Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 24

That night Jonnie had came over at eight when he told me. I knew this being good and on top to keep me happy wasn’t going to last long. I was tired of the game with him, I was tired with guys. Jonnie and I hung out in my room the whole night, we watch movies and when we got hungry we came out. Zacky was with Val in his room and Jimmy. Well I don’t know where he when but I kept thinking what I said to him and I felt bad.

“You okay, you haven’t say one word to me,” he sat at the counter while I got some water bottles for us.

“Yea,” I handed him the water. “I have to be right back.” He looked at me and then nodded. I step out side and move away from the sliding door. “Jimmy?”

“Oh hey,” he was sitting there with a 40 next to him. “You know,” he was so fucking drunk.

“Jimmy stay here,” I ran back in the house to get my phone. I grabbed the house phone and called Zacky. “Zacky! Jimmy drunk in the back yard, I went out get him and…” I explain to him everything. He left his room right way.

“Anna, what the hell is going on?”

“Jonnie, look you and I, I don’t know. We haven’t been on the same page and,”

“Anna, what are you saying?”

Just as I was about to say something, “Where is he?”

“Out back,” I yelled and Zacky ran throw the house. “Hey Val,” she did a quick smile and then saw Jonnie. “Don’t worry, Jonnie, I will call you later.” We walked to the front door.

“Anna, what is going,”

“Jonnie, I will talk you later.” I didn’t let him hug me. I open the door and waited for him to walk out. We didn’t say bye or hugged, anything. I close the door and then ran into the kitchen to check on Jimmy.

“I can’t stand her being with him,” I stood off to the side out of the way where Jimmy couldn’t see me. “Zacky, she worse then a fucking drug. I have to go to Cali.”

“Dude, no you can’t just hold out on me. I will get to live with someone or something, please don’t leave.”

“What going on,” I said walking in. Everyone looked at me; I was scared as if they killed someone and now their hiding the body. “How he doing?” Jimmy got up and walked over to me. His hand reach up to my face and I stare into his eyes.

“You are the worse drug for me,” then he kisses me. It was a different kiss because he was so drunk. He let go and then looked at Zacky. “Bed,” he started to turn pal. Zacky ran over and toke him right to his room.

“I didn’t brake up with Jonnie yet.” She looked at me. “Val, I’m staying in his room tonight.”

“Anna, I love you, you’re like my sister but your going to cheat on him? Yea he an ass but really. Come on Anna!”

“No, I can’t do that to him. I tried but it just didn’t come out tonight, Val.”

“Sorry, just don’t be stupid because he drunk.” I smirk and then hugged her.

“Thanks, you staying the night?” she nodded her head. “Good,” we both laugh.

After awhile we hung out on the couch, while Zacky got Jimmy already for bed and then came out by us. I had got a call from Jonnie, I was afraid to talk to him but Val mad me. He wanted to know how Jimmy was doing and then he wanted to come over and talk to me about us. I scared now to hear what he had to say and I was scared to say what I had to say.


When I got off the phone with Anna, I head out of my house. Of course my mom was in the living room working on her laptop. She saw me leaving and started to talk to me. I need to go, so I slowly made my way to the door, kiss her and left. On the way over, I felt that the ride was going to take forever to get there but I knew I had to do this. I knew that we need this talk more then ever. We need to fix whatever the problem was or we need to just move on in life. As I pulled up to the house, I sat there looking into the house as the girl watched TV.

I turn the car off and I open the door, keeping my eye on the window. I shut the door and I saw her look at me. She looked very different then she ever did, she looked tired but was still pretty in my eyes. I’ve seen this girl at her worse and still thought to myself that she was pretty. I walked to the door and just as I came up the step, she walked out of the door.

“Hey,” she said looking at me. I smiled and looked into her blue eyes.

“Hey, we need to talk,” she sat down on the step and I sat next to her. I looked out to the street and I could feel her looking at me. “Where to start?”

“Yea, Jonnie, this hadn’t been working out for me right now.” I looked at her and she looked at me. I loved her eyes; they always got me lost in them.

“I know and I know that I haven’t been there for you when I should. Just lately you have been pushing me away so I have been trying to keep myself busy. I don’t mean to hurt you in any way but I think it’s”

“Jonnie, we should brake up for now.” she looked at me shock for saying it. I pulled into my body and she started to cry. Okay, yea it hard for her because I can see in her that she didn’t want to do it. But it’s hard for me as well, I love her and I want her to have my kids and be my wife. I thought that was going to happen this summer. I was hopping to be engage with her.

“It’s okay, listen we will brake and see other people for now. Maybe when the time right we will work out again. I love you,” I squeeze her in my arms as tight as I could.

“I love you too,” she looked up at me. I moved my one hand to wipe the tears that where over flowing her beautiful eyes.

“You okay now,” she looked at me and nodded. We let go and got up from sitting, as I turn to look at her. She lends in to kisses me on the check and then her lips hit mine. I was shock but I wasn’t going to stop her. “Bye Anna,” I said as I pulled away.

“Bye Jonnie,” she when in the house. I walked to the car; I didn’t know what to do. Was it okay for me to cry or was that showing weakness?


I walked in the house; Val sat on the couch and looked at me. With out saying a world she opens her arms and I sat on the couch with my head on her shoulder crying. I was going to miss him but we need this so much. This was only our second time on brake with each other. Zacky came out and sat next to me, yea I should move and let him next to his girlfriend but I need my brother. I lend on him as we all watch this weird show. After awhile I was getting tired and I head to bed but I didn’t go to my room.

“Hey you sleep,” I ask walking into Jimmy’s room.

He rolled over to see me, “not really just little drunk.” I walked over and lay next to him in the bed. “You okay?”

“Yea,” I turn and looked at him. “Hold me.” with out saying anything, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in tight. “Thank you,” that how I was able to fall asleep.

The next morning, I rolled over and I didn’t feel Jimmy next to me. I open my eyes and I was in my room. I sat up and looked around remembering that I was in Jimmy’s room not mine. I claim out of bed and head out of the room to the living room. No one was in there, I when to the kitchen. Of course no one was in there, I saw smoke from the back yard so I walked out seeing Jimmy in a chair smoking on the phone. His back was towards the house so I snuck up behind him. I rest my head on the one shoulder that didn’t have the phone on.

“Dude hold on,” he pulled the phone away and lend his head back to kiss the top of mine. “Little cold for you be out here. Go inside and I will be right in.” I nodded my head and when in. It was little cold for October to be here already. When I got in the house, I put on the coffee and decide to make everyone something to eat.

“What are you making,” I looked up and saw Val sitting there at the counter.

“Eggs, muffins and coffee, what do you want?”

“Eggs are good,” I got them ready with some bacon on the side. Jimmy walked in and for the coffee. “Hey. Is it cold out there?”

“Hell yea,” he said looking at her as he pored the coffee. “Zacky up?”

“He left like an hour ago.” He looked at her. “I don’t know where he when. Anna, when you getting your license?”

“When someone can take me to get it.” I handed her the plate and got one for Jimmy.

“No thanks, what if I toke you?” I looked at him, he must have been joking. He wasn’t a bad driver, its just I don’t know. “Come on, I will take you with out a problem. We will go today.”



“Fine,” I made my plate and sat next to Val. Didn’t know how I felt on him taking me but I must liked him to brake up with my boyfriend. So it can’t be that bad, right? “So what going on Val?”

“I need to go to the doctor, but the week I need go I think Zacky going away.” I looked at Jimmy.

I didn’t like the sound of that because that means that Jimmy was going with Zacky. “Oh okay then, I will take you.” I got up and smiled. “I be right back.” I walked out of the room and out the front door. I sat on the step and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and pulled one out.

“What you doing,” Zacky ask walking up to the house. I looked at him and offer one to him. “Nah, I’m good. What happen that made you have one?”

“You leaving,” he looked at me confuse. “You and Jimmy going away,” he mouth ‘oh’ in the air looking away. “Where you going?”

“We have to go out to Cali for something but that not until spring brake.”

“Oh, what up with the phone calls?”

“Look, there is thing you don’t need to know about. Val doesn’t even know about what going on. Just that I have to go out there for that week that all.”

“Fine, is she with kid?” he looked at me. “She getting fat,”

“No,” he smiled at me. I don’t know how much I believe him but whatever, they wanted to keep shit from me then fine. “Well, I have to get in the house.” he hugged me and then got up.

I didn’t understand why but I hated men so much right now. They know how to fuck up your mine and life so fucking bad. I hopping that maybe Jimmy and I could work out, but right now. It’s been really weird. I didn’t like it much and I was starting to feel as if I was making a mistake by braking up with Jonnie for him.

“You out here in the cold,” I turn and saw Jimmy walk out of the house. he sat down behind me with one leg on each side of me. “What wrong?”

“I feel that I made a mistake.”

“Listen, everything going to work out. You and I will be able to try a relationship but there one thing I need from you.” I turn and looked at him. “You have to true me and there are going be times when I have to go out West.”

“Could I come when you go?”

“I don’t know, but we will see. Come on, your getting cold and if you want your license we have to go soon.” He kisses me and then helps me up. He got up and in the house we went. I got ready and about eleven was when we left the house. I was so scared, worse part Jimmy had me drive to the place.