“He did it!”

Suddenly, the ice shattered…

“Uh oh…”

“Your miserable attempts to destroy me have failed! Now you will pay!”

“Dad, go faster!” Angie encouraged, heart beating faster.

Ari was gripping her sister’s shell like it was a lifeline, almost shaking in her own shell.

Strange multicolored beams of light were being shot out of his eyes, causing buildings and asphalt to disintegrate.

A chunk of a building fell in front of the Battle Shell, blocking the road.

This didn’t discourage the Digidestined, who flew out of the doors and climbed the mountain of rubble as fast as they could manage.

Tentomon tried to help his partner along, and the adults were soon following.

Would they make it in time?


Lily fidgeted, watching the battle as Palmon gripped her hand tight.

“I don’t think they can do this alone, Pal…”

“An’ they won’t ‘ave ta.”

Z turned to the other two with a fire in her eyes.

“We’re all Digidestined, an’ we all need ta be there ta defeat Venommyotismon!”

“Right, Z!”

Gomamon smiled, hopping onto her head.

“Like they say, one for mon and mon for all!”

“Then let’s get ‘im!”

“If we do it together, we can beat him!” Palmon agreed.

“We’ll try!” Biyomon added.

Mikey watched the trio for a moment before grinning.

“You guys better be careful. I wouldn’t want you to get eaten.”

“Oh, daddy!”

Elie giggled, hugging her father.

“We’ll be fine, pop. Promise.”

“Then let’s head out.” Lily decided.

“Gomamon, Digivolve to…IKKAKUMON!!”

“Palmon, Digivolve to…TOGEMON!!”

“Biyomon, Digivolve to…BIRDRAMON!!”


There was chaos everywhere, with buildings evaporating and the five Digidestined separated.


Angie crouched down avoid some large debris as Wargreymon knocked a massive hand off-course.



Metalgarurumon snarled as he pounced on another of Venommyotismon’s hand in the defense of his partner.


Angewomon was avoiding the Digimon’s grasp, and Ari was lifted into the air before she was crushed.



Rose covered her head as Angemon was thrown into the building behind her, badly hurt.


Birdramon, Togemon, and Ikkakumon joined the rumble, and Tentomon flew into the air to join them.

“Tentomon, Digivolve to…KABUTERIMON!!”

“Everyone, attack at the same time!” Angie ordered.

“Needle Spray!”

“Harpoon Torpedo!”

“Meteor Wing!”

“Electro Shocker!”

“Hand of Fate!”

“Celestial Arrow!”

“Giga Missile!”

There was a bright glow as the attacks converged on Venommyotismon’s chest…

“Great Tornado!”

Wargreymon ripped straight through his abdomen, creating a massive hole through the strange black fur.

“YES! You did it, Wargreymon!!”

The large Digimon was brought to his knees from the agony, and the Digidestined began to cheer at the small victory.

There was a moment of silence, of tension, and Angie felt something close to anxiety grip her throat…


With a roar, Venommyotismon was standing, the ground quaking beneath everyone’s feet.


A strange blob filled up the whole, and Izzy flinched a bit in disgust.

“What IS that thin’?!” Z demanded, trying to keep the ground from shaking.

It shot some strange black energy at the ground, and the resounding wave patterns knocked the Digimon out of the air.









Even the turtles were sprawled on the ground, ignoring scrapes and bruises in order to worry for their partners.

“Now to devour you so-called Digidestined! You’ve stood in my way for the last time!!”

Lily closed her eyes, trying to stand…

‘It can’t end like this…Too many people are counting on us for this to end like this!’

Gabe struggled to his knees, eyes locked on his partner…

‘There has to be a way to win…There HAS to be!’

Elie sat up, looking at the destruction before her eyes landed on Birdramon…

‘Everyone I love is in danger…I can’t stop trying! Not now!’

Z clenched her fists, trying to make her legs stop quaking.

‘They’re countin’ on me…I can’t stop fightin’!’

Rose couldn’t find the strength to lift herself off the ground…

‘Angemon…Izzy…I know we can win! I believe it!’

Izzy used a wall to help stand, clutching her Digivice to her plastron as she looked at Metalgarurumon…

‘My frien’s are countin’ on me…I ain’t gonna let ‘em down!’

Ari managed to reach her partner’s side, but she couldn’t find the strength to help…


‘I don’t want anyone to be hurt…Please…I just want the pain to stop!’

Angie glared up at their enemy, twitching as she pulled a bruise…

‘I’m not done fighting! He’ll have to kill me first!’

Eight crests began to glow, and beams of light escaped them.

Different colors wrapped around different body parts, holding Venommyotismon immobile.

The little blob struggled, and Gabe watched in amazement…

“Maybe that’s his true form! ANGIE!”

“On it! Go get him, Wargreymon!!”




There was a blinding explosion, and their enemy disintegrated from the force…

Silence followed before a grin spread across Ari’s face.


Joy and relief swept through them as they stood, their partner’s coming to join in the celebration as they Dedigivolved.

The three brothers relaxed, and Mizu said she’d go check on the people in the mall.

With Mikey, Master Splinter, and possibly Artemis on their way, the three bender’s would be needed to keep the humans in the building.

Ari smiled, picking up her now-Rookie-level Digimon, Salamon, in a huge hug.

Everyone else was just as delighted, practically dancing with their partners.

The fog had dispersed, showing the night sky, but it was only the lack of light that told them this.

They finally looked up, but smiles fell from their faces…


There were strips of an upside-down WORLD hanging in the sky, obscuring the stars and showing mountains and oceans that were vaguely familiar…

“What is that?” Don wondered.


Gabe’s eyes narrowed…

“Is that the Digital World?”

“Maybe…” Lily admitted.

“That looks like Infinity Mountain there.”

“It seems this journey is not over, young ones.”

They turned to see Master Splinter and two of his children…

Angie felt tears, and ran to embrace her mother.

“Now, now…Don’t cry, Angel…” Artemis soothed.

“Master Splinter told me everything…I’m proud of you…”

“Oh mommy…”

Ari joined her, and the two Digimon watched their partners sympathetically.

Leo picked up Koromon and Salamon carefully, still marveling at the knowledge that they had been powerful forces of nature not minutes before.

Gabe sat on a piece if sturdy rubble, his laptop in place as he researched news sights.

“The Digital World is hanging in the sky, but nothing can prove it’s really there. Satellite, radar, nothing. Then again, we’ve never found the Digital World before…”

“What’s this going to do to OUR world?” Elie worried.

“I don’t know…But the air force is sending in everything they’ve got to figure out what it is.”

“Are they in danger?” Lily wondered.

“They’re assuming it’s dangerous…The news says they know it’s not an illusion, at least.”

“What are we gonna do?” Z asked, looking up at the Digital World.

“It’s obvious that we need to stop it. People are getting hurt trying to figure out what it is.” Angie decided, Koromon now atop her head.

“Wait, I thin’ I see somethin’…”

Izzy narrowed her eyes, trying to get a better look.

Tokomon sat on his partner’s head for a closer one, and his eyes widened.

“It’s one of those planes from the movie we watched, Rosie!”

“A plane? Is it okay?”

“It’s falling!”

Elie jumped to her feet.

“We’ve got to stop it! BIYO!”

“Biyomon, Digivolve to…BIRDRAMON!!”

The phoenix Digimon flew into the air, heading for the plane as its frozen wing caused it to fall.

She spotted Kuwagamon as he flew from the strange world in the sky, and he zoomed by the other wing, freezing it as well.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t strong enough to lift the massive jetliner…


Elie closed her eyes at the cry of pain…


The Crest of Love shone brightly…

“Birdramon, Digivolve to…GARUDAMON!!”

“I’ll go help her!” Tentomon offered.

“Tentomon, Digivolve to…KABUTERIMON!!”

As he took off towards the Ultimate-level Digimon as she kept the plane airborne, he spotted Kuwagamon…

“Electro Shocker!”

The attack went straight through, and he hardly avoided a tackle thanks to Garudamon’s warning.

He disappeared after that, and Kabuterimon turned his attention back to his friend.

The Crest of Knowledge glowed…

“Kabuterimon, Digivolve to…MEGAKABUTERIMON!!”

Both landed the massive machine safely, and flew back to their partner’s sides before Dedigivolving to their In-Training forms.

“Kuwagamon flew out of the Digital World in the sky! He froze that plane’s wing!” Yokomon informed.

“My attack went straight through!” Motimon added.

“So this really IS dangerous…” Izzy grumbled.

Gabe turned back to the news on his laptop, eyes widening.

“Uh oh…”

Everyone crowded around the device as the newscaster showed images of Digimon appearing all over the world.

“Kuwagamon again! And if we touch these Digimon, we’ll freeze! Just like the airplane’s wing!” Yokomon put in.

Ari just stared up at the sky, looking curious.

“Salamon, is that really the Digital World?”

“I think so, but last time I was there, it was definitely right-side up.”

Lily sighed…

“We’ve only been here a few days…But years must have passed in the Digital World…”

“An’ we left it such a mess…” Z agreed.

“The only thing we can do is go back and fix it.” Angie decided.

“Right. It’s our job as the Digidestined.” Rose piped up.

“Nothin’ can stop us now, right Tsunomon?”


“But how do we go back?” The orange-masked turtle wondered.

“Our Digivices took us last time.” Gabe pointed out.

“Then they should work ‘gain!” Z stated.

Holding out their Digivices in a tight circle, and the devices glowed brightly before making a rainbow-colored column that led up into the sky.

The Digidestined watched in amazement before a thought struck them…

Their family.

Angie turned to her parents, Koromon in her arms, eyes sad.

“Dad, mom…We’ve got to go back.”

Leo seemed ready to object, but Artemis took hold of his hand.

“…I hope you guys manage to do whatever it is you need to, Angel…Just…Take care of your cousins and sister…”

Crimson met crimson, trying to convey reassurance and love…

“No matter what happens, we’ll be here waiting for you to come back.”

“…Thanks, mom…”

Everyone was embracing parents and saying their goodbyes, partners standing back.

“We’ll miss you.”

And they meant it, their hearts still aching as they stepped into the column.

It began to lift them up, and the turtles waved and shouted their goodbyes louder.

No one was sure if they’d ever come back, or if the Digital World was too messed up to fix, but they were going to try.

Their parents believed in them…


The jade-skinned turtle turned to her sister.


“We can save them, right?”

“Yeah…Of course we can.”

Angie smiled, putting a hand on Ari’s head.

“We’re the Digidestined, remember? We’ll manage.”

‘I hope…’