Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 31

Christmas came and when very fast for me, the week was over and I was back to school. Jonnie and I, I don’t have much luck on this working out. Jimmy and I have liked this sneaking around with each other. It felt like the first time we meet and was doing this. I felt bad for doing it to Jonnie but he wasn’t making me happy as much as Jimmy was. Jonnie and I where talking about marriage, truthful I couldn’t see myself with him and I was scared as hell of the thought. I really don’t think I would marry after growing up with what I when throw. After school, Jonnie and I when out to eat and then his house for studding, he was failing a class and need help. Oh course me being the smart girlfriend, said I would help.

“Jonnie, come on we have to get this done.” I could help but giggle. He was kissing my neck; he knew all my soft spots, which I hate because I had no power when he touch them just the way he knew. “Jonnie,” I tried pushing him off but I liked it too much.

“Come on,” I turn and looked at him. I push him on to his back, and then I flung a leg over him so now I was sitting on him. “Oh yes,”

“Ha,” lend in and kiss him. His hands ran up and down my back. Then I pulled his shirt off him. He unbuttons my top; sling it off me and leaving me in a tank top. I had a skirt on so I had to undo his pants.

I started to feel the heat rise; I started to breathe faster, he kisses down my neck and my collarbone. His hands ran down my back as our bodies move with each other. I slide my hands down his chest and I could feel it, I slide my hands over it. When I felt he was ready, he slide into me and thrust his body faster into me. Just as it was getting good, we heard the door slam. Then we heard,

“Jonnie, I’m home.” We looked at each other with such wide eyes.

“Fuck,” he said. “I was just about,” before he could finish, we heard footsteps coming down the hall. “Bathroom.” He kisses me but I didn’t want to go. He broke it, “go,” I got off the bed grabbing all my stuff and into the bathroom.

“Hi honey,” I heard his bedroom door start to open.

“Hey mom, what up?”

“Nothing, why are you in your boxers?”

“I got hot and just felt like chilling in them.” I open the bathroom door a little. I saw he was still talking to her so I close it. I brush my hair and throw it up in a bun. I flush the toilet making her think nothing was going on. I open the door and came out.

“Oh hello Anna, how are you?” she came and hugged me. She missed me a lot and I could tell. “I heard you had a good Christmas,” yea more then she or her son knew.

“I’m good, and it was wonderful. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to the house, Jonnie told me you had gone to family.” She smiled and nodded at me, she hugged me one more time. “Well,” I said letting good. “I need to get going.”

“Okay,” Jonnie tries pulling his mom off of me. “Mom, you can let go you know.” she did and I could tell she was crying. “It’s okay mom,” she hugged him and then left the room. I looked at him, “She been very emotional right now, I think she going throw that women change.” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yea, I could tell. So it was hot in here,” he smiled. We walked towards each other and he slides his hand on to my waist. As I locked mine around his neck and we looked into each other’s eyes.

“Sorry it got cut short.”

“Ha, me too. So you taking me or should I get,”

“No I will,” he said cutting me off. He lends in to kiss me. “ I’m happy we are together again.”

“Me too,” I really wasn't but now how could I say that to him and then go home. Spend the night with Jimmy in my bed. Okay so maybe nothing happen between Jimmy and I but you never know.


When I got home, no one was there yet. Jimmy’s friends where still in town staying at the house with us. They where really cool guys, they where fucking awesome people to hang out. Because no one was there, I had decided that I was going to try to make dinner. Yea, I haven’t made dinner about five months or more.

“Hello,” I heard Matt yell as he walked in the door with the guys.

“In here,” I yelled putting the meatloaf in the oven. “How was your day?”

“Good, you?” Matt sat down at the center watching me cook. Zacky had come in just little after Matt.

“Okay,Zacky.” He came around and hugged me. “Beer?” they both nodded. I let go of Zacky. “Where Synster and Jimmy?”

“Out smoking and talking,” I handed Zacky his beer and the same for Matt. “What you making?”

“Dinner,” Zacky gave me the no shit face. “Ha, meatloaf, I’m in a good mood and no one was here so I decide to cook. Oh I made brownies for later.”

“Dam girl,” I smiled at Matt. “So Zacky, you tell her what going on?”

“No,” I looked at him, “It’s nothing to worry about.” I when back to cooking and then I heard Jimmy and Synster come walking in. They where talking about and my name had came up.

“Dinner, ready,” I yelled. Matt and Zacky set the table as I had just finishing putting thing in the bowls. “You hungry,” I ask Synster as he got out beers for the guys and me water.

“Yep,” we all sat around the table. It was good and nice sitting there with the guys’ just bull shitting about the day. There was joking around well it was mostly Jimmy because he the jokester of the group any way.

Once dinner was done, the guys help clean off the table. I felt I need a smoke so I when outside. It helps to clear my head as well. I sat down in Jimmy’s chair, I didn’t really care. I decide that I was going call Jonnie and talk about today, we didn’t fight and where really happy, before and after we had sex.

“Hey,” I felt a hand on my shoulder. It made me jumps and I turn to see who came out, “May I join?”

“When have you ask me?” he toke my hand pulled me out of the chair. “Where are we going?”

“Over here,” he say down at the corner of the house little over the from the kitchen window. No one could see us out here; he pulled me down on his lap. “You show Jonnie today,”

“Yea,” I blow out the smoke before answering him. “You know,” before I when on, I kiss him. It was the kiss that I was missing all day, but it didn’t last long when my phone when off and it was Jonnie. I go up and walked away from Jimmy. “Hey, what up?”

“Nuthing really, I was laying in bed thinking about you. You want to go get food?”

“Well I already ate but if you want me come out with you get food with you then I will.”

“No, its okay. The guys there?”

“Yea, I have to go, not really feeling to good right now.” we said our good byes and hung up. I looked at Jimmy and give him quick smile then head right for the house. I when in and right to my room and slip into my pjs. I close my door and curled up on my bed with the television on, I wasn’t in the mood to talk to any one.


I when back in the house looking for Anna, I wasn’t able to fin her. The guys wheren’t really helpful because they where drinking. I looked throw the house, it wasn’t that big of a house any way so she was around. I looked in my room and then I saw her door close. So I slowly open her door and saw her curled up on her bed fast asleep. I walked over to make sure she was okay; I didn’t want to wake her.

“Hey Reverend tholomew plague, get in here.” Synster yelled from the couch. I close her door and walked to the living room.

“Dude, what?”

“You have to see this chick, that I’m getting with back home. You need get back there; there are so many hot babes out there. They wont play games like the ones here.”

“Syn, you better be careful what you say. Zacky’s baby is hot and doesn’t put up with Shit,” Matt said sitting in a chair.

“Really, well the one with Jimmy.” That it he was pissing me off, I cared a lot for Anna. This ass didn’t know shit about her and he had no right to be an ass. “She is so playing with that little boy. I thought,”

“Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!” I could feel in my face turn red, I was getting really heated.

“What going on,” I turn and saw Anna, walking in the room. She tied her hair up in a messy bun. “Jimmy, why are you yelling?”

“Nothing,” I turn and walked into the kitchen. I was so piss off at him, he didn’t know her. He acted like he was her as a friend and shit. Then he turns his back, what the fuck? That wasn’t him, that not my best friends I knew him for a long time.

“Jimmy,” I turn and saw her walking in the kitchen. “Jimmy, what wrong.” I sat on the stool looking straight. She came, wrapping her arms around my neck and resting her head on my shoulder.

“Nothing wrong,” I toke sip of my beer. She looked at me, that way when she knew I wasn’t being so truthful. “I will be fine, you should go back bed.”

“No, I’m up now. I guess I will make coffee and have some ice cream.” She kisses my cheek and then let go.

We spent some time in the kitchen talking, when Matt came in, She decide that she was going let us guys talk. She toke her coffee and when into her room to watch a movie. It wasn’t midnight and I was ready for bed, I checked on her before going into my room. I stood looking at her sleep, I don’t know why but I could stand there all day.