Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 23

It felt like the worse Friday in my life but it could get worse right? After school Jonnie wanted to hang out and do something. So wee did, well his buddies came a long with us. I thought he wanted just us, guesses not. We drove around town looking for a place to hang; there wasn't much to do. We found a shopping sinter to hang out in, his friends where jumping and flipping on their skateboard. I sat up against the car texting. Val, had push to the edge so I told her what happen. She was shock that what happen because he told her something so far off, stupid boys. Then I got a call, so I walked away from Jonnie and his friends to answer.

“Hey, what up?” I answer my phone. Jonnie had his eye on me as I walked away.

“Nothing, with Val and my brother, what you doing tonight,” Zacky ask.

“Nothing that I know of. I’m with Jonnie and his friends right.” I sat down on the curb talking. I looked over and saw Jonnie, he didn’t look really happy. A car sawed up and parked next his. It was more of his friends and about two girls got out of the backset. Zacky was talking to me but I wasn’t really with it, I was watchingthis girl tried flirting with Jonnie. “Zacky, text me. I have to go bye.” I hung up before he could say another world. I walked over to Jonnie and nicely push the girl off him.

“Who was it?” I wrapped both arms around his waist and kiss him. it was that kiss where look bitch he mine . “Wow,”

“Zacky, he wanted to know what I was doing tonight. I wasn’t sure because I didn’t know if you wanted to hang out tonight.”

“Is this your girlfriend?” the bitch asks.

Before Jonnie had the chance or the time to say something, I jumped in. I turn and looked at her, “Yes and we’re talking. Now move your anorexic ass away from us and if I see you hitting on my man again, I will put you in your own grave.” She gave me a dirty look and walked away.

“Why did you say that? She was nice” he watches her walk away. I couldn’t believe my boyfriend was watching some bitch walk away with me right there.

“Because I saw her flirting with you. I want to go,”

“Of course you do, you know you have change a lot. What the hell got into you? Is it that guy?”

“What guy? No, I haven’t change. I’m not fighting with people around.” I push his arm away from me and stood there. We didn’t say one word to each other, he when off playing with his friends and I played with my phone.

You know, I looked forward to spending time with Jonnie, he a good guy but lately he being the biggest ass in this god dam world. When he was with his friends, he was a different person. As the guys skated board around me and the other girls, I saw a car pull into the parking lot. I heard my phone go off and it was Val telling me to go over to the car. I turn and saw where Jonnie was, with that girl of course. I decide to walk over to see what was going on.

“Get in the car,” Jimmy said rolling the window a little.

“I cant, I have spend time with jonnie even its with his friends. Val stay with me a for a little please. There this bitch, I’m going,”

“Anna, baby, turn and look.” She pointed. I turn slowly and looked over at Jonnie. There he had his arm around the girl’s waist. I wanted to fight her until I heard the car door close.

“Come,” Jimmy wrapped his arm around me. The other two got out of the car and he pulled me toward Jonnie.

“Get your hands off my girl,” Jonnie came running over. “Hey guy, who are you?” Jonnie pulled me from Jimmy.

“Ouch, that hurt. This is Jimmy, Zacky’s older brother. He was just playing around,” he star me down. “While you hang out with your friends, I’m going to run to the store with Val and the guys.”

“Oh well we are going,” the only reason why he was going was because I was going hang with Val and the guys. He hated the idea of that and I was starting to see it in his face and the way he held on me.

“Well, you know what. You hang out with your friends and I will hang out with mine. We will meet up with each other tonight for dinner oh wait your will forget.” He was not happy with me and I was not happy with him but I didn’t give a shit. “Bye,” I kiss his cheek and walked away.

“Anna,” He ran behind me. He grabbed my arm stopping me in my track, “I’m sorry for today. You have fun with them and I will see you tonight.” He kisses me and then watches me walk off with everyone. I know he was feeding me bullshit but I when a long with it.

Zacky got in the back with Val and I was up front with Jimmy. We had fun just being in the car, when we got to the first store. I thought we where going get kicked out by the way people where looking at us. Zacky need new shirts so Val when off and help him. Jimmy and I when over to the shoes and talked and well more. When we walked away from them, we turn the corer and he grabbed my hand.

“I wish you didn’t have a boyfriend.” He looked down at me as we walked.

“Don’t walk in to the shelf,” I said looking up and then a head laughing. In the store they had a shelf of clothes in the middle of the walkway, which I hate, but it was funny to see Jimmy walk into. “I know, I was thinking about it,” he pulled me into aisle and had his back up again the shelf.

“Don’t do anything because me.” I looked at him ready say something but he stops. Those lips hit mine, like they did the first night him and I when to the concert. He slowly pulled away and looked at me. “No, I mean by braking up with him.”

“I have been thinking about it, Jimmy, him and I are,”

“He will flip,” I let go of Jimmy and he kind let go of me. “You have a boyfriend that friends with my brother.”

“Val, nothing going on with him and I. We are just friends and that how it’s going to stay truest me.” I walked over to her. She nodded her head, she seems piss but I didn’t understand why.

“He coming, he wont know.” she looked at me and then Jimmy, I nodded. “So what about these shoes,” she pulled the most ugliest shoe off the rack to show us. We couldn’t help but laugh at her.

“You guys found anything?” Zacky walked over wrapping his arm around Val waist resting his hand on her stomach, which was new. I wasn’t going to say anything but she was keeping a secrete from me.

“Nope, let go,” they walked off and Jimmy was next to me. They where talking about something as they walked but it wasn’t allowed enough to hear.

“Come on, that was fucking close as hell.” I looked at him and kind of grin at him. “What?”

“Nothing, I just want to go,” I walked a little head of him. then I got a text from Jonnie about going for dinner around nine which I thought was to late so I told him whatever, I didn’t want to go out. of course I told him I didn’t want to talk to anyone he decided to call me ‘oh yay!’ “hi,”

“What wrong?”

“Nothing, look I’m tired, piss and I don’t feel like going out at nine at night for dinner.”

“I will come over around eight and we will lay in your room.”

“Fine,” I hung up the phone and walked outside. I saw Val and Zacky talking, they where so happy. I wanted to be happy like them, this was the first time I didn’t feel happy with the guy I was with. Jimmy had came out and pulled out and light his cigarette. “Don’t talk to me, I just want to go home.”

Zacky and Val came out talking. “What wrong,” she ask walking over to me.

“She piss about her gay boyfriend.” I turn and looked at him.

“You are just like all of them, you fucker. Why did I start to,”

“What going on?” Zacky looked at me with tears starting to come out of my eye and then at Jimmy. “Well?”

“Let go, Zacky up front. Girls in the back.” We walked to the car. The ride home, Zacky was still trying to fine out what was going on. Val had turn around and yelled at him to shut up. That was more then half the dam ride, I rest my head on her shoulder and I was out of the light.


As I drove home, I kept seeing Anna in the back crying on Val. I was getting ready to punch the shit out of my brother for not keeping his mouth shut. Everyone was on such edge, I was never liked this until she moved in. My life was great, I didn’t have to worry about hurting anyone or watching what I had to say. But Anna, she kept pulling me back to her and I hated it but loved it.

When we got home, I saw that she was pass out on Val’s shoulder. “I will take her in,” I open Anna’s door and swung her arm around my neck.

“You got her?”

“Dude, she not that heavy, she must be ninety.” He looked at me and then at Val as if we knew something. I rolled my eyes and kept walking to her room.

I slowly open the door and laid her down on the bed. she didn’t let go of me and when she hit the bed, she open her eyes and ask for me to stay. I laid down next to her watching as she sleep. I heard the door open and I lend over to see who it was.

“She okay?” I slide off the bed.

“Yea,” Val laid next to her and I left the room. I when out to the porch to have a smoke and my brother was out there on the phone. “Who is it?”

“Bri, he need us out there.”

“Okay,” he looked at me. As if I was missing the whole picture.


“What about?”

“What are we going do about her?” my brother was funny sometimes. “We can't just leave her here alone. Not with her ass of dad out on the streets.”

“She has a fucking boyfriend, it will be fine.”


I felt someone next to me, I rolled over to see Val sleeping next to me. I saw her little belly and I place my hand on it just maybe I was wrong but I don’t think I was. She rolled over and I moved my hands so fast. I got off the bed and made sure she didn’t hear me.

“You like him more then Jonnie,” I turn and saw her lying there. “Tell me the truth, you and Jonnie aren’t working out right now. But you’re afraid to lose him and that why you put up with his shit. You lie to me and most of all your self.” I turn and looked at her. Then sat at the end of the bed with one leg over the edge.

“Val, I don’t know how I truly feel about Jonnie or Jimmy.”