Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 1

“Baby, get up,” my mom yelled going pass my room. “Come on, its your last day of school. You should be jumping out of the bed with excitement.” she stood in the doorway looking at me.

“School sucks and it’s so not for me. Let me just sleep in will you please?” I rolled over and cover my head with the pillow.

“I know but you need get up.” I heard her walk into my room andopen the blinds. She walked over to my bed and pulled my pillow and blankest off me.

“You’re a bitch half the time.”

“I know,” she said with a smile across her face. My mom was all I really had for a family. we more like sister then mother and daughter, which got annoying at time. My dad when to jail for abusing my mother and his parents where dead. My mom’s mother was sick in the hospital and her father died when she was ten. So really we need each other. “Get up now!” she yelled walking out of my bedroom.

I sat on my bed and looking around, it was the same color that my mom painted when I was a baby. It mostly looked the same scinet then but I just add pictures of my two best friends and some of bands I liked. I got out of bed and head to the bathroom that was right across the hall. The house wasn’t big, big enough for two people to live in. Once done I when back to my bedroom to get dress. I wasn’t a rich kid with every new top out in stores, I was the kid that had like four nice top incase I had to get dress up. Then I had my eight bands shirts that I am in love with. For pants, well I love my ripe skinnies; I didn’t wear dress or skirts.

“Baby, it almost seven,” my mom yelled from the kitchen. I throw on my avenged shirt and skinny. I turn my light out and head down the hall to the kitchen. “Heres your pop tar,” she put on a plate as I came around the corner.

“Thanks mom got to go. I love you.” I hugged her and left. Whenever my mom pissed me off, I still loved her. She was there for me and I was there for her no mater what the fuck was going on in our lives.

I had to walk not even a block to the school; it was nice well on some days. There I meet up with my two best friends, Valary and Shea. Their both sister, you look at them and wouldn’t even tell. Valary or we call her Val, she more fuck you attitude and doesn’t give a flying fuck on what you think of her. You hurt her best friends; she will kill you and then put you in your grave. You would say that she part emo and part scene but we don’t really label ourselves. She wears bands shirts, skinnies and listen to screamo. She hates rap with such a passion it little funny. Now for Shea, she what you full out scene but like I say we don’t label our self. She teases her hair almost all the time, she where the bright color skinnies and graphic shirts or a band shirt. We are different in our own way but we all have thing in common with each other.

“Hey baby, what up,” Val ask as I walked up to her.

“The faceted my mom pulled the covers off me this morning. I wanted to stay home but wouldn’t let me.”

“That sucks, you want to hang after school?”

“Can’t work.” She smiled and nodded. The three of us come from a broken family and we know we have to bring some money in to the house. “Lest get to class.” She picked up her stuff and we walked in. we saw Shea walking to us with her boy friend Andy. He was fucking awesome guy and his eyes, I would catch myself staring at them because they where so beautiful.

“Val,” we both turn to see Val’s boyfriend, Zacky coming our way. Both of the guys where in a band, Andy was a singer and Zacky was a guitar player. I on the other hand, hadn’t seen my boyfriend just yet.

“Hey baby,” they said to me. It was funny, when they talk to their girlfriend and I was around, they would use their name. Baby was my nickname because my mom called me that because my favorite movie was Dirty Dancing and I wanted to be her. The five of us all walked to first period together.

We sat in the room and talked the whole time. The teacher was calling out names and I was in my own little world also I was use being called Baby that I some time forget my name. “Anna,” he yelled. “Anna Shelnutt?”

“Right here, Mr. P,” Jonnie said walking up to me. “Hey Anna,” he was the only one that called me Anna. I didn’t understand why he didn’t use my nickname but I didn’t care. “Hey guy,” he sat in his desk in front of me.

“Hey Jonnie,” Shea said sitting next to me. The guys sat in front of us girls, which was good because sometime they didn’t know if we were passing notes about them. “Baby, what are you doing this weekend?”

“She going to dinner with me tonight,” Jonnie said turning around and looking at me. He had big as smile on his face, I didn’t want to say no but I need to work. I need the money really bad. “So?”

“Um, talk about it after class.” I looked at him and he nodded. I turn to Shea and smiled at her, “I’m not sure but we all should hang out. I kind of need get out for a little.”

“Hey what if we when away for this week,” Andy said with this sneaky smile on his face. He looked at the other two and they started to have it on their face. “Well girls?”

“I don’t know if I can leave my mom,” the bell rung and I was the first one out of my set and out the door. Most the time we would wait for each other but I didn’t today. I walked down the hall by myself for the first time in a very long time. I don’t know if I was afraid to be with Jonnie alone for the first time or to leave my mom.

Jonnie and I knew each other scent we where really little. His mom and mom where best friends in high school. When they both when on their different ways, they lost contact because my mom stay in Jeresy and his mom went South. Then she moved back and some how Jonnie and I because very close friends to the point that we decide the whole dating best friends. I was shock to see that it’s been three years for us now.

I finely got to my second class and I didn’t feel like being there so I ask if I could go to the library. There I spent my time on the computer looking up music and just hanging out. I was alone for half the period; Jonnie walked in and saw me.

“Hey Anna, what wrong?” he sat down next to me.

“I have to work tonight because mom not getting over time right now. She is thinking about going back to working in the Er. So she can work days and nights. Money is really tight right now and I don’t know why but is coming in slowly.”

“Hey, I understand.” He put his hand on my lap and rubbed it. “Don’t worry, everything going to work out great for you and for us.” He lends over and kisses my check.

There where time where I don’t know if he really does understand. His dad is this very hard worker. Make a lot of money, it was to the point where they want to send Jonnie off to a college out of state. His mom a schoolteacher and yea doesn’t make so much in Florida but really doesn’t need to work.

Class was over and we head to the next together. The day was short and sweet, when it was over I was so happy to be out. The summer started and was happy and excited for it. The six of us all walked home together. Val and Shea where right across the street from me. Jonnie was my back yard neighbor. Andy live two blocks down from us and Zacky lived across town but he had his brother Jimmy get him half the time.

“Week trip,” Shea ask as we walked.

“Who is driving?” I turn to look at her.

“Well Andy and I get our license in like five days,” Jonnie said with our hand locked together. Oh god, how will I explain this to my mother, she will kill. “Well?”

“We will talk about it later. I have get ready now, see you all later.”

“Bye Baby,” they yelled.

“See you later Anna.”

I walked into the house, quite as hell. I saw my mom left me a note, saying that she going to work late to night. See if I can get someone to drive me to work and then I saw money. Pick up bread and milk if you can. I left the money with the note and went right to my room. I lied in my bed putting my music on. I had to let out some stress or I thought I would.

-Twenty min later -

“Hey sexy,” Jonnie calls me that when we aren’t around people. “Can I,”

“Yea,” I said cutting him off. “You think that you can take me to work?”

“Oh course, I just have to get my mom that all. You okay, you been little different today.”

“Yea, just feel like shit that all.” He kisses the top of my head. I got up and got ready for work. I change right in front of him, I had no problem doing that but staying hotel with him, I did. When we where younger and before our parents knew about us dating. We would have sleep over all the time. Shared the bed and cuddle with each other.

“Ready,” I came back and when over to his house.