Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 17

I couldn’t sleep that night, its not like I didn’t trust him. It was the girls at the party, I didn’t trust. I knew them very well and they where the whore of the town and yea I was upset as well. It was times like this that my life was normal, well back to the way it was. It was never normal. When I did fall asleep it was around four in the morning and got about four of sleep. I got out of bed and head to kitchen to see Shea, Val and Zacky eating waffle.

“Hey,” I walked over to Shea to hug her. It felt like I haven’t seen her in a long time. “How was yesterday?”

“Good, it was really nice seeing him. He thinking about going to college here which is really exciting because maybe for once him and I could have something.”

“That so awesome,”

“Shea, what about Andy,” Val ask taking sip of tea. She was never a coffee person.

“What about him? I broke up with him and I’m moving on and not crying over him. He fucked me over and why should I let him do it again?” we all knew that Andy didn’t mean to hurt her in anyway. All of us girls, got cheated on the man we all love. I don’t how Val and I where able to get over it and take them back. Shea was lucky that he told her, Val know about one or two but I know about two other. For me, well I cough him with that bitch.

“Shea, it was once. I don’t blame you not taking him back but you talk to him.”

“No,” Shea was really getting heated at Val. That when I heard my phone go off, I looked and saw that it was Jonnie. I walked out the back door and open my phone.

“Hey Anna,”

“Hi Jonnie,” he didn’t say anything, we where standing there listing to each other breath in the phone. I got annoyed, “Jonnie, why did you call?”

“I want you come live with me.”

“Jonnie, were you drinking?” he didn’t say a word. “Ugh, Jonnie your such a pain right. Put Bill on the phone.”

“Hey Anna,”

“Take Jonnie home, put aspirin by his bed with water. Thanks.” Before he could say anything else I hung up the phone. I hated Jonnie when he was drinking, he was annoying, say the truth sometime and love to fight with me. I walked in the house and everyone was looking at me. “Jonnie, drinking what n0w.” I got a cup of coffee and then went to my room.

“You want to see him?” I turn to see who ask.

“No,” I turn and kept walking to my room. “Oh sorry,” I said as I walked into Jimmy.

“It’s okay, you okay?”

“Yea, my head not with it right now that all.”

“You want to talk?”

“Sure,” Jimmy turn and we walked into my room and close the door behind us.


“Your brother just when into Baby’s room.”

“Yea and?”

“You think he keeps his pants on?”

“Ha, funny, well she been here what two almost three weeks now. She not pregnant,”

“Well at least we know one brother can keep his dam pants on. Why does everything turn into a fight with us?”

“Because it can, I need a smoke.” Zacky walked out and I sat on the couch. This wasn’t going to work for us. I looked at my stomach and thought maybe about giving up the baby. There would be no dam way he could go on with music and I go to fucking school and be a dam mother.

“Val,” I heard Shea ask walking over to the couch. I hated crying not in front but in general. To me it shows weakness in me, everyone saw me as a strong motherfucker. “Val, what wrong?”

“Nothing,” I looked up and smiled at her. As if she didn’t see a tare or anything from my face. “You know that Andy isn't going anywhere. How do you know that Jeyson going to stay? That boy always picked up his shit and left, Andy not one. You always said to me not to run from the trouble. Look who running,” I lend over and hugged her. “Come on we have to get Baby.”

I got off the couch and we walked to her room, the door was shut and I was little uncomfortable with it. I heard laughing and joking around, something I haven’t heard from her in about month almost two. She had sound like herself again, really that made me happy. I looked over to my sister and smiled at her, I pulled her away from the door and when back to the couch.

“She fine,” I said sitting there, smiling.

“Yea, hey what going one with you and Zacky? You two are so funny with each other right now.”

“Nothing, we are,” the doorbell rung and I got up to see who it was. “Jonnie, what you doing here?”

“Where Anna?” he push me but not hard to hurt me. “Where is she?”

“Her room, why what going on?” I heard Shea from behind me. Zacky was in the back on the phone and Jonnie when to her room.


“You know Jimmy, I haven’t laugh this hard in long time.” I open my arms and gave him a hug, he gave really good hug.

“Get off her!” the door slam open and Jonnie was drunk so badly. “Get the fuck off my dam girl.”

I let go of Jimmy and got right to my feet. “Jonnie, its fine. I’m fine, I needed a hug and he was nice enough to give it to me.” I wrapped my arm around him and hugged him tight. I let go and looked at Jimmy, “Thanks,” I smiled and walked pass us nodding. “Come sit.”

“I swear, if something happen with you and him.”

“Like what Jonnie? You know dam well you have my heart, my life and my love. Why would you think I would ever do something to hurt you? Unlike someone,”

“I was sorry about that and you know that.”

“I do, but sometime you get stupid and forget the right thing. You go off doing stupid shit with your friends and I’m the one to come and fix it. You know how tiring that can get for some one. That why I told Bill to take you home and not here, I cant stand you drunk.” He looked at me and then fell back on the bed. He was out like a dam light, great he didn’t get a dam word I said. I turn and walked out the room.

“You okay,” Val ask standing at the end of the hall way

“Yea, dum ass he is.” I felt like having a drink myself but of course I couldn’t so I sat outside with Zacky and Jimmy. “Jimmy, sorry about that. Zacky, I need your help getting Jonnie home.”

“It’s fine, you know your going have to talk to him.”

“What happen?” Zacky was so clues less like most the time anyway.

“Jonnie drunk came over saw Jimmy give me a hug. Flipped and thought I was cheating which is shit because he cheated on me. Whatever, he in my room sleeping so I’m going need your help take him home.”

“Oh, okay sure.”

I when inside to talk to the girls, while I waited for Zacky. We got Jonnie in the car and we all head over there. Zacky and I got Jonnie up to his room, I had Zacky take the girls home because I was going to stay with Jonnie until he woke. I really wanted to talk to him. I had got Jonnie to down to his boxer and asleep on his bed. I had two pills waiting for when he got up with water. I heard the front door and it was his mother. I felt the room and when down to see her.

“Hey honey, how was this week?”

I wanted to say hell but I couldn’t. “It was okay, long.” I smiled at her. “How was your trip?”

“It was so nice, husband got sun poisoning so he taking his time getting into the house. How was Jonnie?”

Oh Jonnie, he was bad and I’m ready brake up with him but again couldn’t say that to her. It’s not her fault he can be an ass sometimes. “He okay, he up in his room sleeping. He doesn’t really feel so good, he was up late with the band.”

“Oh, well I see everything still okay so happy to see you.” Oh if she only knew the whole dam story. “I’m going to check on him.”

“It’s okay, I will. Luck with the husband.” I smiled and head up to his room. When I got there I saw him lying there like a baby. I felt like running and jumping on the bed to wake his ass up but I didn’t.

“Hey love,” he slowly flit his head up to see me. “Come here,” I walked slowly to the bed and stood in front of him. “I’m sorry,”


“Going Zacky’s and being the biggest ass that I could have been.”

“God you remember,” I yelled a little bit. He looked at me a little piss and I smiled. “That what you get, its not over. MOM!” he looked at me and shock his head.

“Honey your up,” she said yelling as she walked up the stars. “You look like shit,” I laugh as she walked in. “I see Anna been taking good care of you.”

“Yea, she the best,” I got on the bed and sat in front of his stomach with his hand on mine. “Well I will be across the whole with your father. If you need me, you know where to fine me.” she kiss the top of his head and hugged me. She walked out and he pulled me on top of him.

“Jonnie, what are you doing?”

“Shh, no screaming.” I looked at him and laugh. “Really my head hurt like a bitch.”

“Good, that what you get for not taking me to the party.”

“Oh come on, it as one of the guys. Just the band.” I looked at him, I knew there where girls. Him and another guy have girls friends, the rest are bunch single guys. “Okay fine so there where girls. But you don’t like any of them.”

“I get long with what his face girl friend.”

“They broke up and you had a fight with her.”

“You suck,” he smiled and kisses me. His lips hit mine like a wave hitting you and taking under. It wipe me out this kiss, it was one that he give because he did something he wasn’t suppose to do.