Status: Active. Comment for a sneak peek of Chapter 17.

To Die Unknown

Chapter 11

An elderly man with a head of thinning white hair walked through the door. His pastel blue eyes were squinted at us as he peered through his thick, wire frame glasses. His nose was long and wide in comparison to his thin build.. He was garbed in a fading black gown and a bright white color.

“Brian. It’s a priest you idiot.” I let a light laugh spill my lips. The relief I felt was almost dizzying in its strength. With it be being the end of humanity and all, it was almost enlightening to see someone still believe in their faith.

“I’m sorry, Father, but why are we tied?” My voice was bewildered and I could feel my face shaping into an express of confusion. The word “Father” felt strange and foreign on my tongue.

My family was raised agnostic. I’d never really understood how some could have such faith in something unknown, but I didn’t question it. In a way, it was inspiring for others to believe so effortlessly. I wasn’t like that.

The priest stopped a few feet within the doorway. He cocked his head to the right– his brow furrowing as he examined us. He smiled a thin lipped smile as he snapped his fingers.

Two startlingly large men rushed through the open door. They stopped on either side of the priest, flanking him. The men were both tall with thick builds. With curly dark blonde hair and gray eyes they definitely looked like identical twins. In fact, they could have passed as appearing friendly. If it wasn’t for the permanent scowls on their faces.

The one on the right was a little shorter then his twin. His hands were shaking in fury as he flexed them repeatedly.

They were both dressed very similarly as well. In beige slacks held up with dark cloth suspenders. Their shirts were different shades of red. They were loose button ups tucked into their pants.

Their clothing choices seemed very bleak and old fashioned.

“Some times,” Brian whispered lowly. He broke off as he shuffled his position, a barely audible groan slipped his lips. He started again. “Some times, I really wish you would just learn to shut up.”

“You,” The priest exclaimed, pointing a shaky finger at me. His voice was raspy and cracked as he tried to project it loudly. “A volunteer to replenish your sin.”

“What? Like confession? Is that what that’s called. I’m sorry, I’m not cath-“ The priest silenced me by raising his hand– as if telling me to be silent. He snapped his fingers again.

The taller of the twins walked forward. He crouched before me, untying the ropes that bound me. I pulled my wrists in front of me, massaging the feeling back into them. I looked up, wondering why the twin was still crouched before me. His eyes lingered on the exposed skin of my stomach.

With a frown, I pulled the shirt down. I hissed in pain as the cotton material brushed against the newly formed rope burn on my stomach.

The twins gaze snapped up to mine– his eyes narrowing. He reached out, lightning quick. His fingers ran threw my hair. I tried to pull back. His fingers tightened in my hair, grabbing a handful of curls.

I gasped in shock as he dragged me up by the hair.

“What are you doing?” I shouted reaching up, as I tried to pry his hands from my hair. My hands gripped onto the one he used to pull me. Tears sprang to my eyes as my hair was nearly ripped from my scalp.

“Brian,” I yelled. I was more terrified of the helpless feeling that overwhelmed me. This man was so much bigger than I. I knew I couldn’t stand a chance. “Help me. Please!”

Brian attempted to turn his body toward me. The ropes were no longer holding him bound. I finally saw why he had sounded so pained.

His handsome face was bloodied– the right eye swollen shut and blackened. His left ankle was bent at an unimaginable angle. He struggled to lift his body. His bloody hands trying to push his injured body up.

Without any need for an order, the second twin lumbered forward. He brought his large, meaty fist down. Brian’s good eye rolled back as his body collapsed, unconscious. Were those injuries the subject of the car accident? Or was it this place?

I struggled to pull my body up by the mans hand. Maybe some of the pressure would be taken off of my aching scalp.

I was dragged past the priest, who began following behind me at a leisurely pace. There was a disgusted expression on his face as he glanced from Brian to I.

“Benjamin, deal with that mess for now. But hurry along, boy, you won’t want to miss the ceremony.” The priest said, gesturing to Brian’s limp form.

“What ceremony?” I couldn’t stop the words as they left my mouth. I admit, I was frightened. With every single thing happening lately. My mind was overwhelmed. There was just too much.

This was why I’d never wanted to come across other living humans. They were far too unpredictable and dangerous. Throw me to a horde of undead. Please, I’d much rather that.

Sunlight blinded me momentarily. I squinted my eyes, trying to adjust. They were watering from the excessive strain against my scalp. The ground below me was an uncomfortable dirt path.

My eyes scanned my surroundings. Men and women of all ages gathered around in a large crowd. They provided a thin path for us to pass through.

They were all dressed in strange clothing. The women, in long dresses with high necks. The men, with plain trousers, and button up shirts. The men held their pants up with suspenders and woven belts. It was all very old fashioned. The building surrounding us were very small wooden cabins.

An older woman ran after us. Her hands were clenched and her face scowling. She spit at my struggling feet.

“Sinner!” She screamed, pointing at me. “Sinner! You are the cause for this! Back to Hell with you!”

Others around began chanting different things. Some shouted with the vile old woman, “sinner”. And others were more creative with “Devil’s spawn, Evil Incarnate, Cannibal, Whore.”

The list went on.

I had no idea what these people were convinced I’d done. But, I was terrified to know what they were going to do to me in turn.

I let out some noise of relief when the pressure was released from my aching scalp. My body was dropped roughly to the ground. Scampering up, I pulled myself into a defensive stance.

I was completely surrounded my the angry townspeople. I turned my back to them, taking in the scene. We were standing at the edge of this terrain. From here, it dropped down about 30 feet.

And down at the end of those 50 feet, a restless horde of infected ambled about. Trapped by a wooden barricade, they were forced into an overly crowded heap of never-ending hunger.

The crowd parted and dimmed as five men pushed a large, rolling, wooden contraption through the people. A thick wooden beam supported a smaller beam that stood out to the side from the top of it, almost like a tree branch. A thick length of rope hung from the branch like part of it.

One man tugged at the other end of the rope, which was tied in an intricate way to the supporting beam. As he tugged at the rope, it caused the other end to retract. Pulling it up closer to the extended beam.

“Silence!” The priest bellowed.

“This woman. “ He pointed at me. Many people spat on the ground in response. I recoiled from it. He started again. “This woman, is the reason for us all being here. We are all being punished by God, because of her sins. And the sins of the others outside these fences. So, we will do God’s will. We will smite those, like her, and He will smile down on us. With enough sinners sacrificed to Satan’s children, God will send them all back to Hell. And we will leave free once more, our sins forgive!”

The crowd cheered in response. The cheers escalated and didn’t quiet.

The priest gestured towards me. Three men came forward, hands outstretched.

They were going to sacrifice me.

I was grabbed around the waist from behind. I struggled to get out of the strong grasp as the others advanced upon me.

“No!” I screamed, kicking my feet and flailing my arms. My foot made contact with the nose of one of the twins. I heard a satisfying crack as it broke, blood gushing out. He grunted, stumbling back as he gripped his nose in pain.

The two other advancing men worked together to subdue me. One held my flailing legs tightly together.

My arms were stretched above me as they tied the handing rope around them. They backed away quickly, just out of kicking distance. Together, they pulled at the end of the rope on the contraption. I was pulled up, inch by inch, until I was hanging well above the ground.

My wrists were aching in pain. The strain of supporting my body, nearly overwhelming.

Sure, my arms were very toned from wielding various heavy weapons against the infected. But this was nothing in comparison.

My body swung lightly as the contraption was rolled to the edge of the land. My body hung over the infected horde. Their heads were turned up, mouths gnawing the air in anticipation. Their arms outstretched toward me.

They knew what was coming.

How many others had they sacrificed to their stupid cause in hopes of pleasing their God?
Too many.

“God, we do this for you! Hear us Father! Accept our unworthy sacrifice!” The priest bellowed, his face turned up to the sky. He lowered his face nodding to the man standing by the back of the contraption. “Cut the rope”

The man smiled. He raised the machete in his hands, slashing it down across the rope tied to the wooden contraption. The machete sliced cleanly through the rope.

My life did not flash before my eyes. But, a terror unlike any other swept over my body. I would survive the fall. Although, I know from the distance, I would make many bones. Maybe I would be paralyzed. But, I would feel the infected tearing into my body.

Tears burned hot tracks down my cheeks as I screamed.

I felt my body falling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gosh, I'm sorry about the long wait. I have plenty of reasons why, but I'd rather not get into it. Sorry if their are a lot of mistakes. I was eager to post this and didn't give it a good read over. Enjoy.

So, what do you all think? Anyone see any of this coming? What did you expect? What didn't you? Express it in your comments! :]

Holy shit. Twelve individual commenters last chapter. Woah, just might faint here. That is beyond amazing. I love each and every one of you. You are what make this story continue.

So thank you to the incredible commenters;
riot dasha.
Violent Fetish
(Who commented three times)
God Hates Us.
(Who commented twice)
Mercades Benzedrien

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