Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 13


Weeks when on now, I didn’t tell Jonnie or Zacky about seeing that man in the mall. But when we where out, I stick close to one of them. Also Val had told me about Shea and Andy. I was shock as hell because they both loved each other as well. Each of girls loves our boyfriends and if something happen to them, well we couldn’t live our life anymore. Today, the girls and I are going to hang out at their house so we can talk about what the hell going on.

“Baby,” Shea said opening the door in her pjs. She hugged me and then let me in the house. “Wow, I haven’t seen you in like ever.”

“I know, you okay?” she smiled and nodded at me. “Good, let have fun. Where Val?”

“She had to talk to Zacky about something.” I looked at her. “I have no idea.”

“If she brake up with him, I’m going,”

“No, I don’t think she is.” She said cutting me off. “So anyway, how are you and Jonnie doing with everything going on?”

It was weird that she ask about him and I, none of us really talk about our relationship with each other because well we where together all the time. “We are okay, we do have our moments with each other. Um can I ask you what happen you and Andy?”

“Um, well we had a big fight. I was in pain.” I looked at her. “Something happen and I wasn’t able to get over it and I want to be done with it all.”

“Shea, what happen? You know you can tell me everything.”

‘Well okay, when we went away that week and it was the night we stay with you in your room. Andy had gone out and well brought…”

“Hey sorry,” Val said walking in the house. God dam! Just as she was going tell me what the fuck happen that one came in. “So what going on?”

“Nothing, what you and Zacky talk about?” Shea ask right away.

“Nothing really, just between us.” When the hell did us girl get all secretive with each other. We told each other everything and now we keep to our self. I looked at her and then at Shea. “What?”

“ I want to marry Jonnie,” where the fuck did that come from. What the fuck was going on, I never said that out lowed to anyone before.

“We know and you should,” Shea said looking at me. “Baby, Anna, that so not what you wanted to say. What did you really want to say.” No that wasn’t it but I could tell them that I wanted to know what was going on in their relationships. Because mine was going right and theirs are on a rocky path.

“I think my father after me,” both of their lips dropped open to the floor. “Val, that was him at the mall that day.”

“What day?”

“The day, you broke up with Andy,” Val said sitting at the counter. “Why do you think it’s him?”

“Well I don’t know, my mom dieth, he been out of jail for what two or three weeks now. He wrote a letter saying he wanted to see me.”

“Why didn't you tell me,” Shea ask looking at us.

“You where crying because you broke up with Andy.”

“What!” I thought it was the other way around but now I got it all down. Andy hurt her in away so to loosen up the pain she left him. But we all know that its killing her more now then it did to start off with.

The rest of the night we decide that we where going tell each other everything that time on. From boyfriends cheating to fathers trying to kill their little girls. We where all shock in what each had to say. We did get to bed until five because we where all talking.


-The next morning-

After Baby had left, I decide that I need to talk to Andy. There was something I need to tell him. I think that it was importation and he need to know because he played a big part of it. The girls really help me realize that. I got in the shower and then dress. I wore my batman top with my yellow skinnies. I tease my hair because I wasn’t meeting him for another two hours.


“In here,” I yelled to my step mom. Val and I didn’t really like her. But it was okay because she had my dad so busy that he didn’t have time for us girls anyway. They kind of forget that we where here and alive.

“Where you going?”

“Meeting Andy for lunch,” she looked at me. Oh I forgot that she didn’t meet him, even those he was here all the time. Sleeping in my bed and almost living here at one point. “He my x that I have to talk to. What up?”

“I heard about your friend mom, give her my wish.” I smile and nodded. You dum bitch that was like little over two weeks ago. “When is she having a serves for her?”

“She not,”


“Many different reason. Well I have to do my make up so I will talk you later.” I kind push her out the door and when back to getting ready.

Okay so one of the reason why Baby wasn’t going do anything for her mother was one because the body was a mess. Two she knew her mother wouldn’t be at rest knowing her killer is somewhere. The last reason her mom never wanted one in the first place. Baby couldn’t go again her mother’s wish.

I had remember when my mother had died, Val and I had moved here with our father. My mom was battling cancer and divorce; she didn’t have much strength to fight to keep us girls. Also my father was the head laywer in the little town that we lived in and that didn’t really help. She had died just couple of months after everything was done with. So Val and I know what its like for Baby, we don’t know what it like to fine your mother killed. That the lonely problem with it all and I couldn’t imagine what she see when she close her eyes.


“Zacky, I’m happy we decide to go out today.”

“Me too, you know we need this. With everything going on in our life, we forget to have fun.”


“I need tell you something.” I looked at him little scared but I was trying not to show it. “I was talking to my brother and he has couple of buddy out in Cali that want us out there.”


“Well in about four weeks we are going out there to start on the band. if everything goes good out there by the end of the school year, I will be moving out there.”

“Zacky, how could you,”

“I want you to come with me, if I go out there for good,” he said cutting me off. That not what I was thinking but now I was thinking something so different. Shit!

“What about Baby and my sister? I cant fucking leave them! Zacky, you know you do a fucking great job of bring people up and then throwing them down when their not looking. I’m sorry but ether we decide to brake or we try doing long distance which I know how you are.”

“What the fuck does the mean?”

“OH! Don’t play dum with me! I know you cheated on me more then fucking once. I know that you have another child.”

“Okay one, that bitch try saying it was mine when it fucking wasn’t. Two I cheated on you twice. How many fucking time you cheated on me?”

“WHAT?” I was so fucking piss at him now. NO! I was more then piss at him; I wanted to kill the fucking ass hole. “I NEVER HAVE OR WOULD!”

“Really, what about that one time I left town for the week?”

“WE WHERE ON BRAKE FROM EACH OTHER!” oh I had to leave him now. I was so, worlds couldn’t say. I wanted to hi him and before I could, I turn and walked away from him. I was so hurt that he think I that I have cheated on him, he should know me better and he was my everything.

We wheren’t dating a full year and his x-girlfriend before had said she was pregnant with his baby. Just because I was with him and she wanted him for herself and I was ready to fight the bitch. Well when it came time for to pop, the baby well wasn’t even same color as Zacky. So him and I where thankful for that, then we where about year half maybe and we had a big ass fight. He was with is brother and did to much drugs, well got with another bitch. I love him so much that I kept taking him back.

Me on the other hand, there was a week where we where on brake from each other. We agree to see other people; he was going out west to see his grandparents. I was alone and missing him. That I when to a party with the girl and meet a very nice boy. Nothing happen in bed, we just made out the whole night. I had told him what happen that day he came home, I told him I didn’t want to be part from him and I wasn’t until now.


All the girl where out. I was just sitting at Jonnie’s thinking about him, school and what will come for me. I never really kept anything from him and now this was bothering me that I didn’t tell him about the man in the mall. I toke a walk to my house and I saw someone in it. I open the door slowly taking something with me so I could hit them with it. When I made my way to the room they where it, it was my mom’s room. There they sat on the floor crying.

“WHO ARE YOU!” they jumped turning to me. “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!”

“Mike, I was a good friend of your mother’s.”

“She never told me about a Mike. You guys know each other long?”

“Yea, she was my high school sweet heart. Your Baby?”

“Anna, close people call me Baby. So what are you doing in my mom’s room?”

“Oh I thought she was home and I um came in here.”

“Really?” wow! This guy was a stupid fucker, my mom was good at picking them up out of know where. So my mom had a relationship and never bother to tell me. Awesome! Ugh, what the fuck am I going to do now or say for that matter? “She was killed about three weeks ago. We don’t know who but we think we know who.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I should,”

“No! You wait a minus. You come in here; you sit on the floor and cry. You think your fucking leaving, nope. Tell me if you where dating my mother.”

“No, we where just friends and look I don't have to explain anything to you. You’re just a kid and I have thing to do.”

“Wait a minus, you mean to tell me that you and my mother didn’t have anything going on. Ha! That means one thing and that is you two where what fuck buddy, OH god! GET THE FUCK OUT BEFORE I EITHER KILL YOU OR CALL THE COP!” he ran pass me and out the door so fucking fast.

So either my mother had a boyfriend while she was still married to my father or she had guys come to the house for a night because she was lonely. I understand but really think about it, my mother was a fucking slut. GOD! I wanted to curl up and die now. After of sitting in the living room and think on what to do, I called the head guy that working on my mom’s case and told him about this Mike guy. I told him that I wanted to know everything about him that they could fine out.

After my phone call, I when back to Jonnie’s and lay on his bed for the rest of the day. I got up for dinner and that was it, this was really bothering me about this man. I wanted to see my father; I just had to fine him some way. It might not be as hard as I thought it would be.