Status: Slowly Active

Reality's Edge

Something Missing

Nothing ever happened in Primos, the small suburb outside Philadelphia. At the beginning of every school year Kaelen Breaker always reminded himself of this depressing fact. With another lazy summer now behind him, Kaelen couldn't help but wonder if things would always be this way.
He could practically feel his life trucking along without him. And the sad thing was, he had no fucking idea how to grab hold and climb on board. He didn't have a bad life. There was his mom, who was there when he needed her and always gave him the space that he wanted. He had a smoking girlfriend, who was practically the goddess of Ridley High School where they both attended. Though he wasn't exceedingly intelligent, he did well and managed to sustain a decent GPA.
The only small drawback was that Kaelen never had a dad, but he never felt he needed one. His dad left when Kaelen was only two years old, so he didn't remember him and didn't know what he was missing. No, Kaelen wasn't missing a father because his father was never there, but he still felt that something was missing. Some experience that had escaped him somehow. Kaelen didn't know what that something was, but he felt this town was keeping him from it.
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So yeah this is my new story. Make sure to check out the characters.
Chapter 2 should be up soon.
<3 thanks for reading.