Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 27

That day changes me; I was never so confused on who I wanted in my life. Yea I wanted Johnny because our pass and we had something that no one could give me. But then Jimmy, he made me feel something that I never felt with any guy I was ever with. That wasn’t many guys at all; I think the most four in my lifetime. After I had when home with Jimmy, man did shit get hot.

“Jimmy,” I laid there in his bed with blankets over me sitting up as he put on his boxers. He was so sexy naked, his body was the body of a god. He looked at me; I got out of bed taking a sheet with me. “You are the most wonderful man.” I got on my toes to kiss him.

“Well then, I must wow your world again.” I laugh and he picked me up with my legs wrapped around his hips. He kiss me, he throw me on the bed come down on top of me.

He really did know how to wow my world. He didn’t have to wow my world with sexy, he wowed it in many ways but I wasn’t going to tell him that. This was better sex that I had in the long. After Johnny and I where going down hill with relationship, the sex wasn’t that great. There were times when we were so piss off that we didn’t have makes up sex.

“Man, you’re just so fucking hot. I don’t understand how that ass could have let you go.” that was it, I wasn’t in the mood, I was starting to think about Johnny and now Jimmy called him an ass. Great!

“I’m done,” I push him off me to get up.

“What?” oh my favorite world to come out of guy when they don’t know what they said to piss you off. “Anna, baby,”

“Baby? No one calls me baby unless I let them.” He looked at me. With out saying another word, I slam the bathroom door to shower.

“Anna, talk to me. Please! You know I don’t beg for girls, they come to me and then I leave them.”

“Then fucking leave me, treat me as if I was just one of your fucking bitch.” I started the shower so I couldn’t hear him over the running water. I had a couple of chores to pick, cut myself to get ride of the pain or shower and deal with this shit. I decide that he wasn’t worth bleeding to death for; I got in the shower to clear my head.


I had no idea what the hell came over her; I really didn’t understand why that ass of him would give her up like he did. He didn’t fight for her, he didn’t do shit for her, he just let go. With a girl that pretty, smart, funny and sexy; you don’t let them go. If she wanted me to treat her like any other girl that came in my life.

“I want you out of my room before noon,” I yelled throw the door and walked out of my bedroom. It was going be hard because I did care about her, I wanted her so fucking bad but hell she wanted to be a bitch and think of him then guess what. She going get what want and she wont like it.

I when out to the kitchen to get my smoke and then head out side. I grabbed my phone on my way out. I sat down with my door to my back so I could see her; I called my good friend Brain. I knew him for the long time, we had meet in grade school. We grow up in Cali but when I was getting trouble, my mom sent my brother and me over here to live with my step dad. He was really Zacky’s dad just a baster to me who beat the shit out of my mom.

Okay, so here the story with Zacky and I. We share the same mom but not dad, my mom was a drug acid and I was just a mistake. She may was young like twenty try, she handed me over to my grandmother who raze me for a year an half of my life while my mother was getting help. I was about two when we came to Jersey, there she meet my step dad who looked good on the outside but the biggest rotten bitch on the inside. They wheren’t married long when he left her. She was about four months pregnant and we when back to Cali. When I was about seventeen, I had met my two best friends and razing my brother. I was getting trouble with all them and into drugs; my mom could take and sent me here at eighteen. My step dad when to jail and so I was able get some money out of his wife and that how Zacky and I live here now. We are trying to start a band with out best friends in Cali and its doing okay. But Once Val is out of high school the three maybe four if Anna want to come are going start life.


I got out of the shower and grabbed my clothes, I ran right into my room. I grabbed my class out of the dresser, did my hair and make up. Once done, I laid on my bed looking up thinking. I know I think a lot but a lot goes throw your head after its about four to five month after your mother’s death. Your best friends in the hospital and lost her baby. You broke up with a guy that you clearly still love and know that he still love you. Then you think your in love with someone else as well and want both of them but one hate the other.

“Baby,” I sat up on the bed and saw Shea standing there in the doorway. “Can I come in? you look like hell hit you so many times in one day.”

I laugh, “You can, it feels like it. What up? How Val doing?”

“Nothing really, Andy outside with Jimmy. Val doing better this morning, we where going see her, you want to come?”

“Yea, I love that.” I got up off the bed and started to walk out. “Jimmy and I had sex for the time last night. Well first time together, not the first time.”

“Really? Holy shit that fucking awesome?”

“Yea, it is and it’s not. We kind got in the fight this morning.” She looked at me. “He called Johnny an ass when he knows I’m still love with him.” ‘Oh’ she mouth. “Yea and now I don’t know what going happen. I like him but I kind don’t want a boyfriend right now. He knows that and so does Johnny.”

“Yea, it will all work out for you.” she walked over and hugged me. We let go and walked out of the room. The guys where on the couch watching something, Jimmy didn’t look at me. It bothered me a little bit but I knew this was what he did with girl that came for a night. “Shea, you ready?”

“Yea, Andy?” he jumped up off the couch did the guy shack with Jimmy. They walked to the door and I was going meet them out there.

He when to say something as I when to the door, “Going to see Val.” I close the door behind me. I wanted him to say something but he didn’t play games and neither did I. I guess that we where just sex buddies and I was fine with that.

The ride to the hospital was nice, we talked and Shea told me about the Youtube clips that she had found. That girl was always on Youtube looking up the craziest stuff ever. She was in love with Kenneth Nixon; he was in this band called framing Hanley. Their a good band, we couldn’t wait until they came to town to see the.

When we got the hospital, we told Zacky to go home so he could shower up and we would stay with Val. He was gone for a good hour and half, in that hour and half Andy had something to do so him and Shea had to go. I stay with Val and she told me that was going with her and Zacky. They where going to try to have another kid at the end of the school year. I was shock but I knew that she wanted this child more then anything. So did he and I was happy for them that they where going try again but later. I had told her what happen with Jimmy. She was upset but I told her it was fine because this was what I wanted. I loved spending time with Val just talking because she knew how I felt and I knew how she felt.

-Month later-

Val had come home just two days after the last visit to her, its now December and Christmas was just around the corner. Jimmy and I where still on the edge with each other. We didn’t have sex but it was okay but I was starting to spend more time with Johnny after school for a little bit every other day. Jimmy didn’t like it but I didn’t care because I was signal and loving it. it was the last day before brake, the day when by so slow. I was sitting in my art class watching the clock.

“The project that will be started when we get back from brake is a painting.” The teacher walked over to me. I was at the table with my sketch book just drawing. “That’s a very sad, dark girl.” I looked up at her.
“Yea, I guess it is.”


I wanted to say, ‘no, this is my first Christmas without my mother. I’m stuck between to guys. I haven’t felt good in the last two dam weeks.’ But I didn’t, “Yea, just the holidays aren’t the same for me.” she smile and padded my back. I hated when teachers touch me in anyway. I felt weird but I brush it off and when back to what I was doing.

There was three minus left, they where going by so slow. I wanted to just go then it turn and then it turn. Just as I was ready to leave the room, Johnny ran over to me before I got to the door. He put his arm around my neck and was ready to say something to me. I push his arm off, once in the halls, I ran right to the door.

“Okay be the bitch you are” he yelled and I ran.


I saw Anna running from hell right to the doors and then I heard Johnny yell out to her. I slam my locker shut and walked up to him. “What the hell did you say to her?” he looked at me. I pinned him up to the wall in front of all his friends and school. “You son bitch hurt or call her a bitch again. I swear to god that I will your ass.”

“I bet,” I slammed his head. “Okay, you crazy.” I let go and when to slap him but he wasn’t worth it. I let go and walked away from him. I turn to Shea and we head for the doors that we saw Anna go out. “I hope she around if not, I’m going hurt someone.”

“You and me both, Val.” I toke a deep breath and looked at Shea and she side smile. “Call Zacky or Jimmy and see if they heard from her?” I nodded and started for calling Zacky.

“Her house!”

“What? Your crazy! She would never!”

“Shea! The last time she ran, that where she when! Let go,” we ran to the car and got in. I was scared that we wouldn’t fine her and if we did, it wasn’t going be pretty.

Shea was driving and I was on the phone with the guys. I had told Jimmy and Zacky where I thought she should be. Zacky was flipping because he knew what the guy was capable of doing to her which started to scare me more and more. When we got home, Shea backed into the driveway. We sat there watching the house but we wheren’t seeing anything. Zacky had pulled up with Jimmy in the car. Shea and I felt safe getting out of our car.

“You guys okay,” Zacky ask walking over to us. I nodded as I when into a hug with him, “Come on let get you guys inside and talk about this.” He let go but kept an arm around my waist as we walked.

“I’m so scared that he going do something with to her.”

“Someone tell me the story.” I looked at Zacky and then back to Jimmy. “Guys?”

“Dad had a second family, that second family was Anna and her mom. Dad, well Kevin was in jail most of her life for beating mom up. The trip we toke in the summer, we came home early because she had a feeling. Well when she got home,” he just stopped. He looked at me and then to Shea. It was hard for the three of us to listen but had to know I guess. “She got home, saw her mom’s care in the drive way. Saw someone broke in the house. Her and Johnny when in and he was with her when she found her mom dead in a pool of blood.” I looked over and saw Shea throwing up. I got her up into the kitchen.

“Shea, you okay?” she nodded while her head was in the toilet.


When Val got Shea out of the room I had when on, “She hasn’t been herself scent, she stay with Johnny as long as she could. One day when we where over, Val found letter from Kevin that say when he was getting out. That was about two days before she was found dead. Then her and Johnny got in a fight, she when to the house because she feel closes to her mother. Well when to sleep in her room and woke in the middle night with him there.”

“THAT SON OF BITCH!” I knew that Jimmy hated Kevin with all he has done to our family and now Baby. “That baster didn’t touch her?”



“He beat her, then when she was able get out. Just two or so week after, Johnny found her in his bathroom almost dead.”

“THAT IT!!! I’M KILLING THE FUCKING BASTER!!! HE WILL NEVER SEE THE DAY OF LIGHT AGAIN!!!” when my brother said he was going to kill, he stuck to his worlds. He had come close to killing someone in Cali but he just got nine months for stabbing.

I was starting to get sick to my stomach, after all time was passing by and I didn’t know where she was. My sister, my best friend wasn’t around and we had no clue to look. My phone rung and it was Johnny, I picked up walking away from my brother. He hated him to and we all knew but he was close to Anna as well. He was keeping an eye on the back of her house to let me know if her father was there. I kept praying that she was okay and that if she was there then he didn’t lay a hand on her or that he wasn’t there. I heard a car up in front of the house and Jimmy looked out the window. The next thing I realize my brother on his feet running out the front door.