Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 20


I was only in the hospital for about three days, everyone came to see me right after school. Brought me my work so I wasn’t really missing anything, Jonnie was at my side the whole time. He had decided to take off from school today to take me home. His mom was with him, I thought she was going yell at me but she was happy I was okay. She acted as if I was her daughter and I was fine with that.

“You ready,” the doctor asks walking into my room. I sat on the bed with smile on my face. I hated hospitals, they gave me the creeps.


“Okay, I just need you to sign.” He handed Jonnie’s mom the clipboard to sign some papers. She when along as if she was my aunt, it was hard to for everyone get information on me. You have to be related in some way. “Okay, you can go,” he shock my hand.

“Let go,” I said getting off the bed. “I’m tired of being here.” Jonnie looked at me and then grabbed my bag.

“You where here two and a half day.” I smiled and nodded. The three of us walked out and head out to the hall. As we walked pass the nurses decks I said my good byes and thank them for helping me. The good thing about this place was how nice the staff was.

“You have front seat,” Jonnie said as his mom pulled the car around to the front. “How are you feeling?”

“Thanks, fine.” Okay I wasn’t sure how I was feeling really. But fine was the first thing that came to mine. When his mom pulled up, he helped me into the car like I was a little kid getting on a bike for the first time. The ride home was okay; I didn’t talk much but Jonnie on the other hand. Wouldn’t really shut up, I just wanted to go home and sleep. The doctor gave tomorrow off for me because it was a Friday.

When we got home, I got out of the car just fine and Jonnie grabbed my bags. Him and I walked hand and hand into the house. Mom when right to the kitchen to make lunch and we when to the living room. We cuddle up next to each other and just watch whatever was on the television. It was about two and the girls where going to come over and see me.

“Here you go kids,” his mom said walking in with a tray of food. “How are you feeling Anna?”

“Good,” I smiled at her as she walked out. “Jonnie,”


“I feel like doing something, I want to go out and have fun tonight.”

“I don’t know, you just came out of the hospital and I have a meet with the band.” I was little mad at him.

“Well fine, if you don’t want to hang out then you go off with your band. I will fine someone to hang out with.” I got off the couch to head up star to shower and make plains. I was not going sit here and do nothing; I did that the last two day.

By the time I was in and out of the shower, the girls had come over. They where sitting on the bed waiting for me to come out. I had told them on how I wanted to go out and they thought it was a good idea. We decide that it was going be a girl’s night out well kind of. Andy, Zacky and Jimmy where coming out with us which, I didn’t care. I wanted fun and that what I was going to do. Jonnie wasn’t going out until about seven so that when I decide I was going out with girls.

“Well, this is nice. Have a family all together eating dinner,” His mom said as we sat down to eat. “Anna, I made your favorite. I know it may not be like,”

“Dear,” his father said. She smiled and put the dish on the table. “So what are you guys doing tonight?”

“I have a band meet. Anna, going out with friends but I think she should stay home and rest.”

“Well Jonnie, no one ask what you think,” I said keeping my eye on my foods. He didn’t want to spend the time with me. Then fine, but I wasn’t going stay here with out him. I loved him and his parents don’t get me wrong but I don’t know.

“Fine Anna,” He said with such anger. As if I was the one that decide go out and ditch him or something. Making it sound like I was the bad person here for wanting to go out. I think about me cutting myself and how could it have been his fault. Did he lead me up to doing it? Him and I wheren’t the people we once where it was pushing us more and more away everyday.

“Well dinner was great, Mrs. Hope. Thank you,” I said getting up taking my dishes to the dishwasher. I heard Jonnie’s chair move and he left the room.

“John,” his father yelled.

“Mark,” she said and I turn to see them. “Let me go up and talk to him.”

“No, I will.” I said walking to her. “It has to between us, that all.” I smiled to make her feel everything was going be okay. I walked out of the kitchen when to the stars but I saw him in the living room sitting and looking out the window. “Why are you so mad?”

“Why am I mad? Well let see, my girlfriend almost killed herself in my bathroom. She spends two days in the hospital. She home and want to go out, why am I mad?”

I looked at him and sat the other end of the couch that he was on. “Jonnie, I’m tired of feeling helpless. You where going leave me here in the house with your parents so you can go and do god know what with those dummy for friends. Really anyone should be mad, it should be me.”

“Really my friends are dummies? Whom the one that was trap in her house by her father and couldn’t call her friends to help because one phone was off and the other one was out.”

“Jonnie! They can have fucking lives. Jonnie! This has nothing to do with them, this all have to do with our fucking relationship and us. Lately, I wonder about the relationship and us because you seem not with it.” He looked at me dum fucked. Like I was talking a whole another langue to him.

“Okay fine, it doesn’t have to do them and yes it does have to do with us. I wonder, if I make you unhappy? Because there days if I stick around and you really don’t want me too.” The truth was that; I felt he didn’t stick around enough. I felt he was with the guys way too much lately; I just want to be happy again with him. “What do you want?”

“Jonnie, we can sit here and tell each other what we want and how feel. Jonnie, I want to make this work because I’m tired of feeling unhappy when I know that I’m not.” he looked at me, couldn’t fine worlds to say. “That why I wanted to go out tonight, I wanted to feel like me again.” I could feel the tares start to run down my face. He moved over and toke me into his arms.

“I’m sorry, I know I say that a lot. I didn’t mean to make you cry. What we will do is, we will go out with our friends. When we get home, we will talk about our night. Promise, I wont go to a party.” I pulled away and looked at him. I knew him and his friends, if he said no they would try so fucking hard to get him to change his mind. “I promise, if I get home before you I will what for you. You will do the same for me.”

“Okay,” I lend and he kissed me.

“Now stop crying and go get ready.” I hugged him before getting up. It was what I really need. As I got off the couch, I turn to walk out and he smacks me in the ass making me jump.


I was sitting home on a Friday night doing nothing, when my brother came running into the house telling me to get up and ready. I was going out, I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to go but when he told me that Anna was going. I knew I was going, she was one of kind. The ass that has her is really lucky but I didn’t think he should have her.

“Man, what do I wear,” Zacky ask walking into my room with pants on and shirtless. I didn’t understand why he was worrying, his girl was going be there. “This top or this top?”

“Your such a girl. Go red, where the hell are we going anyway?”

“Oh this bar playing this band and I want to check them out.” Shit! Me at a bar, is bad news. I was a very different guy when I was drinking, I wasn’t mean or anything I just got well horny. Man this was going to suck for me.

“Get out, I have to shower.” I push him out. I spent my time in the bathroom doing my hair and getting ready. I may have sound like a girl but I don’t spend as much time as most guys do.

Once I was ready, I sat on the couch waiting for my dummy of a brother run around like chicken with its head cut off. It was pretty funny; I was driving because I was barring my friend’s white escalade for the night. Once I had found that all these people where going. It was pretty cool, we where picking up all the girl at Val’s but Anna. Which I didn’t really mine picking her up at her house.

“You ready?”

“Boy, I been ready.” I go off the couch and we head out. “Hey Bob, thanks for the ride tonight.”

“No problem, got a hot date?”

“Nah, going out with bunch friends.” Man, I wish it were a date. Just Anna and I, man that would be great date but we all know you can't always get what you want. My friend, throw me the keys and out the door we when. I head to the girls and then we head over to Anna.


Jonnie didn’t leave yet so he waited with me while I waited for the girls to come. When I saw the escalade pull up in front, there was no way that was my ride. Jonnie and I sat there and not say a world until the doorbell rung. It was Val coming to get me; I hugged and kiss Jonnie before leaving. He told me have fun, which I had feeling I was going to. When I got to the car, Shea and Andy where all the way in the back. Val and Zacky where in the middle leaving me the front set. I didn’t mine because Jimmy was driving.

“Hey,” I said getting in. “So where are we going?”

“Well Zacky, want to go see this band play tonight,” Jimmy said as we drove out of town. Oh, how this was life for me. “So how are you feeling?”

“Good,” the ride to the place wasn’t bad. Mostly Zacky, Jimmy and I really talked. The other three talked with each other. I wasn’t really able to talk to Shea and Andy because they where the entire way back. Zacky had told me a little about this band and turn out that I knew who they where and they wheren’t knew. I was so excited to see them because I had loved them and one of my favorite bands.