The Secret That Stays Between Us

Ch. 2

"Well." Beau scratched the back of his head. "You came onto me last night."

"I what!?" I asked jumping out of the bed. 

Beau got up, came over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. He was taller then me so I had to look up at him, "To be honest I uh I liked it."

(No ones point of view. Flashback of the night before)

Beau helped him into the hotel room shutting and locking the door behind them. 

"Let's get you to the bed." Beau chuckled helping him to the bed. 

"I'm so drunk." 

"I know you are." Beau laughs putting him on the bed but got pulled down also. 

"I have a confession."

"And what would that be." Beau asked looking at him.

"I...I." He turned his head and belched then laughed. 

"Nice one." Beau laughs as they look each other. 

"Onto what I was saying. I like you." He runs his finger down the bridge of Beau's nose. 

"Well good to know because I like you too."

He hiccuped "Youuu apparently don't understand you." He smirks "I don't like you as just a friend. I like you more then one. But the others probably won't understand."

"I don't think I understand what you're getting at." Beau took a deep breath and let's it out. He did understand but he didn't know why he said he didn't. 

He smirks "How about I show you how I feel." He puts his hand on Beau's crotch rubbing a little as he leaned his head closer and kisses him. 

Beau breaths in quickly when he felt a hand on his crotch. It took him a few seconds to realize what was going on. Once he did he started kissing him back.  

They were making out as he started stroking Beau's manhood. Beau couldn't last any longer, he shouldn't be doing this, it would feel like he was taking advantage of a drunk person. 

"Stop, stop." He pushed him away, "As much as I'm liking this we can't do this. You're drunk and I'm sober."

"Yeah maybe you're right." He smirks nodding.  

(End of flashback) (Back to main characters Point Of View)

Beau finished telling me about last night while looking at me. 

" That really happened?" I asked biting my bottom lip as I took a step back and sat back on the other bed, I thought I had only dreamt that.

Beau nodded his head "I wouldn't lie to you about that trust me." He tells me while crouching down in front of me. 

"Wow." I breathed out running my hands through my hair. I didn't expect I would actually do something like that. 

"That's what I thought last night when you were kissing me and especially when you were stroking my dick." 

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know what I was doing. I had been drinking pretty heavily."

"No need to be sorry." Beau puts his hand on my knee and rubs it half way up my leg "I liked it and they say the truth comes out when someones been drinking right?"

"Yeah I guess." I watched Beau's hand. 

Beau took a deep breath and let it out, "Look...Eric let's be real. I enjoyed what went on between us last night."

"So why did you stop what we were doing?"

"Because you had been drinking and if I let it go on any further than I would have felt like I was taking advantage of you and I don't want that."

I smiled looking up at him he really is an awesome guy, "Really?"

Beau nodded "Yes really. Now about what you said last night."

"What about it?"

Beau smirked "Did you actually mean that or were you just saying it cause you weren't in your right, sober mind."

I took a deep breath an let it out. I might as well tell him the truth, "I...I actually do feel that way or I think I do." I looked into Beau's eyes. "I mean this last month or so, every time I look at you I find it hard to look away and I always get this weird feeling inside. It's hard to explain."

"Well I have caught you staring a few times, I just didn't say anything. It's just you look away before I look at you. Like when I was in the shower I seen you staring at me then when I was getting my clothes but I wasn't sure if you had remembered last night or not."

Shit he did notice me staring at him, "Well I just didn't want you to be weirded out if you saw me cause I wasn't sure how you felt toward me."

Beau looks at me "Well." He leans his head closer to me where our lips were barely touching,  "This is a way I can show you." He breaths out. He licked his own lips then kisses my lips. Damn his lips are so soft, of course I instantly kissed him back, I mean this is what I've been dreaming about and he is actually doing it now. 

Beau pulled back after a few minutes, I looked at him then put my hand on the back of his head pulled him back to me and started kissing him again and Beau kissed back. As we were kissing I laid back pulling Beau with me, I made sure our kissing wasn't going to be broken. I took a chance and moved my hands under Beau's shirt I let them rest on him then started moving my hands up his sides pushing the shirt up with my hands. He then broke the kiss long enough to take his shirt off and tosses it to the floor. 

I smiled into the kissing as I rubbed my hands down Beau's upper body damn it felt so good to finally actually do this rather then dream about doing it. Right as I undid his pants there was a knock on the door, great thanks whoever is knocking. I sighed and stopped our kissing 

"Damn." I breathed out. I didn't want to stop what we were doing. 

"Lets just ignore it, they will think we are asleep and go away." 

"And what if it's important? Or it's the maid, who thinks we're not here and walks in on us." I smirked, that's not how I want people to find out about what's going on between us. 

"True." Beau pecked my lips, which made me smile, then turned his head towards the door as the knock sounded again, "Yeah?"

"Housekeeping." The voice called out. 

"Oh um can you come back later?"

"Yeah I sure can." She called out then they didn't hear anything else. 

Beau looks back at me "Where were we?"

I smirked, I'm happy he wants to continue what we were doing, "Right here." I pulled his face closer to me again and started kissing him again. 

Beau smiled kissing me back and tugged down on my pajama pants so of course I lifted up some letting Beau take off my pants. I definitely wasn't going to stop him. When Beau started stroking me it made me moan. I wanted Beau's pants off too so I tugged down on his pants. Beau stopped stroking me to let me push down his pants then I could feel him kicking so I figured he was kicking them the rest of the way off. We made out for a few minutes longer then Beau climbed off of me, oh great he has changed his mind I'm sure. I was at loss for words so I just gave him a confused look. But Beau just smirked and flipped me into my hands and knees which I gasped, wasn't expecting that but then he entered into me making me softly scream out at first in pain since this was the first time I had something like this happen to me but after a few seconds that pain turned into pleasure.

After Beau was done fucking me we both collapsed onto the bed. Beau looks at me, we kissed then Beau smirks and starts stroking my dick, damn it feels so good. After I had came we just smiled at each other. I hope this isn't just a one time thing.
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I was going to make the rest of it no one's point of view but when I started to post this chapter I decided to make it in someones point of view.