All in Good Time


One year, three months, five days, seven hours and fifteen minutes. We’ve been locked away. Locked away to rot like common criminals. Imprisoned by steel rods that bar our powers. Locked in pure darkness for things we will never understand. We were once on top. Feared by the natural world. We could do what we want with the powers we always had. Now, now what could we do? We could sit away in our holding cells and hope for the best. Pray to evil for what we could not have, for what we wanted. It would never happen.

One year, three months, five days, seven hours and sixteen minutes ago our entire race was locked away. We are no longer feared and respected. But, tormented and laughed at. Tours through the prison come and they threw things into our cells. Calling us dirty monsters. But, it is them who is dirty. It is their souls that are tainted with lust and greed. Humans are the dirty ones. What have we done but use the powers that we were given. Why is it that we were blessed with such things but expected not to use them. Expected not to get what we wanted just because we could. Witch nor human a like could not pass over such a wonderful opportunity.

It’s been one year, three months, five days, seven hours and seventeen minutes and another new cell mate has been added to our little coven of unwanted witches. She looks just as angry as the rest of us.

“Finally got caught?” I asked, not moving from my place of the only bench in the small cell.

“Unfortunately.” she said, nonchalantly. “How long have you been here?” she asked.

I laughed a little “One year, three months, five days, seven hours and eighteen minutes.” I answered her. “I’m Lana, by the way.”

“Baylee.” she said, taking a seat on the floor opposite of me. “that’s an awfully long time to be stuck in this cell.” she said, maybe if I--

She shut her eyes, her face got suddenly serious. She muttered something quietly to herself and shot her hands out in front of her. Frequency waves exploded from her palms and crashed against the heavy steel door. I watched silently.

“Power proof,” I said, after the bars stopped shaking. “we’ve all tried before.”

Bailey sighed. “I suppose I should start counting too?” she counted on her fingers for a moment, then looked at me.

“One day, and twenty-two minutes.”