Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 16

It’s been a week now that I been here, Zacky’s brother is really nice and funny as hell. He was tall with dark short hair and really skinny. He had a lot of tattoos and such a sexy body. It may seem like I have a crush on him but it really small, Jonnie my word. Oh and he really good cook, which is really nice, so is Jonnie but he doesn’t always cook.

“So James,” I said sitting down on the couch next to him.

“Call me Jimmy, everyone does. So Anna,”

‘Call me baby, everyone does.” I smiled with a little giggle. “So what do you do?”

“I live in a laundry mate during the week and live here on the weekend. You?” I wasn’t sure if I was pose to laugh or to believe him.

“Well right now, running from a man that is a killer and go to school winter throw spring.” I smiled and he nodded his head.

“You want,” he held up a pack of smokes. I wasn't really to sure because Jonnie was coming to get me in a little. I didn’t want to smell like smoke but I did because the guys.

“No thanks,” I when to get up and I felt something on my arm.

“You know my brother really cares for you,” I looked at him and nodded my head. He let go and I when into my room. Jimmy was a little weird because he looks little like someone but I couldn’t really put my hand out it.


I left the house this morning to Jimmy on the couch with his beer watching television and Baby was still in bed at nine. I got in the car and head over to Val’s, so her and I could go to the doctors. Part of me so didn’t want her to be pregnant that would just suck. Then another part was that be fucking awesome but truthful her and I are so not ready.

“Hey,” she said walking up to the car as I pulled in front the house. I open the door from the inside and as she got in I saw car in the drive way at Anna’s. "You okay,”

Before I said a word I step on the gas, I pray to god that bastar didn’t see us. “Yea,” I looked over at her and smile. “You know, we will make this work.”

“Zacky, I don’t want to commit until I know for facts okay. So just wait okay,” I looked her and then back to the road. I had my arm on the rest with my hand out hopping she will take it. the whole ride, we didn’t say a word to each other and I really wanted to.


Now that Val is out, I was going to have my friend over. He was a nice guy, knew him for awhile. I was excited because I haven’t seem before I started dating Andy. Ah, Andy, I wonder what he was doing today. I wanted to know if he knew about Anna, I was thinking about texting him. Then I heard the bell ring so I when over to see who it was, it was my friend.

I open the door with a big smile, “Hey,” I gave him such a big hug. “Jeydon!”

“Hey Shea, you ready?”

“Yea, I have to just get something.” I let go and got my little bag off the couch and out the door I when. “So what it like living in Maryland?”

“It’s okayed, not much different from here but the summer.”

Okay so you must wonder who Jeydon is, well he is my best guy friend in my life. His parents die when he was really young so he lives with me until I had to movie in with my dad and step mom. He found out about an aunt in Maryland and lives with her. He is a year older then I but we never cared about age. He was here looking at college and wanted to hang out.

“So how life living here?”

“I cant even start, I been throw so much in just month and half. The summer still going, how life living there?”

“Okay, my aunt is deciding to move to Jersey so I been looking at colleges around the state.”

“That nice,”

We spent part of the day at the local boardwalk and then when to the best place for pizza in town. We caught up on things and talked about the pass. I had wish that we didn’t live so far from each other. I started to have feeling for him like I did when I was younger. If he go to school here, then it could work right.


Jonnie and I spent the day out; I guess he felt that he need to spend money on me. Which he know I hate when he does that but he felt it. We when out to lunch to my favorite dinner in town. Then we when shopping, he wanted me to get a car but the thing was I had no money right now and I need work on driving because I had my permit.

“Jonnie, listen, I’m never going to get it. I haven’t pratice in for a long time and I just.”

“Fine,” he pulled into a parking lot with no cars around. He put the car in park and got out. “Get out,” he said opening my door. I got out and he got in on my side, with out saying a world he uses his finger for me to go around the car to get in the driver side.

I did what he wanted but I wasn’t happy about it, “You know I don’t want to.”

“I know, start the car and put in drive.”

I did what he wanted; I drove around for a good hour. After awhile it was fun and really I was getting excited. If he didn’t push me to do something, I would have as much fun as I did. He wanted me to drive home and I will amite that I was scare but he trust me, we toke all back roads to his house.

“I think your ready,” he said as I pull in the driveway turning the car off. I looked over at him and smile. “You need learn parking and then your good.” I lend over and kiss him.

“Can I stay with you tonight?”

“Not tonight,” I looked at him. “I got thing going on and I wont be home until late.”

“Oh really, fine.” I turn the car on and backed out of the driveway. “I should just take myself to Zacky then.”

“No I didn’t mean now, I meant like tonight. I have a band meeting, I was going to surprise you but we might have a show.”

“Oh nice, I’m happy for you.”

“Go back to the house please.” I pulled the car over and parked it. I turn to him. “I know, I miss you not being next to me either. If we get the show, then after you can stay with me. But we are going be out working on music late.”

“Okay,” I wasn’t fine with it but I knew he really wanted this. I was happy with him and I liked spending part of the days with him but I miss the nights. “ I feel like going to Zacky, can you drive?”

“Yea,” we got out and as we switch sides, we gave each other a kiss.

When we got to Zacky’s noone was home and I had key. Jonnie came in until he had the band meeting. We hung out on the couch and watch television, he kept asking me questions about the guys, mostly Jimmy. He wasn’t to thrilled with him but everything was fine. It was about four, Zacky and Val came as Jonnie was leaving.

“Hey look who up,” Zacky said giving me a hug walking into the house.

“ha, funny. So what up?” I sat on the couch next to Val as Zacky got a drink.

“Nothing really, had a nice date with my boyfriend. What about you?”

“The same, we should do asleep over!”

“Oh dam, that will be nice.”

“Um no, well not here. We can at my house if you want to.”

“No,” Zacky said cutting in between us. We looked at him, “No, are you two kidding? Didn’t you forget that the man who killed your mother and beat the shit out of you lives right across the dam straight?”

“Yea, we will do here,” Val said looking at me.

The night when on, while Zacky and Val went to get her stuff from her house. I started to make dinner and that when Jimmy walked in the house. He had brought home one of his friends that was from out west that was in town for the weekend. They both help me with dinner.

After we where done with dinner, Val helped me in the kitchen while the guys where in the back yard talking. After we where done in the kitchen, we when to my room and we talked about the day. I had a feeling that Val wanted to tell me something wasn’t ready to. Jonnie had called me, so course I got it. He wanted to tell me that he got the show. That him and the guys where going to a party, that he loved me. I was scared, this was the first time he when to a party and didn’t invite me.