Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 34

In the airport, it wasn’t so bad because the guys knew right to go and toke care what was going on. Plain wasn’t leaving for two hours, so we hung out and got coffee. I was hungry as hell. Zacky was on the phone with Val and it was just Jimmy and I. It felt like I was on a date with him or something. When we heard out flight being called, we head over to the gates to be ready. This was the first time for me to fly and I was really scared.

The plain ride wasn’t s bad for me, I just didn’t like the whole tacking off part but landing wasn’t bad. Jimmy held my hand the hole time because he could tell that I wasn’t to crazy about it. When we did land in California, it was really cool, Synster and Matt with Jimmy’s mom in between waited at the gates for us. The boys did not look one bit like her, which was little odd but it happens. She had this short brown hair with some high light, she look to just make 5 feet.

“My boys,” she ran to them. You could tell she misses them and that she really loved them. “How are you? Staying out of trouble I hope?” She looked at Jimmy when she said that and then turn to Zacky. “How your father doing? Have you talked to him yet or?”

“Mom,” She looked at Jimmy. “We aren’t going talk about that. Also this is Anna, she a good friend of ours. She came to stay with us for the week.”

“Well hello honey, it’s so nice to finely meet you. Zacky would tell me so much about you.” she hugged; it felt like my mom hugging me again. “So are we ready to go,” she let go me. Synster and Matt came over to me and hugged me as well. Jimmy and Zacky walked with their mom.

“So you excited see where they grow up,” Synster ask taking my carry on bag.

“Yea, I guess.” I laugh. We walked to get our suitcases and then off to their mother’s place. Jimmy would turn to check on me when we where walking and I thought that was sweet of him.

When we got in the van to head his mother, she was asking me questions which was okay I guess. But there was time when Jimmy would answer for me or he would tell her not to say that or also I didn’t have to answer. It was very weird for me because he never did this for me. When we got to the house, it was this cute little cottage house on the outside of town. She pulled into the drive way and these two guys came walking out. One looked like he was around the guy’s age and the other guy was a lot older with gray coming throw his hair.

“JIMMY!” the young one said walking to the car.

“Hey short shit,” they gave each their man hugs.

Matt help me get my bag out of the van and into the house, it turn out the old guy was Jimmy’s mom’s boyfriend. He seems really nice and the guys looked him too, Jimmy said this is the nicest guy that she brought home in a long time. For short shit, he was a friend of the guys. Jimmy explains to me why he was on the phone all the time now. Him and the guys are all trying to start a band out here. Their wait for Val to finish school so they can come out here and start to record.

We where even at his mom for an hour and I had got a call from Jonnie. At first I wasn’t going to pick up. But I decide that I would, I when out the front door away from everyone to talk to him. “Hey,” I sat down on the step.

“Hey, how was the flight?”

“It was okay, I was little scared but it was good. How was school?”

“Awh, it was okay. You know normal day, hey how are you feeling? Lately, I feel you haven’t been yourself. Then today to go off to California for a week and tell me the day you leave.”

“Yea, I been fine. Jonnie, I had to leave Jersey because I couldn’t take it the pain I’m going throw there. Jonnie, when I get home. You and I need,”

’Hey Jonnie,’ I heard someone the back around. Was he with a girl? What the fuck was going on? “Hey,” he said pulling the phone away from him. “Hey sorry, you and me need to do what?”

“Nothing, I have to go,” I tried holding the tears back. It wasn’t working for me, I wasn’t to cry my dam eyes out and tell him what the hell was going on with me.

“Okay, I will pick you at the airport when you come home. I miss you, loves you sexy.”

“Okay,” I hung up on him. I didn’t love him anymore but I know I have to stick with him and deal with his shit. Because I’m not going take care of my kid on my own and I will be dam if I have to let another man that not his father do it.

“Hey,” I turn and saw Syn walking out of the house ready for a smoke. “Want?”

“No, thanks.” I looked out to the woods and to wipe my eyes. I could feel the tear start to run down my face.

“You okay?” he ask sitting down next to me.

“Yea, so what going on in there?”

“Nothing much, the same old, same old. Hey I think we’re going over to Matt’s later you want to come?”

“Yea, of course. I wont have anything better to do here, right?” I smiled at him. I have to say he was a pretty sexy guy for his age. Yea, so was Jimmy but Syn and Jimmy are sexy in their own ways. Which that what I really liked about the both of them, it may seem I have a crush on Syn but I don’t.

“That is true,” he blow out the smoke and then put out the cigarette. “Come in to see where your staying.” He got up and then put out his hand to help me. He pulled me up and we walked in the house. Everyone was out back, I fallow behind Syn to the bedrooms. “You like the beach?”

I didn’t really hear what he said. I was to much into the pictures of the boy when they where babies. “What happen to their dad?”

“Who’s?” he turn and looked at me.

“Jimmy and Zacky, I never knew the story.”

“Oh, umm, well Jimmy’s dad left when he was young. Zacky’s dad was an ass hole; he never got long with Jimmy. Then he was hiding a family from their mom and when she did fine out. Kicked him out and,”

“Hey what you guys up to?” I turn and heard Jimmy cut off Syn.

“I was sawing Anna, where she staying.”

“In my room with me.” he looked at me and then at Syn. He was either upset about something or getting really pisses. “That one on the right, Syn come here.” I walked over to Jimmy hoping that a kiss would make a little better.


I walked into the living room and I could hear Bri and Anna talking. As I got closer to them, I hear a lot better what they where talking about. He was such a fucking dummy sometimes. He wasn’t as bad as short shit but man he piss me off some times. I walked down the hall; she was looking at baby pictures of Zacky and I.

“Hey what you guys up to?”

“I was sawing Anna, where she staying.”

“In my room, with me,” I knew that if I stay with her, that she would be happy and okay with it. My mom wanted to put me in my brother’s room, like she thought I didn’t have sex. Man, there where night where I couldn’t get enough, might call that man whore but now that Anna kind of part of me in my life. I change a little and I was afraid that the guys would see. “It’s the one on the right, hey Syn can I talk to you?” he nodded.

I guess she could see on my face that I wasn’t too happy, she walked over to me. She slowly and softly touches my cheek with her soft kiss. It made me feel a little better then I did before. She walked into my room and we walked a little bit away from the room. I wasn’t sure if Syn knew that I was keeping the secret from her, which I fucking hated doing that to her.

“What up man?”

“She doesn’t know about our dads because well her and Zacky have the same father.”

“Oh shit,” he mouth to me.

“Yea, also my mom doesn’t know that this is his daughter. My mom doesn’t know shit on what going on over there. She knows that she our friend and nothing more.” I knew I could truest him, with all the shit in my life. Syn and I are like fucking brother; he knew everything about me and the same other way.

“Okay no problem man, I will keep it really down low for you.”

“Thanks,” we did our man hug and then walked our different ways. He when to hang out with everyone, while I when to check on Anna. I knew she had a hard time on the plane and I wasn’t sure who had called her. “Hey,” I walked in the room, seeing her lying there.

“Hi,” she said low and very soft. “What up?”

“Nothing much, everyone just bull shitting. You okay?” I laid right next to her, scooping her up into my arms.

“I feel little sick right now, I guess with being on the plain. The car ride and being a little stress out that it made me a little sick.”

“Your also pregnant, would that be part of it?” she turned in my arms. I looked into her ocean blue eyes, I move a thin piece of blond hair out of the way.

“Yea I guess, hey what if I told that I love you so much that I though it would be better that I would try to work it out with the baby’s daddy for a little bit.”

“IS this what you been thinking about?” she shrugged in my arms. “Anna, I would love for it to work out with you and him. You know that I will always love you and you always have a place in my heart.”

“Really?” I nodded my head. She slides up a little on the bed to bring her head up to mine. She studies my face and then she kissed me. “I don’t understand what you see in me that so great. I’m just a lost soul that keep fucking up her life and,” I kiss her to one cut her off and two to make her shut up.