The Secret That Stays Between Us

Ch. 1

I woke up and held me head 'What the hell happened last night?' I thought to myself. 

I heard the shower running and figured it was just Beau since we were sharing a hotel room. Thank God we have today off cause I have a major headache. I looked over and saw three things that would help. A small cup of water, two pain pills and a Grande size of my favorite drink from Starbucks. 

"Ah relief coming up." I said sitting up, put the pills in my mouth and then took a drink of the water. 

After a few minutes I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, I knocked on the door as I opened it up some. 

"Yeah?" He called out.
For some reason that made me smirk quietly with a smile on my face. "I got to take a pee okay?" 

"Aight go ahead just don't flush."

I chuckled "Okay I won't." I walked in and took a pee. 

The shower curtain was see through just was a little blurry. As I was going to the bathroom I caught myself staring at Beau through the curtain. I shook my head at that and adjusted my pants.  

'What is wrong with you? You shouldn't be staring at him like that. You can't be looking at him like that, it's not right.' I thought then as I shut the lid to the toilet I said, "Thanks." Really? Why do I feel so awkward this morning?

"It's not a problem when you got to go, you got to go." Beau said shutting the water off.

"Yeah yeah I know." I chuckled walking out to give him some privacy. 

I sat down on the bed and turned on the t.v. to see what else is on. Beau came out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist, I smirked on the inside as I looked at him.

"Forgot my clothes out here." He stated then grabbed his suitcase and set it on the bed he was using. 

For some reason I stared at him while licking my lips, I couldn't help it, but I quickly looked back at the television as he picked up his clothes. 

Beau smirked "You can't fool me." 

I looked back at him "Wha- what?"

Beau chuckled shaking his head then went back in the bathroom to get dressed. 

What happened last night. Did something happen last night after we, well except Beau cause he don't drink, started drinking? Or wait did he notice me staring at him?

Beau came back out rubbing the towel on his hair then hung it up. He grabbed his body spray and sprayed himself as I took a drink of my coffee. He sat beside me while looking at me. As I put down my cup I took in a deep breath through my nose and I could smell his spray but it didn't bug me because I loved the smell of it. I looked over and saw Beau staring at me. 

"Yes?" I questioned. 

"You remember anything from last night?" He questioned to me.

I shrugged my shoulders some "Only a little bit."

"Well what do you remember?"

I thought for a minute then spoke up, "That all of us went to one of the local bars around here. We started drinking and dancing then after we were almost smashed you, being the sober one, helped me back up to the room and that's the last thing I remember." I stated to him. 

He nods once "Ah okay." 

I raised an eyebrow looking at him and asked slowly "Why?" Then asked in a regular pace but confusion played in my tone, "Did something else happen?"

He smirked and just nodded his head but didn't say anything else.

"What else happen? Please tell me."

Beau bite his bottom lip "Well uh you sorta came onto me last night after we got back here."

"Sorta!?" I questioned with surprise in my voice. 

Beau nodded his head, "Yeah."

"What happen Beau?" I asked with some panic in my voice.
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So how was that? Any clues on who the main character is ;-)