Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 12

Val and I got to the mall and we where ready to go crazy. We when right into old Navy and try on skinnies and then on to sun pack. We when throw the mall and twice, we hung out and decide to get something to eat around lunchtime. We where sitting there talking and I saw this man looking at me funny. I didn’t know who it was but he looked as if I seen him around before.

“Baby” I shock my head back at her. “What?”

“Call me Margi,” she looked at me funny. “We should get going,” I got up taking my tray and drink with me. “Come-on!”

“Okay,” she got up behind me and we walked out of the food court. I turn to look behind me but no one was there behind us. “Tell me what that was about?”

“There looked like someone was fallowing us.”


“Just let go,” I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Jonnie right away. “Can you get us please…I don’t know…. if not you…okay, bye.” I hung the phone and Val was looking at me. “I know you and Zacky are fighting but try to call him, to get us.”

“What!” I use my eye to pleased with her. “Fine, your phone.” I handed to her and she called. We stood there looking out the door and I turn and saw the man standing at the other end of the hallway.


“Yea, Jonnie cant.”


“Okay hold on, what?”

“He,” she looked at me. “The guy who”

“Zacky! Get here fast please.” Panic came over her tone now. she gave our bags and push me out the door. She pulled the phone away from her ear to look at me, “WE stay out in the open and we will be okay.” she put the phone to her ear, “Zacky, I will explain everything when you get here. Fast…okay.”

I stood next to her watching as people walked in and out of the mall. I turn behind me; there he was walking towards me. I grabbed her hand; she was still on the phone with Zacky. I was scared as hell; this was stupid to come to the mall. He was getting closer and closer to us. We started to walk to another set of doors little to wait for Zacky there. Time had felt like it was passing by me really slow and I just wanted to go home so bad. After awhile Zacky had come to get us, Val was in the back I was in the front set. We pulled away from the mall; I turn to look out the window as we pass the doors. There he was looking both ways for me. I felt so sick in my stomach, I didn’t say world. Zacky try asking questions but we didn’t say a world. Then I heard Psychosocial come from behind me. I jumped to high because I wasn’t expecting it.

“Sorry,” Val said. “Hey what up?” I looked at Zacky and he looked at me. “ On my way back, yea… I will go right over there.” she hung up her phone and I looked at her. “I need be drop off at home.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yea,” I turn to look out the window as Zacky drove on. The car ride was just so quite, it felt funny to me. “Baby, you going to Jonnie or to his house?”

“Um, I think I’m going to go to his house. Why?”

“Just asking.”

That was all that was said for the ride back. Zacky dropped Val off at her house and then hung out with me at Jonnie’s. Zacky wasn’t himself and I knew it but I didn’t want to both with something unless he said something to me about it. Which I knew he would because how close we where.


“Shea!” I ran into the house looking for her. “Shea!” I when to the kitchen and then I checked her room. I stood there thinking in her room, I remember where she was going to be. My room! “Shea!”

“Valerie!” I walked in to here on my bed crying her eyes out. “Val! It hurts.” I sat right down on the bed next to her. I was confused on what she was talking about.

“Shea, what hurts?”

“Everything!” I wrapped her in my arms as she cried on me. I was confused on what she was talking about or the fuck was going one. “Andy”

“What did he do?”

“Www…we…are DONE!” she yelled out. How the fuck could he do this to her? Right now is really not the time she needs him more then anything. That when I realize I need to talk to Zacky.

“Okay, shh, I’m going to get some snacks and movies. We will hang out in here for the rest of the day.” She nodded her head and let me up. I walked out of the room, while I was in the kitchen. I decide that I was going to call Zacky because him and I really need to talk.

“Hey, everything okay at your house,” he asks answering the phone.

“Good, Shea just need me. Um, I want to talk to you. Just us, later tonight or whenever you can.”

“Of course, everything okay?”

“Yea, well got to go. Bye.”

“Bye, love.” We hung the phone and I grabbed the snacks. I head down to my room when I heard knock on the door.

The night when on, Shea never told me what happens with her and Andy. She was just to crush to talk or anything. We didn’t watch any of the movies but we did watch some television well I did. She cried herself to sleep, I couldn’t sleep so I end up texting Zacky, Baby and I was thinking about texting Andy to fine out what happen but I was going to leave it a lone for the night.


I stay with baby until Jonnie got home so that I knew Baby was okay. Yea, his parents where home, they didn’t know what the fuck was going on. He wasn’t ready to tell his mom about anything yet. Which you can’t blame him but he was going to have to tell her before the summer was over.

After I left there, I when over to Val but she and Shea where asleep in her room, I didn’t want to bother them. They had looked so peaceful and happy to a point because Shea was upset, you could tell by the way she was breathing. Val was scared, just the way her face expression was. I wanted to get in right next to her and hold her but she would hate me. I knew why she mad at me and now she wanted to talk so bad. I didn’t want to lose her and I know I have to change myself if I want to stay with her.

I didn’t hear from Andy that night which was little odd. He was always over the house hanging with my brother’s friends. When I did go home, I had told my brother about how I fucked up with Val back on the trip to the shore. He wasn’t one bit shock in me. He didn’t really tell me what to do about but just smoke and to get high. It toke every little fucking off my mine and that all I need.


When I left Shea, on the couch crying her eyes out. I felt as the bad person and yea okay so I was but still. She the one that decide to end us or well brake for little bit and then maybe. Like really, a fucking brake! I wanted this girl to be my fucking wife. I wanted to be with her until I die. I can’t have her and what the fuck am I suppose to do with myself. I didn’t know where to go after I left and so I when to a strip joint which I think will fuck up everything more then it all ready did. SHIT!


I got home from being with the band, it was nice to be with them but I have be very truthful with you. I did have Anna on my mine the whole fucking time; I was scared for her and then when she called. God, I thought the world was going to stop and stand still because something was going to happen to her.

I walked in the door and she was making dinner with my mom. Zacky was there talking to them. I walked him out and he told me, “Watch her, something happen.” That was it. I had watch her in the kitchen and I saw she was missing her mom but was happy that mine was there to take that spot for now. I was thinking that tonight I was going to tell my mom what was going on.

At dinner, she seems fine. It wasn’t until after that we where up in my room lying in bed, that I could feel her crying. I pulled her into my body and she let the water works go. I knew that something happen that day and she was going have to tell me but I wasn’t sure when she would. That part was the part that always bother me about her.