Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 19


The night before I had stay at Jonnie because he was drinking more and more each night. I knew that if I were with him, he wouldn’t drink as much. Today, we where starting school and I were riding in with Jonnie. Val was driving with Shea so I was going to meet them their. It was the four of us, Zacky and Andy well Zacky dropped out last year almost at the end. Why would someone wait until the last semester to drop out beat me? Andy, well he when all the way throw because his mom made him but it was good.

“Jonnie, you ready,” I said walking into his bathroom so I could fix my make up.

“No,” he walked in not even dress yet. He had just got out of the bed, he rest his head on my shoulder and looked in the mirror. “My head hurts like a dam bitch.”

“That nice, please get off me and get dress. We have to get going.” I kiss the top of his head and when back to my make up.

“Fine,” he kisses my check and walked out. Man, I had to get myself my own place. If I keep living here with him, our relationship is going to suck. “What top?”

“I don’t know, whatever. We have to go in ten mints.” I walked out the bathroom and out of his room. I head down stars to the kitchen, there in the sliding door across to my house. I saw him sitting out to the back yard. “Jonnie,” I yelled running up to the bedroom.

“What?” by the time I got to him, I was out of breath and couldn't talk.

“He sitting,” he looked at me to go on. “Facing…house.”

“Okay, calm.” I felt like crying but couldn’t. “I’m ready lets go.” I nodded and got up off the floor. Went down the stars and out the front door.

The ride to school, I felt scared. I didn’t say anything to Jonnie, I held on to his hand as if I was dieing which I felt like I was. I don’t think he really cared that I held on to his hand. Once we got to the school, I found the girls and we hung out at my locker. Jonnie when off with his buddy, which I didn’t care anymore.

“Back to the hell,” Val said as we sat there watching people walk pass us. “What do you have first period?”

“Chem., you?”

“Same, Shea?”


“Ew,” Val and I said at the same time. We all sucked at math but we had our own talents, Val was hockey and music. Shea was just straight up with the whole music and me, well art.

When the day when on, we where lucky that we where in lunch together, we didn’t have much class together with all three. It was Val and I or she and Shea, Shea and I or we where a lone. Lunch, was time for us to talk about our dam day and about our teacher. Val was telling me how everyone was talking about me and how I come from an evil family. Really I wanted to say fuck to all of them because they don’t know my life.

“I can’t believe he still with her,” This blond, tall skinny, fake bitch said walking pass my table.

“Don’t listen to them.” I looked at her. “They don’t know shit about you or us for that mater.” She was right but I wanted get the hell out of here. “You seen Jonnie?”

“No, we don’t he any classes together.”

After lunch, that when I had my art class. I had this teacher that I had for the last three years. She was a really nice lady and she didn’t mine me staying after to work on the project. Class when really nice and I stay little to talk to her about my summer. When I walked out there was Jonnie waiting for me with couple of his friends.

“How was school,” he asks putting his arm around my neck and kissing the top of my head.

“Good, you? Hey guys.”

“The same, the guys are coming over to study.”

“Okay, I’m going hang in your room.” he smiled and nodded. The walk to the car was okay. He mostly talks to his friend, for a little bit I felt I was just an armrest for him. “Thanks” I said as he open the door. We didn’t really like showing off in front of people. So we didn’t do much kissing, it was when we where a lone most the time.

I don’t even want to talk about the car ride, it left like the longest ride to his house ever. The guys where all screaming over each other and just being bunch of boys, I thought I was going to punch one of them. When he pulled in the driveway, he parked behind his mom’s car and the guys got out. Him and I stay in for little to talk.

“Anna, you okay?”

“Jonnie, what do you think? He could have seen me; even you said that you could see right into your house from mine.”

“Anna, I know. You know that I will never let him hurt you.” he lends over and kiss me.

“Jonnie, come on man,” one of his friends yelled from the front door. His mom opens the door and let them in. she stuck out and waved to us in the car and we waved back.

“It will be fine. Go my room and work on your work. I will check on you, okay,” I smiled and nodded at him. “Okay let go.” I grabbed my books and he toke his book bag. We walked into the house. I when right up stars and he explain to his mom what happen today and that I didn’t feel good.

Once up in his room, I put on his sweats and one of his big t-shirts. I close all the blinds and sat on his bed. I started on my work but I was just scared someone was watching me. I hated that feeling I went into the bathroom and sat on the edge of the tube. I ran the water as if I was showering but I wasn’t.


“Zacky, I need get to the hospital now,” he looked at me. We wheren’t even ten mints away and Shea text me.

“What going on, you okay?”

“I’m fine, it’s Baby.” he drove as fast as he could and of course the cop pulled him over. Just what I need, he explain to the cop what was going on and the cop let him off with a warning. I was shock that was all because this man was prone to tickets. He dropped me off at the doors and when to park the car.

“Val, I don’t know what happen. Jonnie called me and told me to get down here, he said there on their way.”

“Is she okay?” she just shrugged at me. “Oh god,” I held my sister. As Zacky was coming in the door, someone was coming in by the er. We all ran down to see whom it was but it was to late. They when throw the door and we saw Jonnie coming out of them with bloody hands. “Jonnie?”

“She, I don’t know.” he got on his knees and just cried. “I…I should have knew.” They all looked at him. I got on my knees holding him in my arms as he cried.

“Shh, she is going to be okay. Someone get him water, Zacky help me get him in a chair.” Shea ran off for the water and Andy and Zacky grabbed him. She came back and handed him the water. “Jonnie, what happen?”

“She…she was in the bathroom in my room.” he started to cry. I knew what she did, “It was to late when I got to her. I climbed in the water pulling her up, I carried her down the stars.”

“Mrs. Shore?” we looked up and it was a nurse.

“Sister,” I said looking up at the nurse. “Mom or dad not here.”


“We need you look over the papers and sign them.” She handed me the clipboard and I started to look them over. I started to fill it right out, I was shock in how much we all knew about her. The hole time I’m filling the papers out, I praying that this wasn’t her death.

The nurse came back and I hand them to her, I ask how she was but she wasn’t sure. Hour where passing by as if they where taking their time to pass on. No one wanted to leave, Jonnie was mess, I knew what he walked into. It’s the scariest thing to walk into. But me, I was on the other end, I knew how it felt for her. I was never on the end where you saw someone dieing because they cut them self so bad.

“Coffee anyone,” Zacky and Andy ask standing there. Jonnie raze his hand but that was it. “Okay we will be back.”

“I’m coming,” Shea said running behind.

“Jonnie,” he didn’t even look at me when I said his name. “Jonnie, she cut herself, didn’t she?”

“Val, you have no fucking clue.” Like he knew me very well, I was put in to crazy place for hurting myself so bad.

“Jonnie, how deep?” he just shock his head. “Please tell me, if they where really bad. They might put her somewhere or get her to talk to someone and we both know that will make her crazy.” He looked over at me.

“How do you know?”

“Hello, I use to do it.”

“Oh, I don’t know.”

“Mrs. Shore?”

“Sister,” I said standing up in front of the doctor. Jonnie was right next to me, I put my hand out for him to hold and he did. “How is she?”

“She lost a lot, we may need to fine a match and take blood for her. She lost a good enough; we lost her a couple of times on the table but she doing okay. Thank to this young man finding her in time.”

“Oh thank god, she okays.”

“We need to know about anything going on at home?”

“Well, our mother has just died and our father no where to be found. We just started school and you know how mean girls can be.” The doctor nodded and the nurse next to him tokes down the notes.

“Okay, well you can see her in just a little bit. The nurse will come out and let you know”

I smiled, “Thank you,” the doctor smiled at both of us and walked away. “You did the right thing Jonnie.” As everyone was coming back, I told them about what the doctor said. Shea almost faint but Andy toke good care of her. the nurse came out and we all fallowed to Anna’s room.

“Anna,” Jonnie ran to her side of bed. “I’m so sorry, I should have known something was wrong.”


I was the first at her bedside; I wanted to be the first. I should be the first because one I save her and two, I am the boyfriend. Val toke the other side with Zacky behind her. Shea was at the end of the bed because she didn’t care for the hospital too much. Who could really blame her?

“I’m sorry, I should have known something was wrong.”

“Jonnie,” she said my name so low and soft. “Don’t be, I should be the one saying sorry to all of you.”

“Baby, we love you. That why we are all here for you.”

“I know and I thank you for that.” She smiled at us. “Hey Shea, sorry”

“It’s fine, but why did you do it?”

“Shea, you have no idea how bad this nightmare it getting for me.”

“It’s fine,” she came around and hugged her.

We all talked to her and she was in out of consciousness with us, which scared me every much. The nurse said it was because she didn’t have enough blood, they all ran blood work on us but Shea that was okay. Found that none of was able to do it, Val too small. Zacky because of drugs, me because of drinking and Andy wasn’t just a match. After we all found out, Shea jumped in there and did. It was good because she was a match. Then have to take a lot, which made Shea happy.

It was about five when everyone had to go home. I opted to stay with her, Val wanted to but Zacky and I thought it was best for her to go. I lay with my head on her arm and I felt her play with my hair. She didn’t have to tell that she was going to be okay, I knew now. I knew that I was going have to watch her better now or maybe that was the problem I was watching her too much. Maybe I was to over protective, I don’t know. I did know that I wanted this nightmare over with.