Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 14

I got world on thisMike guy and it turns out that my mother’s when to school with him. He was married with three kids; he was my mom’s boyfriend. The last time that he saw her was the about two days before she had died. I couldn’t believe that my mom was messing around with a married man. It was really sicking to me hear this but I had to. He was put on the list for one of the suspect for the case. I told the girl about what was going on and they where as shock as well. I didn’t tell the guys what I had found out, I didn’t even tell them about this Mikey guy. It was Friday nigh and Jonnie’s parents where going away for the weekend.

“What you want to do tonight,” Jonnie ask closing the door behind him. he walked over to the couch and sat next to me. “So, what do you want to,”

“Jonnie, I need to tell you something,” I cut him off. He looked at me ready to hear what I had to say. “Well, I want to see my dad.”

“Ok, when you want to do this? You want me to go with you?’ I was shock in the answer I got from him, I thought I was going to get something out like ‘what the fuck! Why would you want to see that ass?’ but no I got ‘when and you want me to go?”

“I…I guess I want you to come with me.”

“Ok, if you want to have Val go and I will drive you or something. Anna, is there something bothering you?”

“No, come on let me make you dinner.” I jumped up and pulling him up by his arms. “What do you want to eat?”

“I know what I want.” Wrapped his arm around my waist. “What about you?” I turn in his arm looking at him in the face.

“You are bad, let get pizza and do movie night. Good?’ he nodded and then kiss my nose.

“Nope, just want have fun with my girlfriend. But since she not here, I think you will just do fine.”

“Haha! You wish, you and me, nope.”

“Why is it that when you live over there that we could but now that you’re here, we haven't had sex since the trip.”

“Jonnie! I…I…I cant believe you. Is that why you’re still with me, for fucking sex?”

“Well no and I understand that you have a lot going on but what about me? Lately it’s been about you and that it!”

“Bye Jonnie,” I let go and walked toward the door. I put my hand on the doorknob and turn to see if he would stop me. “You think I’m thinking of myself, well I got news for you.” that was it, I walked out. I didn’t know where I was going but I knew it wasn’t going be his house.


“Bye Jonnie,” She let go and walked toward the door.She put my hand on the doorknob and turn to seeto looked at me. “You think I’m thinking of myself, well I got news for you.” that was it,shewalked out.

I didn’t know what to do as she walked out the door. I wanted to run after her and grabbed her by the arm and hold her. But I just couldn’t move my feet that were the first time scent I could remember I cried over someone. I never realize how much I loved her, until she walk out on me each time over a fight.

“Jonnie,” I heard voice come up behind me. “You okay?” the arms wrapped around me and help me up. I turn to see to look to see who it was, I was hopping that it was Anna but it wasn’t.

“Beth! What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Jonnie, what wrong? I heard you fighting with Anna and then I saw her ran out.”



“Beth, just go, Okays.”

“Fine, be an ass.” She let go of me and left but before opening the same door Anna when throw. “You know you love me more then her.” she walked out.

Why the fuck did she care that Anna and I where fighting. I sat on the couch thinking all I have done wrong in the pass and she was one thing I did wrong. Beth was an x-girlfriend of mine that Anna hates. Which you can blame her; I did cheat on her with Beth. Beth has always been trying to get me away from Anna. I wanted Anna back so much; I go up and walked around the living room.


I couldn’t go to the girls; Val was out with Zacky trying to get shit together with them. Shea turn her phone off because Andy kept calling her. I had nowhere to go, so I when to my house and sat at the kitchen table by the back door. I kept watching his house to see if he when in the kitchen. Then I saw that fucking bitch walk in, I was piss. I kept my eyes on my phone and his door. The whore never came out of the house and of course I lost it.

I didn’t know what to do so I got up and when to my bedroom. I lay on my bed thinking how I want my life to be the way it was. To my mom here by my side and holding me in time like this. That was my big problem with everything and everyone, that she was gone and I wasnt.

“I had the time of my life,
No I never felt this way before
Yes I swear it’s the truth,” I hear my phone go off. I new who it was and I didn’t want to talk to them but I knew I would have to. I just hit the end button and close my eyes.

-Two in the morning-

I jumped up in bed; I looked around, scared as hell because I forgot I fell a sleep in my room. I looked at my phone and I saw I had ten miss called, three where the girls and seven of them where from him. I listen to them and girls wanted to know where I was and he was sorry, wanted me to come back and he loved me. I dropped my phone when I saw someone standing in my doorway.

“Hello dear,”

“What are you doing here?”


“Where the fuck is Baby!” I ran into my house screaming. “Shea! WHERE IS SHE?”

“Who,” I couldn’t believe that she didn’t know what going on. “Who? Val! VALARY! WHO?”


“Okay clam down and tell me what happen.” She sat me down on the couch and got me a bottle of water. “Okay tell,” she said sitting next to me.

“Okay, Zacky and I when on a date and it were really nice and fun. We where in the car on the way home Jonnie called me and ask if I had talk to Anna. I told him no and if he called you but someone had there phone turn off.”

“SHIT! Everything okay?”

“Um if they where would I be calling your name?” I gave the dum look. Then giggle and nodded her head at me. “So anyway, they got into a fight, she left and we don’t know where the fuck she is.”
“God! I…I,”

“It’s okay,” she started to cry as if this was all her fault. I wrapped my arms around her holding her. “Shh…it’s okay don’t worry. We will fine her and she will be fine.”


The next morning I sat on the couch waiting for her to walk into the house. But she never did, I knew I could call a missing person in because the dam cops wont do shit until it was twenty-four hours. I called Zacky over and had him go looking for her. I had Val take care of Shea because she was going throw something right now. I decide to go out back. That when it clicks, she must of when home.

I walked across the yards to her house; I saw something walk into her kitchen. It was a man, but whom. I looked around the yard to take something in with me, I slowly move to the door. I was on the side where I could see in but they couldn’t see. There I saw her sitting at the table. She looked tired, brews and in pain. I wanted to run in and beat the shit out of this person. So I could get to her and hold her in my arms and to protect her from the world. The guy sat down with his back to me and she saw me, I could see she wanted to smile but didn’t. The guy was talking but I couldn’t really hear mush.