Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 21

Once at the concert, I had told Val and Shea that we where seeing My Chemical Romance, I thought they where going pass out. When where younger not much younger, we bought all their albums when they came out together. It was our long wish to see them and now we where. I couldn’t believe, I thought I was going to die or make out with someone.

“Are you girls going kill me if I tell you that we get to go back stage after the show?” my month dropped open. Val jumped in his arms and Shea, I don’t know what she did. She wasn’t really that crazy with MRC as Val and I. “Well?”

“Zacky, You’re the fucking best friend, brother a girl could have.” I walked over to him and hugged him.

Zacky got us in and at our set; I sat on the end next to Jimmy. Te girls sat with their boyfriends and part of me feel that they where trying set me up with Jimmy but I don’t know. There where good bands playing before them, some that Val really liked so the four of them left Jimmy and I at the table just talking. It wasn’t that bad I have to say.

“Having fun?”

“Yea, you?”

“Yea.” We didn’t say much but we started to pick up on conversion a little. “You know, I almost didn’t come but when Zacky told me that you where coming. It change my mine,” he lends away and smiled at me. We couldn’t hear well so we had to talk in each other ears.

“Really? You know it was my idea to go out.” he shocks his head at me. “I had came home today and I didn’t want to sit at my boyfriend’s with him out.”

“Going out for smoke, you want to come?” I nodded my head. He got out first and then held his hand out to help me get out of the both. We walked out side where it was nice and cool. “So, you live with your boyfriend?”

“Yea, well after my mother pass. I couldn’t live in my house and he was the first I thought to go to. Something happen and I when to your place, which part of me miss it there.”

“Yea, well we miss having you around. That room there for you,” he said lighting up and the smoke come out.

“Well thank you, I think the next time my boyfriend decide to spend the night out.” I laugh. “Ha, sorry that I talk about him so much.”

“It’s cool,” he toke drag and we kept on talking. Shea had come out looking for me and join into out little group. When Jimmy finish, we all when back in the building and talked some more.

When it was time for MCR to come on, Val, Shea and I all ran straight for the front of the stage. The guys stood behind us to make sure nothing happen to us. Val was a tough little thing but me, yea but not much. Shea, well wasn’t really but she could be when she want to be. When the guys came out on stage I was right there and I thought I was going to die when Mikey looked down at me and smiled.

Mikey Way was like the man of my dreams. He was what I wanted in a boyfriend but really he was what I wanted for a boyfriend. I would picture my wedding and him waiting for me to come down with his brother standing next to me. The girls standing across watching me. Now here I’m as close as I am to him, I could almost touch him with my own dam hands was like a dream come true.

When I heard the drums and bass start then the guitar come in. Then Gerard said with, “And if they get me and the sun goes down into the ground
And if they get me take this spike to my heart and
And if they get me and the sun goes down
And if they get me take this spike and
You put the spike in my heart”

I thought I was really going to pass out, us girls started to sing along to the song and the guys where getting a kick out of it. As the band on, the more we sung with them and then we started to dance. People behind us where starting to mosh and go crazy, the guys wanted to get out before something happening but Val and I told them no way in hell. Shea, she wasn’t really feeling so good so Andy toke her away. When Gerard had toke a brake and was talking to the crowed. When he says the guys in the band like Frank or Ray, Val and I would scream our heads off. At one point he was talking about us and how where like the best fans he seen. I had felt that my night was all a dream to me and I wasn’t ready to wake up from anything. The band played couple more songs and then they where done, I sad to see them go.

“You girls are crazy,” Jimmy said holding my hand as we walked back to the table. “You guys must really like them.” Val and I looked at him and gave the death look. “Oh sorry, love them.”

“Yes! Their like out of this dam world. The basses player, holy shit,”

“Hey, he mine.” I said laughing. We all started laughing and the guys looked at us as if we gone crazy. Which we where already crazy to start off with.

“Okay, you guys have something to drink and I will be back,” Zacky said leaving Val’s side.

After we clam down and where just talking. Zacky was gone for about twenty mints and when he came back he had to big guys with him. He had something for us and we all got up from the table. I had looked at my phone all night until now and I was shocked that I no new message or any calls. So I when on with the night, fallowing the group to go behind the stage. I felt a hand on my lower back keeping with the group, I felt for once happy and alive again. Really that was the whole point of this night, I just felt bad that my boyfriend wasn’t here to see it. Jimmy was so sweet and was making me feel like he was my boyfriend for the night.

“Okay, you cant kill me but,” he turn and knocked on the door. Someone from the other side told us to come in. As we walked in, it was dressing room with the greatest people alive in it.

“Zacky, this…this is MCR,” I stutter out of my mouth. I turn to see him nodding his head at me. “OH MY GOD!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I fell to my knees and scared to cry.

“It’s okay, Anna,” I heard Jimmy said next to me. “Come on, go meet the guys.” I pulled myself together and got up. I started talking to them and shacking hands with them. I was fine until it got to one man.

I felt as if the room was starting to turn on me and it was getting hot. I looked at him from head to toe. He stuck his hand out and his lips started to move, “I’m Mikey.” I thought I was going lose it. But I didn’t, I held strong and toke his hand.

“Anna,” I couldn’t believe that I just shock hands with Mikey Fucking Way! After we all clam down and said our hellos. We all started to talk; it was really cool to see the guys as themselves and not on stage.

The night when on and I got a call but I didn’t pick it up. It was about four when we said bye to the guys. We where all so tired, once we where in the car, everyone was out but Jimmy and I. We talked out the concert and meeting the guys. it was nice to talk someone that had lot in common with you. Don’t get me wrong Jonnie and I had thing in common but not as much as Jimmy and I. I really liked it, once we got back into town. Jimmy dropped me off at the house first.

“I had fun tonight.”

“Me too, I wish you came back to the house.”

“No, I can’t. Jonnie will want to know where I am.”

“Okay,” he looked at me in the eye. I starting to feel something I haven’t felt in a long time. His hand rests on my face and I felt his lips hit mine. Taking me away from this world into another place. I didn’t try pulling away, I’m not going lie and say I didn’t like because I really did.

I pulled away and looked at him, “ I have to go,” I wiped my mouth before getting out. I got out and as I walked up to the door, I couldn’t help but think of the kiss. when I got in the house, I didn’t think someone would be on the couch waiting for me.

“You have fun,” he asks sitting up and looking at with a smile. I smiled and walked over to him on the couch. It seem that where I had left him, for once he was home before me.

“Yea, Zacky toke us to a concert and got us in the back to meet the band.”

“Good,” he had a big smile on his face. “I’m happy that you had a good time. You needed it and I’m sorry for being a jerk.” For once I really felt that he had meant this, it felt good.

“Come on, let go to bed. I’m tired.” I got up taking his hand and we walked up the stars. We held hands but it didn’t feel like Jimmy’s when we where at the concert. His where soft and worm, there was something about them.

When we got up the room, Jonnie gave me a shirt and sweet pants. He strip down to his boxers and into bed. I got dress and got into bed next to him. He kisses the top of my head and held my hand. I didn’t want to kiss him, not yet. I knew his kiss would wake me up from this good dream I was having. Once scent everything had happen it wasn’t a nightmare to me.

Saturday came and I spent the day with Jonnie doing nothing great. Then later when over to Val’s and she was showing me pictures. I was smiling at Jimmy, it had looked as if him and I where dating. Then there where the picture we toke with the band me in my happiness next to Mikey and Ray. Saturday had left as fast as it came, when Sunday came. The families mostly stay home and try to catch up with everything. Jonnie and I hung out in his room doing homework we had to make up.

“So who Jimmy,” I looked at him funny. “Who this Jimmy, guy you when to the concert with?”

“Zacky’s brother, he toke us to the concert. Why?”

“Oh because you didn’t tell me about him. I saw the pictures up online, him and Zacky don’t look the same.”

“I know, it’s weird, hey you going out tonight?”

“No, why?”

“Okay good, I want to spent time with you. that okay or do I have,”

“Don’t start, this was a good weekend for us.”

“Yea,” I said low. “Hey you mine if I crash at Zacky’s for the week?”


“You and me need time apart. Not a brake up but not living together, it really doing some work on our relationship. I think it will help,” he wasn’t happy with the idea but he knew that our relationship was falling apart little by little.

“Yea,” he smiled and then kisses me. “Whatever will make it work with us and keep us happy. That really what I want the most for us.” Wow he was more understanding with this then I thought. Was he on something? There was a point in his life where he did do drug.

The day when on it was time for dinner, I had gone down to help his mom make the food. While he spent time with his dad because they need time together. His mom was asking my about our relationship and I had told her that I was going stay at a friend’s house for a couple of weeks. That it was near by and that she didn’t have to worry about anything or me. When it was time for us to sit down, his dad something and then we started to eat. I told them that I was going to go tonight for a couple of week and everyone but his dad was fine with this. His dad always wanted another child, well so did mom but not as bad as his dad. I was like the daughter they never got to have and they where fine with that.

“Are you sure that what you want?”

“Dad, stop. This is better for her and I, just stop.”

“What going on with you two?”

“Nothing,” he was starting to get annoyed and I could tell. I put my hand in his lap to take his hand under the table.

“I feel that to make mine and Jonnie’s relationship stronger, it would be good if I go and hang out at my friend’s for a couple of weeks. I’m still around and I will come over, just wont see me as such. That all, nothing get excited or worked up.” I smiled and Jonnie squeeze my hand.

“Okay,” his father wasn’t really happy but whatever worked to keep Jonnie and I together. That how we where all looking at this for right now.