Status: New Active :)

It Started With a Baby Project.

Chapter 4

Abby spent the rest of class loudly tapping her pencil. The teacher glared at her but she would give her a face like ‘tell me to stop, I dare you’. The teacher wouldn’t do anything. I went out of class and I saw Stephanie.

“Hey Stephanie come over here.” I waved my hands in a way for her to come to me.

“Yes Jonathon, what is it?” She asked me, I could tell she was in a sucky mood.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her worried.

“Eh, first history test and got a bad grade.” She said shrugging.

“What like a 40?” I asked and she shook her head. “30?” She shook her head again. “What is it???” I asked her. She laughed.

“A five, a five percent on my first history test.” She said and then laughed.

“Woah that is low!” I said and she shoved me playfully.

“Shut up Flores!” She laughed and then turned to the clock. “Well I have to go to science bye.” She said and I smiled as I watched her walk away. She swayed her hips and I sighed. She seems so much better than Abby!

I nervously kept glancing at the clock, tapping my pencil. I couldn’t get this math problem! I tapped my pencil and tapped it. I grabbed the corners of my desk and pushed back, I kept my feet glued to the ground. I coughed a soundless cough. I looked at the bored and it was just pale white. This is the hardest test ever! I scratched my head and glanced at the clock again. The bell rang and I whisper ‘no’ and then I put the paper to Mr. Hurwitz desk, he looked at it with his blank expression. I smiled nervously and then left, I have a feeling that I put too much attention on Abby.
At lunch Abby and her girls walked to the center table, I swear everyone was looking at them. They were like pages of magazines telling us what to do and wear. Abby’s clear lip gloss shined and sparkled. I could not take my eyes off her beauty.

“Are you in love with Abby Thomas?”I heard a voice ask me. It was Stephanie!

“No way, I just happen to be day dreaming and it gazed her way!” I said, that’s what I said to everyone.

“She doesn’t date people like you, I mean she is so superficial. She has a boyfriend? Is that him, the one packed on steroids? She is the type to only date jocks? Man, if I were you, I would look at girls who already like you.” Stephanie kept going on and on I stared at her soft lips moving and her eyeliner eyes blinking. She is so pretty! I kept nodding my head until she frowned.

“Are you even listening to me?” She asked.

“I have a feeling that life is a huge book, like Abby is a page that just needs to be fixed.” I said smiling at Abby, she just looked at me and turned back to her girls.

“Life is not a book. Every time you make a mistake in your life, you can't go back and rewritten or redo it to make it right because life doesn't work that way." Stephanie said. “ What is the one thing you want to tell Abby?” Stephanie asked me.

“You look at me and only see a person; I look at you and see the world." I said meaning every word.

“Maybe someone else is thinking the same thing, Abby thinks of you as a person. You can’t change what she thinks about you, but there is someone else who thinks you are the world.” Stephanie said then looked down and blushed. “Well I better go dump this tray bye.” She did a little wave and left.

She doesn’t know it yet, but she also means the world to me
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this was kind of sweet at the end. I have writers block already :( Someone give me ideas please!