Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 30

Note: Johnny is Anna's Boyfriend. i keep spelling it different! srry abouit that. So if You see it Johnny or Jonnie its the same person. When Johnny Christ come in, it will be Johnny C.


Christmas was here; I was excited to be with the people I loved but one person. But I was nice because Baby was my sister and best friend, if she wanted to date this ass then fine. I had her back; everyone was going be at Zacky’s so I had spent the night there to work on dinner for the next day. Shea came over to help and Baby was here to help me. The guys hung out in the living room drinking and being guys.

“We excited for tomorrow?”

“Yea, what time you need me here tomorrow?” I looked at Shea and then at the clock. I wasn’t quite sure yet.

“Eat around four or so, so whenever you want to come. Staying at Andy’s?”

“Yea, his parents love me.”

“Awh,” Baby said at the table with the carrots. We looked at her, “its good when the parents love you just make sure they don’t go to crazy. It can hurt a relationship.”

“Where you going tomorrow?” I looked over at her.

“Staying here, Jonnie going to come over later for dinner. Not really ready to go over there. Okay love his parents but I’m going make this work this time around because I’m done playing games with him.”

“Oh,” Shea said looking back at me. “So, girls we are now half way done in our last year of high school.”

“Yay!’ the girls looked at me and we laugh.

I was so happy to be finishing my last year up with my girls, my sisters, and my best friends. They where there for me all four years, bad and good, yea Shea my blood sister but still. They where the only thing that keep me here as long that I been.

The night when on, Shea left when Andy came to get her after he got off work. Jimmy had gone out around eleven; Jonnie had gone home about the same time Jimmy left. We all had gone to bed for the next day.


I couldn’t sleep; I sat up in bed watching t.v. My door was open, when I saw Jimmy walking into his room. When he turns to close his door, I told him to come with my finger. Which he did, he sat next to me in my bed as we watch t.v. We didn’t have to talk; we liked to keep each other company when we needed it. I had fallen asleep in his arms.

“ANNA ROSE!” Jimmy and I both jumped when we heard my name call. I turn to my look at my door. I rubbed my eyes as I open them, I saw Zacky and Val standing there looking at me.


“Jimmy, really? Come on she trying make it work with,”

“Wait min,” I said cutting Zacky off. “It’s not what you think, I was up watching t.v. I saw him come in and I ask him to come in to keep me company. I fell asleep on him and he stay here. You two need know the story before jumping to anything.” Jimmy looked over at me with a smile. “Now, I’m fucking tired. I’m going back to bed.” I rolled over away from them.

“Come on, its Christmas,” I didn’t really care today. I wanted to sleep that all. I heard someone whispering and felt Jimmy get off the bed. “1…2…3!” Zacky yelled, pulling me off the bed.

“You bitch,”

“I love you too. Now let go have some coffee.” Jimmy carried me out of the room as everyone walked in front. I felt every time; he when around the corer I was going hit the wall. I knew he wouldn’t but he was so fucking tall. Jimmy sat me at the table and sat down next to me. “So, we hanging out here today?”

“Hell yea,” I said getting up to help Val with the coffee. “You know what would be really fun, if we when to see my mom.” I walked behind Val with to cups in my hands.

“Yea, that a great idea,” Zacky said. I sat down next to Jimmy. We didn’t talk much, it was okay.

I sat back in the chair thinking about growing up and thinking about Christmas. My grandparents, well my dad’s parents would come over with gift for me. I knew when they where here, I would run out of my room and into their arms. It wasn’t until I was about ten when my dad when to jail for the first time. That Christmas sucked, my mom was so depress and she tried so hard to put on a smile for me. Then when he was out, everything was better. When I became a teen, he when back to jail and we all thought it was just a year. Then the falling year he didn’t come out and my grandparents stop coming over. From that Christmas on it was my mom and I. Now this Christmas, its just me in such away.

“Anna?” I felt some shack my shoulder, “Anna?” I snapped out of my thought. “You okay,” Val ask looking at me all funny.

“Yea,” I smiled, okay so I wasn’t quite a lone this Christmas. I do have people here with me that love me. Just like when I was growing up.

After we finish eating, I got up and when to shower. As I walking into my room, I looked out the window and I saw snow. I ran back to the kitchen with everyone looking at but Jimmy. I had to catch my breath and then I yelled out snow. I stood by the back door as it came down around Jimmy. I open the door, I toke the snow that wasn’t inch yet. Walked up behind him slowly and quite, I slowly slide the snow down the back of his shirt.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” he jumped out of his chair yelling. I was laughing really hard watching him. “Oh! This was you, hmm?” I stood there looking at him.

“If it was, what are you going do to me?” he had this evil smile on his face. “Jimmy?” he walking towards me with such evil. I slowly back up again the house but the door was lock.

“Come here my love,” he picked me up and ran off with me in his arms in the back yard.

“Jimmy!” I couldn’t help it but hold on to him. I knew he would drop me but you never know. He ran like kid in the snow, I was getting cold and wet. I looked at him, pushing his hair back to see his blue eyes. “Jimmy,”


“Can we go in side?”

“Not after,” I kiss him before he could finish. Yes, I still had strong feeling for Jimmy but Jonnie. I know I should be with him because there something telling me that he the one. “How did you know?”

“Jimmy, come on.” I smiled at him with a little giggle. “Let go in,” he carried me into the house. He stop at the kitchen because Shea and Andy where here. We didn’t want to give them any idea. He started to strip in the kitchen and of course someone walks in.

“Oh hey guys,”

“Hi Andy,” I said walking over to hug him. “Don’t mine him, he was out in the snow with me. Want a beer?”

“Hey, Merry Christmas. Yea, I would love one. I see that you’re enjoying the snow,” I turn giving each guy a beer.

“Yea, as much as I hate being cold. I love the snow, maybe later all of us could go out and play.” I smiled skipping out of the room. In the living room were this really big guy and this other one that looked like he was up to something. Oh when I meant big, I mean built.

“Hey man,” Jimmy said walking over to them and man hugging them. I sat on Val, she wasn’t doing anything. She hated when I sat on her half the time, I didn’t hurt her. I was smaller then her anyway.

“Who the chick?” Jimmy looked at me and laugh.

“That the one I told you about but,”

“What you talking about,” I ask cutting him off. I got off Val and walked over to them. “I’m Anna, you are?”

“Matt and Synster,” I looked at him. Synster was a very good name for him, it really fit him. “Jimmy, you never told me you had such a beautiful girlfriend.” Matt smiled at Jimmy.

“I’m not his girlfriend, we are really good friends. I don’t know my boyfriends was coming today because of the weather.”

“Oh,” Synster said. “So how old?”

“Eighteen, last year of high school. Would like to college but who knows if that going work out for me. You?”

“Twenty-three, finish high school and no college.” I smiled and nodded.

“Well got to get change, nice meeting you guys.” I smiled and when skipping off to my room. it was nice talking to new people, they didn’t know me or what was going on in my life. I felt like someone different for once in a long time. I think the last time was the concert that Jimmy toke us girls to see. I got change and when I was doing my make up there was a knock on my door. “Come in,”

“Hey,” I looked over and Jonnie came in. “You look great and your glowing like a candle.” Wow okay, that was the nicest thing he said to me in a long time, could use another world but it’s a start right?

“Hey, thanks you. You look good yourself.” I walked over and kiss him. This kiss wasn’t what I was use to. I was to that sexy, loving, caring and shit I love you kiss from Jimmy but Jonnie and I will have it soon.

“Come here,” he toke my hand and sat me on the bed. He got down on one knee and looked up at me. “Anna, baby girl, I love you with everything I have. You are my light in the dark; you are my air that I need to breath. Anna, will you,”

“Oh my god,” I looked up from his eyes to see Shea standing in the doorway of my bedroom. “YES!” he turns and looked at her. She had this crazy smile on her face, part of me felt that she was in on this. “HE ASKING HER!” I heard everyone come running down the hall. “Okay go on,” We all laugh and Jonnie turn back to look at me. I was starting to feel sick to my stomach. I thought I was going throw up.

“Anna, will you,” I put my finger up for a min and ran out the room.

“I got her,” Val said walking behind me into the bathroom. “What wrong?”

“I got sick,” she handed me a wash clothe for my face. I sat with my back on the tube and she sat with her back to the door. “Either the thought of me getting married made me sick or I don’t know.”


“I think I cant get married.” I laugh, I was to young to get married and pulse I wasn’t sure if I wanted to spend my life with him. He drove me crazy some times. we sat on the floor talking about it. I told her what things about him bother me, she agreed but I knew she had my back if I had decide to spend my life with him. we spent hour maybe less in the bathroom. When we came out, Zacky, Andy and Shea where in the living room, Jimmy and his friends where out back talking. Jonnie was in my room sitting on my bed looking at the ring he was giving me.

Dinner came; Shea and I help Val get everything ready. The guys where nice talking and joking around. Jonnie had come in a couple of time looking for me; I guess he was missing me. When it came time for us to sit down, Jimmy and his friends sat at the concert talking about something. All the couples where sitting at the table eating, I felt bad because I thought Jimmy should have been at the table. I had got up to get drinks for who need it and me. I walked over to the concert to put the cups down and I would ask if they where okay. I would run my hand around his back where no one but really his buddies could see. Behind the fridge door, he would come and sneak a kiss when no one was looking from the table. I know this was wrong but GOD! I he was hot, sexy and such a bad ass.