Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 11


I looked at my phone and saw that it was about the time that Zacky was going to be at my house. I decide that I was going to sit and talk to Baby and Jonnie. I wish I was them. They are so cute together and we all know that they will be the first in the group to get married. I watch as he watch her with protection; I wanted that from Zacky but right now him and I, I don’t know.

“What are we going to do today,” Baby asks looking at the both of us.

“What if you girls go out shopping? I have to meet up with my band mates because we need to hang,” Jonnie said kissing her on the face. “That okay with you Val?”

“That great, Baby, what you think?”

“Yea,” she a great smile on her face “I just have to get money.” Jonnie and I looked at each other. Did she forget about everything that been going on?

“Baby,” I said as she got up from her chair. “What money?”

“The money in the safe, I have to run to my house and get it. My mom put money in it every week so incase we need it for something.”

“Ok, well going to shower.” Jonnie got up and left the room. It was just Baby and I just hang out and talking. “So you have a safe with money in it?”

“Yea, I guess now my mom not here I have to see how much is in it and the bank account. You know I really don’t want to do anything, like I want everything to be the same and its not.”

“I know,”

“Hey gurls,” Zacky said walking in. “What going on here?”


This morning was great; Val came over and ate with us. I loved that I was able to go one day happy and try not to miss mom. I miss her with all my heart and I would do anything to bring her back. I kind of blame myself for not coming home sooner, I feel that part of me could have done something different or it could have been me killed and not her. Jonnie has been watching me like hulk on crack, he get nervous if he leave me alone for a min or two. When it was just Val and I talking about the safe, I was little scared about it.

My mom always had toke care of that and now that this all when down. There was no way in hell that I was going to live in that house. It runs in my head that the killer is going to come back for me. That one of the reason why I’m staying at Jonnie, the killer won’t know. Well I hope he doesn’t because I’m fucked if he does. Scent I turn seventeen, I decide that I will stay with Jonnie for the school year and then when I’m eightteen get my own place. This if I stay here, I can work help with bills and then save some of my money.

“Hey gurls,” I heard male voice say walking in the house. “What we doing?” I jumped out of it to see Zacky sanding next to me at the counter.

“Just talking,” Val said. “What you been up to?”

“Nothing, I try calling,” she just shrugged her shoulders. I could tell something was going on with them.

“What going on?” I looked at them both.

“Nothing ," they said right away. I looked at Val and knew there was something there she wasn’t telling me. “What?”

“Whatever, I have to get dress, we going shopping,” I ask looking at her before leaving the room. She nodded her head and out the kitchen I when.

On the way up the stars, I walked pass Jonnie’s parent’s bedroom. His mom had made the bed before she left the house for work. There room was so nice, they had their wedding picture next to their bed and then on the other side was a picture of his mom when she was really young.

“Hey, what you doing?” I jump to the sound of his voice.

“I was looking at the pictures. Your mom so pretty,”

“So are you and you know that one day that will be us.” He walked in the room and I didn’t turn to see him. He wrapped both arms around me as we stood in the middle of his parent’s bedroom looking at their wedding picture.

“You think that will be us? You know with all the fighting we do and now this?”

“Oh hell yea, this...this is what make us stronger then ever. You know, my parents meet in high school and they where together that whole time. He left for college and she when up north but they came back and found each other.”

“You know, you talk about staying here with me when we know you want to go.”

“Anna, we wont talk about it okay. We have this whole summer and the school year to be with each other. We are going make the best out of it all.”

“Okay,” I said and turn into his arms to look at his face. Just as we when in for a kiss someone was at the doorway.

“Oh baby,” we smiled at each other and then looked at the door. “You two need to learn to close the door.”

“Shut up Val.” She ran in and tackles me to the bed. “Val!”

“Sorry, I had to. So when are we leaving, I need to go.”

“When I get dress, Jonnie?”


“Drop us at the mall.”

“Course,” he kisses the top of my head and we all got off the bed.

We got up and I when to Jonnie room to shower and dress. Val and him where down stars and I think Zacky was still here. There was something going on with them two and I wanted to know it. When I was finish, I did my make up and toke my time getting ready. I was in such a good mood but I knew it was going to end when I had to go back to the house to get the money.