‹ Prequel: Angel's Child
Status: This story is already fully written, but I'll try to only put up a few chapters at a time. No worries!

Digital Monsters, Digital Adventure

Chapter 7: 'Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo'

“…It…is FREEZIN’…”

“An’ yer whinin’, Z. Get o’er it.”

“Hey, if I wasn’t whinin’, ya’d be.”

“Would not!”

“Would too!”



“Will both of you SHUT UP?!”

They both stared at Angie with wide eyes…

“It’s cold. I KNOW. So such your traps and deal with it!”

“…JEEZ…Touchy…” Z muttered.

Death glare…

“…UBER touchy, dude…”

“…You sounded like daddy!” Elie pointed out, smiling as she held Biyomon’s hand.

“…Shut it, E…”

“But you DID…”

“You DID…” Rosie agreed.

“I thought I said SHUT IT…”

“You did.” Elie replied.

“We just didn’t listen.”

“Ya’d better start listenin’, or I’ll-!”

“No hitting!” Lily intervened.

“…AW…Ya ruin all the fun…”

Gabriel shivered, rubbing his arms.

They were all rather glad they’d brought jackets and clothes, they kept them rather warm.

“It’s not that bad.” Angie assured.

“It could start snowing!”

Elie’s face lit up.

“That would be great! Right, Biyo?”


“We could ‘ave a snowball fight!” Izzy agreed.

“I’ll help make a fort!” Rose offered, smiling.

“Right, Patamon?”


“I’ll make snow angels!” Lily stated.

“Me, too!”

“It wouldn’t be that great…” Z muttered to herself, looking up at the trees.

“We’d probably get frost bite an’ lose a foot…”

“Don’t be such a downer, Z.”

“Don’t e’en start wit’ me, little man…”

“Just let them have fun.”

The brown-masked turtle sighed, closing her eyes…

‘Yeah, an’ let ‘em get ‘urt…’ She thought bitterly.

Being a turtle and considerably small for her age, cold and snow always made her sick, along with her younger sister.

Of course, this never stopped the latter from loving winter as much as their father.

The forest stopped, and spread out into a frozen terrain.


Elie and Rose ran forward to play with their Digimon in the soft crystals, and Lily grinned.

“Ah, winter…A season made for Waterbenders…right, Angie?”

“You bet.”

“If we walk ‘cross this, our toes ‘ill freeze off.” Izzy noted.

“Then what will we do?” Gabriel wondered.

Z sighed, looking around.

“We could just turn ‘round.”

“Yeah, THAT’S productive…”

“I ain’t hearin’ YA comin’ up wit’ any brilliant ideas, Izzy.”

“We can either walk through this snow or go up that big mountain.”

“…Those CAN’T be our only choices…”

“Deal wit’ it, Z…”

“Why don’t ya just shut it an’ let the smart people talk.”

“Then shut YER mouth.”

“Whoa there, wait a second!” Agumon stated, sniffing the air.

“I think there’s a weird odor in the air…”

“I do believe he’s right.” Biyomon agreed.

“What could it be?” Gabumon wondered.

“Gas? Alcohol? …Fart?”



Gabriel turned to the horizon, seeing a cloud of…

“It’s steam!”


Lily tilted her head curiously, then a grin spread across her face.

“Hot spring!”

The seven turtles shared a glance…

Then they bolted…

The snow didn’t feel as cold, as numbing, now that the thought of a warm bath was fixed in their heads…

They were met with barren, heated rocks and boiling-hot water.


“It’s WAY too hot…” Gabriel noted down-heartedly.

“Unless ya wanna be turtle soup…” Z agreed.

“At least it’s WARM…” Elie replied, smiling.

“That ain’t exactly gonna ‘elp us much, sis…”

“Maybe that will help?”

“What? A lobster?”


Dark blue eyes narrowed…

“What the heck does that mean?”

The little turtle pointed to the left, and Z followed with her gaze…

“…Ya ‘ave ta be KIDDIN’ me…”

“It’s a fridge!” Rose exclaimed, running towards it with the others.


Opening it, Angie was faced with row upon row of eggs.

“WHOA…We’ll have a feast!” Gabriel noted.

“We won’t be hungry tomorrow!” Izzy agreed.

“Unless we die ‘a food poisonin’…”

“Don’t be a Grinch.” Lily replied.

“Besides, what else is there to eat?”

“We could eat Izzy.”


“I LOVE eggs!” E stated happily.

They set off happily to make dinner, and Z huffed before sitting down under a tree, making chopsticks.

“What’s up with you, Z?”

She glared a bit at her partner, but seemed to just give up.

It’s not like it ever actually WORKED on him…

“No one e’er takes me seriously…Like I’m just tryin’ ta annoy ‘em…”

“…Well, maybe it’s because they don’t realize how much you care.”

“Well, that’s bull…”

The brown-masked turtle looked down at the wood in her hands…

“…Why wouldn’t they know?”

“You don’t exactly show it, you know?”

“…Maybe there’s a reason fer that…”

Before Gomamon could ask about it, E popped her head around the trunk.

“Come on, sis! We’re hungry!”

“I’m comin’, I’m comin’…”

They were soon surrounding a slab of rock they were using as a table, and filled wood bowls with different styles of eggs.

Scrambled, sunny-side up, boiled…

Once their dishes were filled, all seven turtles dug in.

“This would be PERFECT if we had some soy sauce…”

“Nah, Tabasco would be better.” Izzy replied, and Angie quirked an eye-ridge.

“If you wanted to burn your tongue off.”

“Ain’t that the point?”


“I’d love some whipped cream and strawberries.” Elie stated, smiling.

“I’d prefer some chocolate syrup…” Rosie admitted.

“I like ice cream.” Lily added.


Z quirked an eye-ridge at her family, sighing…

“I prefer bananas an’ sprinkles…Maybe ketchup…”

“…We’re kinda weird, huh?” Angie joked.

“Ya ‘ave NO idea…”

“You’re such a stick in the mud.”

“WHAT did ya say, little man?”

“You’re not adaptable.”

“I SO am adaptable!”

“Not that I’ve seen!”

“Get o’er ‘ere so I can show ya!”

“Z!!! Z, DON’T HURT HIM!!!”

“I ain’t gonna ‘urt ‘im. I’M GONNA KILL ‘IM!!”



Angie tackled her cousin to the ground, and Izzy helped her hold the raging Earthbender back.

They were glad she couldn’t actually EARTHBEND here…

Once Z calmed down, she huffed, stomping off to be alone.

Elie, worried, asked Gomamon to go check on her.

“She won’t actually hurt you. She may not say it, but she really likes you.”

So the water-made Digimon headed off in search of his partner.

Though he joked about her being a downer and a party-pooper, he really did have fun with her.

He’d grown attached to the almost pessimistic turtle, and always stood up for her, even if she wasn’t there.

He found her near a pool of steaming water, chucking in rocks.

She seemed deep in thought, dark blue eyes distant and red/gold hair in her eyes.

Z almost jumped when he brushed it out of her face.

“It’s hard to see you behind it.”

He smiled, happy to receive one back.

Like they’d apologized without words, like they didn’t NEED words…

She brushed her long bangs back, and Gomamon took a curved piece of wood and put it on her head.

It held, keeping her face clear.

Her eyes looked so much brighter now, like you could finally see her soul through the irises.

See the love, the stubborn determination…

The heart of gold shrouded in rock like a diamond…

“…Thanks, little man…”

He actually kind of liked that nickname.

It was like having a nickname meant she regarded him as part of the family.

Everyone there had nicknames, after all.

Even most of the Digimon.

Gabumon was called ‘buddy’, Biyomon ‘Biyo’, Palmon was sometimes called ‘Pal’, Patamon ‘Pata’, Tentomon ‘Tento’, and Agumon was sometimes called ‘A’ or ‘Agu’.

It made them feel like brothers and sisters, sharing partners.

If one of the turtles was hurt, it affected everyone.


“Yeah, Z?”

“It’s time ta ‘ead back.”


As she stood, he settled on her shoulder.

“I was wondering…”


“Why do they call you Z?”

“My name’s Zaira. Guess they couldn’t thin’ ‘a ‘nother nickname.”

“…I like your name…What’s it mean?”

“Dawnin’, I thin’.”

“Dawning…That’s kinda nice.”

She smiled a bit, the slightest of blushes on her face…


When they reached the others, a fight was just beginning to rear its ugly head…

“…Do I WANNA know?”

“They’re just fighting over what we should do.” Lily replied.

“Izzy wants us to go up Infinity Mountain…” Rose added.

“And Angie thinks it’s too dangerous.” Gabriel finished.

Z looked up at the mountain…

‘That thin’ SURE is a doozy…’

“Hey…You have your hair back.”

Blue eyes blinked, locking with another pair…

“Oh, yeah…”

The Waterbender seemed to think of something before picking some deep orange flowers.

As she messed with the stems, weaving them together as Angie and Izzy’s shouting grew louder in volume.


Both stopped, staring at Z in disbelief as she put Gomamon on the ground and marched between them.

“Let’s not start. It’s too late at night fer this.”

“Who do YA thin’ is right?”

The brown-masked turtle blinked.


“Tell her it’s too dangerous!”

“Tell ‘ER she’s just bein’ a scaredy turtle!”

“I’ll show YOU a scaredy turtle!”

“Brin’ it on!”

“Let’s not start THIS ‘gain! Stop bein’ so stubborn!”

“STUBBORN? Yer the most STUBBORN person I’ve e’er known!”

Z whirled on her crimson-banded cousin, clearly ticked.

“Look whose talkin’!!”

“Why can’t ya just shut up an’ LEAVE US ALONE!!!”

For that one moment, that split second, you could see the hurt in her eyes, the wound cutting open her heart…

Then her defenses were back, her eyes hard as diamonds and darker.

“FINE!!! If that’s how ya want it, I’m LEAVIN’!!!”

A little hand grabbed her own, and Z was faced with the watery eyes of her younger sister before she could turn and run off.


The crack in her determination, her armor, but she still couldn’t give in.



Elie looked ready to cry, actually CRY, and it tore at her sister’s heart.

“Don’t cry, E…”

“Let’s just go sleep…”

The little turtle started pulling her sister along…

“I saw a cave earlier…We can rest there…”

Z didn’t have the heart to pull away, but her thoughts were still muddled, her heart still aching with pain…

The others followed silently, Lily still working away at something, and everyone settled on the ground for a good night’s sleep.

Z couldn’t sleep, though…

Her mind was still racing, still thinking…

‘They don’t want me ‘ere…’

She felt Gomamon snuggled against her back…

‘Most ‘a ‘em don’t…’ She amended.

‘…I just…’

Dark blue eyes looked out of the cave mouth, trained on Infinity Mountain…

‘Maybe…If I could just make it ta the top…’

She knew it was dangerous, that going alone meant dying…


If anything, she’d keep her family, her sister, from making the same trip.

Getting up carefully, the brown-banded turtle headed out of the cave.

Stopping a moment to scratch a quick note into the dirt, she headed up the path easily.

“Whoa, where are you going?”

Z stopped, turning a bit.

“Go on back, little man. Ya should be sleepin’.”

“Not if you’re thinking of going up that mountain alone.”

“I am. Don’t try an’ stop me.”

“I’m not. I’m going with you.”

Z quirked an eyebrow.


“It’s crazy to let you go alone. So I’m going with you.”


Besides, it seemed like Gomamon wasn’t about to leave of his own accord.

Kind of like her father…

Though she never admitted it…

Her father always enjoyed ‘spending time’ with her, and she always gave up eventually.

Nodding, she continued on the path, the little Digimon following after her.

The path was uneven, rough, but they managed together.

Helped each other, encouraged each other.

Ledges, cliffs, tunnels, boulders, streams, ditches…

Nothing seemed to hinder them for long.

It sure tired them out, though…

They really bonded during that trip, connected really.

They were resting, Z looking up at the mountain to judge how far they’d come…

“We’re almost ‘alfway there, I thin’…”

“We make a pretty good team.”

“…Yeah…I guess we do.”

Something rumbled, and the Earthbender looked around in confusion…

“It’s not an earthquake…”

The side of the mountain opened, and Black Gears flew out like bugs.

“This is where those damn thin’s come from!”

The rocks closed once more…

“…We gotta figure this out.”

“Wouldn’t it be safer to NOT do that?”

“Come on, scaredy cat…”

Lifting him onto her shoulder, she started the trek up higher and higher.

The sun was beginning to rise, and they were ALMOST there…

They were walking on a rather large ledge carved into the mountainside, a small waterfall of water ahead and a carved hole beside them.

“They should be ‘ere…”

“Maybe they want on vacation?”

“Very funny, little man…VERY funny…”

“Guess we’ll ‘ave ta climb higher…”


The brown-masked turtle looked down at her partner, confused…

“That sound…way up there…”

Z tried tuning in…

“Yeah…I ‘ear it, too…”

A large white horse, winged and masked, was flying towards them in the light of the dawning sun.

Immediately on edge thanks to so many dangerous Digimon attacking, the she-turtle pulled her partner into hiding.

“That’s Unimon. He’s a wise old Digimon. I never knew he lived in these mountains. He’s not much of a talker. There’s no need to hide from him.”

“Need I remin’ ya ‘a the BAD info ya’ve gi’en me ‘fere?”


Unimon landed, taking a drink from the small waterfall…

“Well…’E IS a beautiful horse…” Z admitted.

“Maybe Unimon can tell us what we need to know! Then we can go back to our friends!”


Z stopped when she realized her partner was out of her reach and in the open.

“Hello, Unimon. It’s me, Gomamon. It’s been a long time since we…”

Both Digimon perked, a weird whirring sound coming within hearing range…

Z looked up at the lightening sky, eyes narrowing…

“What the heck is that?”

A shadow came into sight…


‘It’s a Black Gear…’


It shot down, digging itself into Unimon’s back…

He reared, shrieking, and Z slipped out of hiding to grab her partner as he turned to them, visor glowing red…

“Oh, shell…”


“Yeah, little man?” She wondered, back-tracking.

“Should we run?”

“That would be a GREAT idea…”



They both shared a glance…


As she ran, Z tried her hardest to go FASTER…

If she didn’t, they’d both-.

“Ariel Attack!”

Rock crumbled under her feet.


She jumped, rolling on her side to shield Gomamon from the impact.

Stopping, Z growled at the scrapes on her shoulder and elbow, and the she-turtle looked up as Unimon hovered before them.

“You’re not thinking of LEAVING, are you?”

She looked back at the destroyed path…

“That’s a perfectly safe route if you’re thinking of FLYING away. Ariel Attack-!”

Suddenly, something crashed Unimon into the mountainside, and the she-turtle looked up from shielding Gomamon.


“Hey, sis!”

Elie grinned, obviously relieved, as she waved.

“We were scared we wouldn’t make it in time!”

Angie jumped down, Agumon on her shell.

“Are you two okay?”

“We’re fine…”

Birdramon moved back as her partner jumped off, and Unimon freed himself of the rock.

“Ariel Attack!”

The large phoenix-bird was shot out of the air, and she slid down the rock.


Elie slid down to her partner, wanting to make sure she was alright…


“Agumon, Digivolve to…GREYMON!!”

He reached up to grab his opponent, but Unimon flew out of range, and slammed the giant dinosaur into the side of the rock.

“Greymon, are you okay?”



“…Not so great…”


“Nova Blast!”

It missed…

“Ariel Attack!”

‘Oh, no…’

Z started, seeing where Unimon was heading…

‘He’s going after Elie…’

“Meteor Wing!”

THAT didn’t go well…

She saw the Black Gear in his back, and steeled her resolve.

‘I’ve gotta do it. I’ve gotta protect Elie.’

Gomamon seemed to see the thought in her eyes…

“Don’t! You’ll get killed!”

“Better me than ‘er.”


The Earthbender had already jumped, and landed straddling the large winged horse’s back.

Taking tight hold of the half-hidden Black Gear, she pulled back with all her strength.

Unimon reared and bucked like a bronco, but she refused to let go…



Her grip nearly loosened, her fingers nearly lost their hold…


One violent buck, and her grip was lost…

She was falling to the sharp rocks, and her eyes met with Gomamon for a split second…


“Z, NO!!!!!!”

That bright light…


“Gomamon, Digivolve to…IKKAKUMON!!”

She landed on something soft, and looked up her partner’s shaggy bag.


“Hold on tight, Z! We’re going on a bumpy ride!”

Tightening her hold, she closed her eyes as Ikkakumon lunged for Unimon with his horn.

“Ariel Attack!”

The horned Digimon avoided the attack…

“Harpoon Torpedo!”

The sharp projectiles seemed to miss at first, but the explosives within came out, hitting his opponent from behind.

Unimon galloped off, free, as the gear shattered…


Z grinned.

“Great job, Ikkakumon! Ya saved the day!”

All three Digimon Dedigivolved, and E hugged her sister tight.

“You’re okay!”

“…I’m glad you’re alright, Z.”

Angie smiled.

“Just don’t run off like that again. I almost had a heart attack.”

Elie turned to Gomamon…

“Thanks for saving my sister, Gomamon…”

“Oh it was nothing…Besides, Z probably would’ve landed on her head.”

He expected a retort, not the soft smile he received…

“Don’t worry ‘bout it, Gomamon. Yer a hero, an’ that means ya don’t ‘ave ta fight.”


Biyomon teased him about the blush on his face, and the three she-turtles looked up at the mountaintop…

“Well, we’re almost there…Might as well!”

Z smiled softly, E taking hold of her hand…

‘An’ I thought ma was crazy when she said ‘the destination ain’t important, it’s the journey’…'