I Know Something You Don't Know


I sat awkwardly at the dinner table. It had been awhile since I'd been back home. My sister Clara sat across from me with her long blond curls resting in her shoulders, my mom had cut her hair and dyed it back to her orange red hair color and my dad had gone gray.
All three of them had their eyes on me as I picked my food subconsciously.
"So sweetie, what do you plan in doing with your life now?" My mother placed her fork and knife down on her plate then rested her chin upon her hand. Her eyes read disappointment and disgust.
"Mom, she just got back! Can't she think about-" Clara spoke up.
"Clara dear, what I have said about jumping into a conversation without a proper invitation?"
Clara looked down at her plate and rolled around the corn on her plate anger evidently pulsing through her veins.
My mother cleared her throat; eye brows rose telling me I should give her an answer.
I gulped planning out my words before I spoke. "Well I want to finish high school then perhaps..."
"You know they built a private art school a few blocks down the road, why not go there and start up ballet again?" My dad chimed in.
"Dad, I haven't done ballet in 5 years."
"This is all the more reason to start back up again!" The look on my mom’s face was that of finalization, but I wasn't going to let her win. Not this time.
"Is there a problem with me going to a public high school mother?"
She dropped her eating utensils on the table and I caught a glimpse of Clara smiling. "Mel, what would make you think such a thing?! Of course I don't have a problem but you made such a beautiful ballerina."
"Ballet is for kids."
"And you are one." she continued eating but I threw my napkin on the table and left.
I was frustrated twelve years of being away from home and this is how I get treated?!
I went back into my bedroom, the room I was pried out of at such a young age. It seemed as if no one had touched the room until they’d gotten word that I’d be back, since the room was still painted the same Cinderella blue and had white swirls all over the wall. Something told me that Clara fought to keep it the same.
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