Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 15


“Come, you look hungry,” he held his arm out and pulled me off the bed. “Come-on!” I toke his hand and got up. I was scared for my life, I wanted Jonnie, and I wanted to tell him how sorry I was for acting the way I did. “Sit!” I toke the set that face out the kitchen window door. I saw something in the yard moving closer to the house. But it moves to the side and I couldn’t see them. “Where the food?”

“I…I don’t think we have any.”

“Where the fuck is your mother?” he when throw the cabinet and found oatmeal “Hmm, se hasn’t been here in fucking god know how long.”


“She what?” he flung his hand up in the air as if he was going to hit me. I already had black eyes from him. He throws me into the corer of the dresser and punch the shit out of my face. I was so scared to talk now; I saw the blood run throw his veins of his eyes. “Well”

“I don’t know where she is.”

“Fine, I’m going to the store and getting food today.” He sat down in front of me and I saw Jonnie standing behind him. I wanted to smile but if he saw me smile, he knew something was up. “Now where all the money?”

Shit! I remember that I had about forty in my pocket. “Here, we when a week pay check around here. So here you go, there are little more of forty dollars there.”

“Okay, good.” he finish his food and got up. “I will be back. No funny business, do you understand?” I nodded and he walked to the front door. “No leaving you understand or I will fine you.” I toke a hard sallow and nodded. I heard the front door open and then close. I listen for the car to start and for him to leave. Once I knew he was down the road. I ran to the glasses door and open it.

“Jonnie!” I cried jumping into his arms. “We have to go now, he going to be back.” I close the door and I started to run for his house with him behind me. It felt like the longest run in my whole dam life. I scrabbling to open his door and he was there behind me opening it like it was nothing.

“Anna,” he said all out of breath. I sat on the stool trying to catch my breath. “Anna, who…who was that?”

“Jonnie, that,” I pos before going on. He looked up at me; I could tell he was ready to say me name again. “My dad.”


“My dad,” she said sitting there scared as hell. I never seen her so scared.

“Okay, he wont gets you. I’m going talk to Zacky and your going to stay there. Because he can see here.” I could see the tares start to come down the face. “I’m sorry we,”

“No, I’m sorry for starting the fight with you. I love you and I just.” She said cutting me off. She got off the stool and walked over to me with her eyes all watery.

“Anna, sweetheart, it’s okay. It forgotten, go up stars, shower off and slip into something better.” she sneeze me with everything she had. I kiss the top of the head, I whisper really low, “I lover you forever.” She let go and looked at me and I wiped her eye. “Go ahead.” She kisses me and I could taste blood from her busted lip.

I sat on the couch looking at the house; I didn’t know what to do. Once I heard the shower running, I called Zacky, and I called the girls because I knew that they need to know this as well.

“Hey man,” Zacky said walking in the house with the girl. “Where is she?”

“She in my room asleep, umm you guys are going be sick to your stomach after this but need to know something. Sit.” They sat down on the couch looking at me scared to hear what I have to say.

“Jonnie, what happen yesterday?”

I sat down across from them and I started, “Anna and I where having a nice night. She wanted to make dinner and some how we got into a fight. Really I couldn’t remember why her and I had the fight. But I do remember her turning to saying and “You think, I’m thinking of myself, well I got news for you.” me and walking out. Before I could go on and tell what I saw.

“What are you all doing here?” I jumped to the sound of her voice.

“Anna, what the hell happen,” Zacky ask walking over to her. “Jonnie?”

“No! He didn’t do it,” she said giving him a hug. I watch as she let go and pulled away from him. She looked at me and then to the girls. “Guys, I when to my house. It was fine until I when to my room and when to sleep. I woke up and there was my father standing in my doorway” the girls’ gaps, Shea jumped up taking Val with her to hug Anna.

“You okay?”

“Yea, he beat me a little but”

“No buts.” Zacky said.

“Zacky, can she stay with you? I think he going to stay at her house for a long time and you’re like three blocks down from here.”

“Yea man, I will let my brother know.”

“Thanks.” The girl where around her hugging, Zacky and I where off to the side talking.


I was little annoyed at Jonnie for having them over and tell them what was going on. It was his dam place but he was just trying to watch over me and I knew that. We hung out in the living room for the rest of the time. Val and the guys where in the kitchen getting lunch ready for us, Shea and I sat on the couch talking about life.

“Anna,” I turn to look at her with a smile. “Never mine.”

“Shea, what wrong? Ever scent my life got turn up side down, you haven’t been your self. What happen with you and Andy?” she looked at me.

“Anna, you have no idea. I didn’t want to be cheated on.”

“What?” I was shock more then ever. Andy wasn’t that kind of guy; he loved Shea with all his heart. “Shea, everything will be okay, did you guys try talking it out?”

“No, I don’t want to. I don’t want to see or hear him right now.”

“Lunch is ready,” Jonnie said walking in. he set the tray of food on the coffee table. “A plate for you and here one for you.”

“Thank you,” I sad taking the plate as he sat down next to me. “So I guess I’m not allowed out.” I said joking with them. Everyone but Val gave such an evil look.

“That not funny,” Zacky yelled at me. “Baby, do you know what could have happen to you. That son,”

“Zacky!” Val cut him off. “Enough, she was joking okay. Let just have fun and let this all go.”

“I need a smoke,” he said pushing Val off his lap to get up. He walked to the door and out he when.

“I be back,” I said getting up and walking out the doors.


God, what the fuck wrong with her, she may have been joking but she knows I didn’t see it so funny. She my little sister from different mother, she didn’t know that and I wasn’t going tell her that right away. I toke out my smoke and sat down on the porch looking out to the street. Watching the car go by and thinking if each one of them was that son-bitch driving by.

Okay so Anna’s father was married before her mom to mine. They where really young, right out of high school. They where pregnant with my brother and he thought it was a good idea that they should get married. Then year and half after had me, well I wasn’t even one went their own way, well this ass of a father ran out. But that when he found out my brother wasn't his and left my mother with two kids.

“Hey,” I blow out the smoke and turn to see who walked out of the doors. “I’m sorry,”

“What you doing out here?”

“I want to talk to you.” she sat down next to me. I couldn’t believe the scares on her face from him. “Zacky,”

“Listen, there nothing for you to be sorry for. I’m the one that should be sorry,” she looked at me and I knew she was ready asking for what. I wasn’t ready to tell. “When it's the time right you will know. I talk to Jimmy and he said you can stay with us as long as you need to.”

“Thanks,” she wrapped her arm around my neck and kisses my check. “You know, you may not be my brother, you protect me like you are.” I smiled and ran my arm around her waist to hold her closer. “Can I?” I looked at the cigarette and then at her.

“One Jonnie will kill me, two the girls well Shea will kill me and I don’t think you can handle it.”

“Oh, well how will you know if I don’t try?” she had me there, I hand it to her. She put it up to her mouths. She slide in between her top and bottom lips, she inhaled like this wasn’t her first time smoking.

“Dam girl,” she turns and smiled.

“They won’t know,” she blows the smoke out and hand it back. She went to get up but I pulled her arm before she walked away.

“Baby, I want to tell you something.” She turns and looked at me. “I know Val doesn’t want anyone to know but she might be,”

“Holy shit!” she yelled cutting me off.

“Shh….no one knows. Keep your dam mouth shut.” She smiled and nodded her head at me. I put the cigarette out and got up. “Mouth shut,” she nodded and we walked in the house.


After we finish eating, us girls when up to Jonnie’s room and packed up the clothes that Anna has there. I had came across her clothes that where all bloody and torn. I had so much feeling going throw my body, I was angry for not being there for her, I was scared that this person was looking for her.

“Val,” I turn and saw Baby walk into the bedroom. “You okay with me staying at Zacky’s?”

“Oh course, Baby, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” I walked over and hugged her. “Was he the one in the mall?” I pulled away and she looked at me. She didn’t have to say anything, I knew by the look. “Okay,”

“Val, I didn’t want to tell the guys. But I knew that man just wasn’t really sure.” She tightens her grip and hugged me tighter. I felt her body to start to shack and I knew she was crying.

“It’s okay, you are safe.”

After we where able to claim her down, Shea and I. We finish packing her clothes; the guys carried the bags down the stars. We had dinner at his house and then Zacky toke us home. Anna and him went to his house.


I got in the back set with Shea and Val was up front with Zacky. Jonnie put my last bag in the truck and then came to my side of the car. He lend over and kiss me, I was going miss sleeping in his arms. I wasn’t sure how much I was going to like not being with him.

“Got to go,” Zacky got in the car and I hugged Jonnie. He kisses the top of my head and then step back to close my door. As Zacky pulled the car out of the driveway, I kept my eyes on Jonnie. I wanted to yell at Zacky to stop but I couldn’t get the words out. As we got farther down the street, I turn to see out the back window.