Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 2

Worked sucked, I worked in a grocery store. I either stock the shelf or I work on the cash register. Either one, I really like but it help bring in some money. I would give my mom half the paychecks for bills and what not and then the other half goes to me. Mom hated when I would give her money, I think it would upset her some time. I felt bad because she some time felt like a bad mother because of it. The way I knew was because she would tell me some times.

“Anna, you can go today,” my boss said. I didn’t even work a full day. This was going to suck when I get paid.

“Mr. Jensen, can I work my full shift today?”

“If I can get someone else to go home then you can.”

“Thank you,” I when back to working.

As I stock the shelf, I pray that he would come and tell me to stay but when he did come back. It wasn’t what I wanted to hear, I called Jonnie’s mom and ask if she could pick me up. She was the most sweeties’ woman ever and I loved her for it. When there where fighting going on at my house, my mom would take me over there. When mom was having some kind car problem in middle school or something. Jonnie's mother would look at me as if I was one of her kids.

“He let you out early,” she asks as I got into the front. I was shock that Jonnie wasn’t with her.

“Yea, I ask if I could stay but he said no. This paycheck not going be much, I just know it. I need fine something else to do because I can’t keep doing this.”

“I know, its hard being a teen. This will make you stronger and who you are,” she looked over to me and smiled. The whole ride home was quite and as she turn on to my block she when to say something. “Jonnie said to come over tonight around ten when he home from work.”

“Okay thank you,” she lends over to hug me and then I got out.

I walked up to the door and saw my mom down the street; it was going be long night. It was only was seven, wait what was my mom doing home at seven, I was confuse now. I got something to eat and sat on the couch. She walked in; all tired which you can blame her for working seven to seven.

“How was your day,” she sat down next to me. I looked over at her and then rest my head on her shoulder. “What is mater?”

“Nothing really, Jonnie wanted to go out tonight but I had work. Then my fucking boss let me out early and Jonnie decide to go into work.” She pads my head with her hand and then smooths my hair out. “Mom, I have feeling that my paycheck this week won’t be so great.”

“Honey, that okay. You keep this one because we won’t need.” I lift my head and looked at her. “I’m taking on more hours at the hospital and I fought with the court and the government going give us some money because your father.”

“What!” my mom been trying get money for the state because of my dad scent I was maybe five. “Mom, that great.”

“We won’t get for couple of weeks but it will be okay.” she smiled at me and I hugged her. “Baby, what you doing tonight?”

“Well Jonnie want me come over after ten. Might see what the girls are up too, what about you?”

“That sound fun, I’m going to go to sleep for a little and then eat. Around four and head out to the hospital.” She got up from the couch and walked to her room. “Love you baby,”

“Love you too.”

The rest the night I hung out on the couch. The door open and I looked over to see a really tall guy walked in. I moved to the other end of the couch. I forgot the girls where coming with the guys. Andy was a tall guy, he smiled and waved at me. I did the same back to them. Zacky ran over and jumped on to the couch to hug me.

Zacky and I are like brother and sister, well we all are. Zacky and I fight like siblings and make up like one too. I know that I can go to him when there are problems with Jonnie and I. Zacky is my protector and watch over me when I need him too. When I’m home lone and Jonnie cant make it, Zacky the first of my friends to call.

“Where Jonnie?” some one ask. I couldn’t see whom because Zacky had his arm around my face. I try saying it but they couldn’t hear me. “Where?”

“Zacky! Move your dam arm,” Val yelled. She sat down next to him. Hesat up and so did I, he put both his arm around us.

“He decided to work, he want me to go over at ten.”

“oh,” Shea said sitting on Andy’s lap.

We hung out little bit and then it was ten, I had text Jonnie to see if he wanted everyone over. Then we had made it a big ass sleep over at his house, his parents where cool with it. That was because they decide the last minute to go away for couple of days. When he got home and parents left, we all walked over to his house.

“Hey guys,” he stood on his pack porch as we walked throw the gates. “We chill in the basement?”

“Yea man, play some guitar and jam out,” Zacky said padding his back. Everyone was a head of us.

“How was work?”

“It was work, you go my room?” I looked at him and laugh. But not in a mean way, well it may sound like it but it wasn’t. “I know,” he kiss me.” Those lips, the feeling of his metal lip ring hitting my mouth, it the first kiss of the night.

We wheren’t the kind of people to show our feeling for each other publicly, like we will hold hands and shit like that but not make out. We got in the house; he grabbed some waters for the girls. The guys decide that they will have the beer down stars. His father forgets it’s down there sometimes so we wouldn’t know how much is in there.

“Jonnie, get on the drums,” Zacky said as we toke the last step. The guys played in rock band. He handed me the water and I put them in mini frig. Val and Shea where on the couch watching so I ran over and jumped on Val’s lap.

“What the hell?”

I couldn’t help but laugh, “ Sorry but I had to. So I was talking to my mom today.” They both looked at me so I could go on. “She was able to get more hours at the hospital and she finely got the state to pay for what my dad miss.” The girls knew everything that was going on in my life. They may not have been blood but they are my fucking sisters.

“That great,” Shea said. “You talk about the trip?”

“What great,” Jonnie ask.

“Nothing, go back your games. No not yet, come up to the kitchen with me.” I got off Val and they got off the couch. “We will be back.”

“Okay Anna,”

Once we got up stars and into the kitchen. The girls sat at the kitchen table and I looked for something to eat. I didn’t fine anything but coffee ice cream, which was fine. We sat there and talked about the trip, I told the girl on what I was feeling. They where a little shocks but not much. They know I have problems leaving my mom, when I was ten. She made me go to a camp and I cried the whole time. I didn’t even stay a half a week.

“You girls have ice cream and didn’t tell us.” Jonnie walked over and toke spoon full of mine.
“Hey, that mine,”


“Um, no. you go get your own,” he laugh and then kisses me. “So who won?”

“I did,” Jonnie said opening the freezer. “What where you girls doing?”

“Girl talk, Zacky you want?” I looked at Val and smiled.

“So this trip, we doing it or not?” we looked at Andy. “What, I just asking that all.”

“Well, we where kind talking about that to. Baby feels we should do it.” I looked at her, that not what my feeling was. “It will be good for all of us.”

“She right, we each get some time with out girls. Some might be able to be a realcouple,” Zacky said looking at Jonnie and I.

“Okay but what does that mean,” I said looking back him.

“Um lets not go there Anna,” Jonnie said coming up behind me. “That what we will do then, we are going away. Now where?” I sunk into my chair, I didn’t understand what he meant by that and I wanted to know.

“The shore?”

“Okay, who agree with Val,” Shea ask. we all raze our arms but me and course they all looked at me. “Baby, what mater?”

“Nothing, I have go outside for air.” I got up and out the back doors. I thought it would be one of the girls or Jonnie coming out behind me. I don’t know why I wouldn’t think Zacky wouldn’t come out.

“You okay?” I turn and saw him close the door behind me.

“What did you mean by what you said?”

“Nothing bad, you and Jonnie are so for each other. You guys have been together for a long time but you guy hide the feeling for each other.”

“Zacky, I do that for a reason. I don’t want to get hurt like my mom did and I would think out of all them you would understand that. You when throw it with your mother, you know how it hurts. Well I thought you would.”

“Anna,” that was the first time in a long time he called me by my name. “I do know but some time you have to let the pass go. it may not be all at once but by little. True me, Jonnie will never hurt you in anyway. You want to know why, because one he a better person then that. And two, he scared shit of me.” I laugh. I walked over and he open his arms

“I’m scared,”


“Leaving my mother and something bad happen or something happening with Jonnie and I that I wont let go.”

“Don’t worry baby, “ he wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe for once in my life. I know that I should feel that way when Jonnie hugs me or hold me but there are times I don’t. But when Zacky hugs or holds me, I feel it.

The rest of the night when on great, the guys started to drink. They where little drunk but Jonnie was little tipsy which wasn’t so bad. Val got Zacky down to his boxer and pulled the bed out on the couch. He lay down with him on the one couch and Shea did the same with Andy on the other side of the room. I got Jonnie up to his room and ready for bed. That night I cuddle with him even those he wanted more then that.