Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 29

The next couple of days where hard for her and soon Christmas was going to be here. I had talked to Zacky and I wanted to have a party for the holiday, I loved Christmas little but not as much as Halloween. He was cool about it, I told to him to invite that Jonnie guy. I decided that I was going to play match make too. I knew she didn’t want a boyfriend but I knew they had something I couldn't give her. I was also going have my two good friends out west come in that week.

“Jimmy, who making food?”

“Val, going to take care of that for me. I just want to get Anna’s mine off everything for a night and party.”

“Nice dude.” I sat there in the kitchen ready to go out for a smoke. I grabbed my phone before walking out. As I turn to grab it, there she was right there. She looked so pretty, her golden blond hair all up in a mess. No make up on, all natural look, she looked good pulling it off.

“Hey,” she said really slow and soft. I looked into her deep blue eyes.

“Hey,” I smiled at her. She lend in and kissing me, I wasn’t not excepting that at all. “What that for,” I said wrapping my arms around her waist.

“Thank you for last night, Jimmy. I relive that I need someone in my life right now that will care for me and help me get throw this. I came to thinking that you are that person.” I loved that she thought of me this way but I couldn’t date her. I couldn’t give her what she need.

“Anna, I love that you feel this way but.” She looked at me, I couldn’t hurt her but I knew I wasn’t the right person for her. Not now really, maybe down the road. “I think your better off with someone who will be able care for you more now then ever.” She looked at me.


I was very much confused on what he was saying to me. I thought he was the one that I really needed in my life. If it wasn’t him that I need more in my life now then who could it be? I blank straight at him, didn’t mean to but now I was thinking. He kiss the top of my head and then when outside for a smoke. I when to my room and grabbed my phone. I saw I miss a call,

“Hello Ms. Anna, this is detective of your mother’s case. I understand that you where looking for me. I’m sorry that I wasn’t here the day you had come in; I was out looking into more people that your mother knew. Please call at this number as soon as you could.” I hung up the phone and looked myself in the mirror. I right away called him back. “Hello?”

“Hi detective bob, this is Anna. You’re working on my mother’s case, I’m calling you with some information.”

“Yes, go on,”

“Well, my friends and I where at my house just a couple of days after my mother was killed. One of my friends found a letter and it was from a man that was in jail. His name is Kevin, I believe that my mother had a different last name from him but I don’t. He is my father.” I when into the whole story about why he was in jail and the night I was beaten by him.

As I was talking to the detective, I turn and I saw Jonnie standing in the doorway of my bedroom. I answer the questions that the detective was asking; I gave Jonnie sign to come in. Maybe him and I where meant to be and he was my sign from mom, telling he should be mine. After I got off the phone, I looked at him sitting on the bed smiling. I walked over to him, his arms wrapped around my waist and I looked down at him.

“I miss you,” he said to me. “I hope you had enough time to think because I can’t be apart from you anymore.” He looked at me and I lend in to kiss him. He pulled me on the bed.

“The door,” I said in between kisses. He let me go, I got up to shut the door. Then I ran back to the bed, right into his arm. “Okay,”


When I got off the phone, I sat there thinking about going after her. I got up and ran into the house looking for. When I got to her bedroom door, I heard laughing and kissing. Now I was the dum ass to let her go but I knew this was right because I didn’t want to hurt her when I went out to Cali. I turn and when into my room. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do now, I was pretty sure they where together now.


“What are we getting at the store?”

“Food,” Val said walking pass me. She was great, I loved everything about her. I wanted her to be my wife. I was thinking maybe on Christmas or some time around that I was going to ask the question. After losing the baby when we did, I think that brought us closer with each other. “You ready,” she yelled walking out the door. I said bye her parents and I walked out behind her.

“So what you making at this party?”

“I don’t know yet, thinking Italian. What do you want?”

“Well it something you can’t bay at the store.” She looked at me. “You,”

“Your so corny, you know that?”

I looked at her with a big ass smile on my face. “Only for you baby, only you.” we both laughing.

“Is your brother like this?”

“No, he very different with the ladies then I am”

“I see that,” I looked over and smiled. I hope this was going be an okay Christmas for everyone.


Andy and I had decide that we where going to do our Christmas shopping last this year for everyone. Then tonight we were going out on a date for the first time in a very long time. I was really happy that him and I where together. This had felt right for me and I knew he was right for me.


We lay on my bed in each other’s arms, I guess that we where together again. I wasn’t sure on how I feeling about this. It was to early to back out of it and as long I stay here, I think him and I will be okay. it when he say,

“Anna, come back to my house,” that what I was afraid of.

I rolled over to my side and looked at him. “You remember what happen when we tried that. I came here and then we brake for good two months. Jonnie, I’m not doing that again.”

“Anna, its different this time.” I looked at him, it wasn’t different this time, and I knew him. it was going be the same shit as it was before. “Anna, the guys are good. They all have girlfriends.”

“So that why you wanted me back,” he looked at me. “Because all your little buddies have toys to play with. You don’t have any and they wont share so you came back for me, I GET IT!”

“No, that not it. Anna, why do you think I’m here to use you?”

“Jonnie, you have in the pass. I know, I need to forget about that but I can forget not forgive. I’m not a sex toy; I’m a person in need right now. Okay?”

“I understand,” I didn’t believe him, well part of me didn’t but the other part was telling me to just shut up and make it work.

“Okay, but I’m staying here for the next couple of months.”

“Fine,” he lends over and kisses me. It wasn’t a strong enough kiss for me to go one more time around with him.. I pulled away and got out of bed, “I'm going to shower, I will be right back.”