You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine.

I couldn’t believe it. Stephen Jerzak was doing a free show at my favorite hangout, but I couldn’t go. I was only 14 and can’t drive and my mom wouldn’t drive because we just went to a concert last night. I am so upset.

I sigh and watch some videos and then the door bell rings.
“I’ll get it mom!” I yell and run for the door. I open it and gasp. “You-you’re…”

“Stephen Jerzak,” He said with his cute smile. “And you are?”

“Madiggen,” I answer trying not to freak out.

“That’s pretty.” He smiles and moves my hair a bit.

“Ahem.” A giant man in a dark suit cleared his throat.

“Oh! Um Madiggen do you mind if we use your phone? My limo kind of broke down out there.” Stephen pointed behind him.

“Um sure,” I say side stepping and letting them in. I hand them a phone and let them dial their number. I hear Stephen speak a bit and then he hangs up and walks back over to me.

“So…are you hungry or thirsty? Can I get you anything?” I ask trying to be friendly.

“Some water would be nice.” He said smiling. And he tapped his ear and his bodyguard walked out the door and onto my front porch.

I go get Stephan some water and he smiled before he took a sip.

“So you have plans tonight?” He asked leaning on the island.

“Well, I wanted to go to your concert, but my mom won’t let me since we went to a concert yesterday.” I say walking back to the fridge and pull out a soda. I turn around and Stephen was closer than he was before.
“Why, hello,” I say smiling.

“I can get you to come, but I just want a kiss from you.” He said smirking. I smiled and feel my face getting warm.

“Okay.” I say and his lips were on mine. I felt like I was on cloud nine and everything was perfect until the front door opened and my mom had came down the stairs. We pull away blushing.

“Madiggen, why is Stephen Jerzak here?” She asks.

“His limo broke down in front of our house.” I say trying to hide my blush. “And I might be able to go to his concert, if he drives me.” I put on my best begging face and my mom nodded. I cheered and changed my clothes. I come back down and a new limo was here and Stephen had his hand out for me. I took it and walk out with him hand in hand.
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Digg's outfit
I hope you liked. :)
--<3 Domie