Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 22

I spent four days at Zacky’s; Jonnie came over once, which was fine. It felt as if we where living like normal teens again. Jimmy and I where getting to be better friends, there was something about him that made me feel like a person and nothing more. So it’s a Thursday nigh, Zacky when out with Val. Them two where up to something and we all wanted to know. Shea had a big math test coming up, which had Andy help her because she just sucks at math. So that meant Jimmy and I for the night, awesome.

“Hey, you want to go out?’ Jimmy sat next to me on the couch as I did my homework. It wasn’t a lot but I was taking some class to get credit for college.

“Um, I don’t know I have a lot to do tonight.” I looked at him and smile. I when back working on my work. I hated telling him no because I really did want to go out tonight and get away from school work.

“Oh come on, you had your head in the same book for like an hour. You work your ass off for school and at work, you can take one night off and come out with me.” he toke the book out of my lap and put on the table. “Come on,” he pulled me off the couch on to my feet.

“Jimmy,” he looked at me and shock his head. He toke my hand and we walked to the door. “I have got my phone and bag.”

“Fine,” he let go and I grabbed my stuff. “So I was thinking because it’s little chilly out we go somewhere nice but not to nice.”

I laugh, “You could take me to fast-food place and I will be happy,” I said getting into his big ass truck.

We drove around a little and then we found a nice dinner to eat out. We went out to the mall that was about six towns over. We drove for hours and in those hours we talked. When we got to the mall we walked around looking at the shop, Jimmy had left me to go into a store for something. I wasn’t to cool about to so I when in behind him. It wasn’t one of those weird, sex shops that you would think he might go into. It was more like jewelry place.

“What you think,” he asks walking over to me with this gold change necklace with a butterfly diamond hang from it.

“It’s pretty, who it for?”

“Oh no one really,” he smiled and turn to the cashier. “I will take it.” I walked around the store looking and there where a lot of nice thing. There was a necklace that looked just like the one my grandmother had. That was given to me and stolen when my mother was killed.

“Can I help you?” I looked up to a women looking at me. “A man came in and trade it in for some cash.”

“Oh,” I smiled and walked over to Jimmy. “Can we go home,” I ask low. He looked at me; I shock my head and looked down at the floor.

When we got in the truck, we head home. My phone had when off and it was Jonnie out of all people. I didn’t want to talk to him but he would get funny if I didn’t. “Hey Anna,” he said as I answer the phone. “What you doing?”

“Hey, going home from the mall. You?”

“Oh cool, who you go with? “ It was weird that he was asking. He wasn’t the jealous kind of guy or was he now that I decide that I didn’t want to live with him.

“Oh Jimmy, we just hung out and went to the mall and got food. There was no point of the two of us to make a big dinner for two people.”

“Yea, mom miss you and want you to come by. I miss you.”

“Awh, I miss you too. Maybe tomorrow night you and I can go out and have fun?”

“Okay, yea sounds great. Well I will let you go then, love you.”

“Okay, love you too.” I hung up the phone and Jimmy looked at me. “What? he cant call me?”

“Do you really miss him?” I was shock he ask me such a question. Of course I miss my boyfriend right, that what I’m suppose to say. “Be truthful,” How the hell is he able to read me so easy. Most people, I put up such a good wall that no one could tell.

“Yes,” he looked at me, something in me was telling him no and he knew it. “Yes, I miss Jonnie. You think you know me and really you don’t know me or where I came from.”

“You think I don’t know you.” I shock my head at him. “Well let see, your dad ran out, your mom dies, you move in with boyfriend which we both know that was bad. Then my brother takes you in. Hmm….it sounds like I know you my whole dam life.”

“How the hell you know?”

“You don’t think I don’t listen when you talk. There something about your voice that makes me listen when you talk. Anna, I know you have a boyfriend and shit but heno good for you trust me.”

“Jimmy, you don’t know my relationship with him. You think he a bad guy when really he isn’t. Stop, while you still can.” I turn my head to look out the window. Why the fuck he had to say something. This was such a great night until now, he fucked it up. The ride home wasn’t like the ride there.

When we did get to the house, he pulled in the drive way and I got right out. I had my own key so I unlocked the door letting myself in. he try talking to me but I didn’t listen, I grabbed my book and headed into my room. I was so mad at him, but I think more at myself because I knew he was right. Man, I hate guys some time they are just a pain in the ass more then half the time.

“Baby,” I heard as my door was opening. “It’s Val, can I come in?”

“Sure,” I close my book and move my shit so she could sit. “So how was your night?”

“Good, Zacky and I are really working it out with the both of us. Hey, what happen with you and Jimmy tonight?”

“Nothing, he think he knows me and he doesn’t.” I didn’t want to talk about me or any of the guys that I like right now, okay so yea, I like Jimmy.

“Oh,” she looked at me and then we heard the door open, It was Jimmy, he walked in the room and smile. “Well I’m going.”

“No your not,” I pulled her back on the bed.

“I’m not taking long,” he said. She got off the bed and walked out. “I’m sorry about the car ride. So I guess I don’t know your relationship well or him for that mater. But the parts I do know make me sad when I see you upset. You’re like a good friend to me and I haven’t met someone so nice, sweet and great like you. Sorry.” He hugged me and then left the room. Val walked in right after he walked out.

“Val, I’m in shit.” She looked at me funny. I lend over and whisper in her ear, “I think I like Jimmy,”

“What,” she yelled.

“Shut up, Jonnie can’t know. Val, what the hell am I going to do?”

“How long?”

“For a while but now I realize it and I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do.”

“Claim down, so what, you like him. Okay fine, it nothing more and nothing going to happen and nothing did happen right.” I wish I could tell her nothing happen but that one night. The concert, he made me feel so good and then that kiss at the end of the night was just, to die for. “Right Anna, nothing happen.”

“Well,” her eyes got big in her head. “We, umm…we kiss.”


“Shut up! I didn’t cheat right. Pulse it was a kiss and Jonnie done worse then that okay so if something did happen its pay back.”

“You are going fuck everything up.”

“Just be there for me, when I need someone pleases.”

“Yea,” she lends in and hugged me. After we got that all out of the way, she told me all about her date with Zacky. We left my room and when out to the living room laughing. The guys where in the back yard having a smoke and talking about so,ething because Jimmy was on the phone.

That night, something was bothering me so much that I was crying. I didn’t even realize that I was. I heard my door open and I felt someone lay next to with their arm over me. They pulled me close to their body, “Sh, your okay. Everything will be okay.” I turn over, but I could tell that my breathy was going back to normal easy.

The next morning I got up for school and I saw that Jimmy was in my bed, so that who came in. I should have knew, I got ready for school. I walked into the kitchen seeing Zacky at the table with his coffee reading the paper. HE didn’t say anything to me so I didn’t think he knew about Jimmy sleeping in my room. Then I heard him come down the whole into the kitchen in his boxers.

“Morning,” he said walking in. I smiled and then grabbed my breakfast bar off the counter.

“Morning,” Zacky said keeping his eyes on the paper. “So everyone sleep well last night?”

“Yea,” I said getting a glass for my orange juice. “You?”

“Yea, I heard someone crying last night.”

“It was me, bad dream I woke myself up from it. Well I have to go, I will see you guys later.” I hugged Zacky and said bye to Jimmy and walked to the front door. So happy today was Friday. I walked out and Jonnie was sitting in the car watching for me.

“Hey,” he said as I got in the car. Lend over and kiss me, I have to say I felt bad for having a crush on Jimmy and last night. “Sleep well?”

“Hey, yea. You?”

The ride to school was weird, I kept thinking of Jimmy and if Zacky knew about last night. I was starting to think maybe Jonnie and I need to take time off and see other people for little. I couldn’t help but think this way, when we got to school. He when on his way with his friends and I when to see the girls. Val had seen me and came running for me.

“Anna! What the hell happen,” she yelled just a couple of feet in front of me. As people walked pass me staring, I just simple smile at them.


“Don’t what me, you dam well know what happen last night.” Shit! Zacky knew and told her.

“Not the time or place for this okay, and nothing happen. I was crying, he came and held me and that was it.” I walked to my locker to get my morning books out.

Shea walked over, “Hey, what up?”

“Baby, slept with Jimmy,” Val said. Without looking at her, I smacked her in the back. “What the hell?”

“I don’t need everyone knowing what the hell I did.” I turn and walked away from them.

The day when on and Val was trying talk to me and get info out of me, which nothing happen with him and I. Man this day just sucked, I wanted to get out so bad but I know if I called Jimmy to come and get me then Val will think something up. I couldn’t do that, I know she would tell Jonnie, I just have to deal with it.