Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 35


I woke up in the middle of the night, I sat up with the sheet over me and I saw the door was close but not all the way. I wasn’t really sure where I was and then I felt Jimmy turn to his back. I looked at him and relieve how cute he was sleeping. I know that a little cliché but what can I say. I lay down with my head on his chest; he wrapped his arm around me. I slowly when back to sleep.


“Jonnie! What are you doing here?” I was in this white night gown; it was in this flied with white flowers all around us. Jonnie was little off to the side of me and Jimmy was across from him. They where walking towards me, I was confuse on what they wanted.

“You need to pick,” I shock my head. “Anna, you need to let one go. Me or him?”

“Jonnie, what are you talking about? There nothing going on with Jimmy and I, I’m with you for life.” he walked closer to me; he had evil in his eyes. “Jonnie, your”

-Back real life-

“Ah!” I shot up in the bed. I had sweet coming down my face, I grabbed my robe out of my suitcase and walked into the bathroom. I turn the hot water on and wiped my face down.

“Anna, you okay?” Jimmy stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

“Yea, just a dream.” I wiped my face dry and looked at him. “What are we doing today?”

“Well guys and I have to work on some music. I thought you could stay with my mom and hang out with her.”

“Um,” I walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his thin waist, “Can I come?”

He looked down at me, “Yea, sure. You tell me about the dream?” I lend my head on his chest and shock it no. “Okay,” he squeeze me, then try letting go of me.

The morning when on, I toke a shower and then dress, while everyone was out on the sun porch eating. The morning when very well, I was very much happy that I wasn’t feeling sick at all. My phone had gone off and it was Val, of course I picked it up. It was my first day away from them and yes I was missing them so much.

“Hey girl, how the weather doing for you over there?” she said as I picked the phone up.

“Ha, hey its been doing okay. I wish you guys where here, Val you would fucking love it. How shit hole going?” We hated living in NJ and the facted that we are stuck there really sucks the most.

“Same old same, me too. I can’t wait until we are done so I can get out there. Are you coming with us?”

“I don’t know, it depends on what happen to Jonnie and I. I was thinking when I get home; him and I are going sit down and talk. He needs to know before something happens.”

“Yea, I know what you mean.”

I walked out of my room talking to her on the phone. We talked for almost an hour, and then I passed it off to Zacky. He would kill me if he knew I was talking to her and I didn’t give him the phone. His mom made some muffins and handed me one. I sat next to Jimmy with his hand rubbing my back once in awhile. I think his mom knew about us because we felt so free here. We where just being our self, when we where home, I felt we had to be different people.

“Anna, boys have to run out for a little bit. So maybe we can go shopping and get to know each other.” I looked at Jimmy and then at her. She had this sweet smile on but I felt that she was going eat my head off when it was just her and I.

“Okay, that sounds good to me.” Jimmy kisses the top of my head and got off the stool.

“Come on Zacky,” Jimmy grabbed the keys to a car. “We will be back,” he waved to us as he walked out of the room. Zacky put my phone next to me and then hugged me. I felt like she was going kill me and they where giving my goodbyes.

“Just have to get my list and out we are.” She walked to a pad that was on the fridge. “Okay let go.” I got up and fallowed her out the door. When we got to this really nice 2009-gt-ford mustang in cherry red with black leather inside. The window are tented, this was my dream car. “Ever ride in one of these?”

“No,” I said getting in. “growing up, I never really had the best top stuff.”

“Either did the boys, we where just making it with my paid check. But when I did marry this one guy, had money and man it was great. He turn out to be a ass whole, he left me with two kids and married someone else. I never knew what happen with him, so tell me about you?”


“Anything,” we got on the main high way and head to the store.

“Well, grow in Jersey my whole life. My father left me when I was young so it was mostly my mother and I. But now it’s just me,” she looked at me. “My mom died just this pass summer.”

“Oh you poor thing, well you can always come here if you want. I know it’s far away from friends and the rest of your family but you have a room. That what I tell my boys.” She was really sweet women and very caring to. We talked the whole car ride; it was nice to talk to someone that was a mother. I was missing this very much, I loved my friends but I need that daughter to mother talk. That what I got when I was with her and I was loving it.

“What we having for dinner?”

“Oh, I don’t know. What are you thinking?”

“Well I know this really good chicken. I made it for the boys a couple of times and they really love it.”

“Okay, you get what you need for it. You saw me how to cook because really the boys don’t really like my cooking.” She giggled.

The shopping when really nice but near the end, I was getting tired. Lately I was getting tired a lot faster. I would be able to take an hour nap in evening of the day and then be tired to go to bed for around ten. “Honey you okay?”

“Yea,” I stood up, “Just tired from traveling that all.” She did that okay thing and kept walking. I push the cart to keep up with her.

When we finally finish, I helped her put the bags in the car and on the way home we when. We didn’t really talk to much to each other because I was so tired that I was starting to fall asleep. When we got home, all the guys where there to help. Jimmy helped me in the house and on to the couch. When Short shit was done, he came and sat down right next me. He seem to be a pretty cool guy, he started to talk to me.

“So you’re the Anna,” I looked at him. “The guys talk about you alot but don’t worry its all good things. I’m Johnny Christ, you can call me Johnny or whatever.”

“Well, I will call you Johnny C because I have a close friend name Jonnie to. So what do the guys say about me?” we kept talking, it wasn’t bad, it was mostly all good thing for the most part. Johnny C was really cool. Later the guys would come in and talked to me and check on me.

It was about five now and so I thought I would start on dinner. The guys loved my cooking, which I didn’t know why. Zacky loved cooking so when he found out what I was making. He was so excited to be in the kitchen to help me, everyone was on the sun porch smoking and talking. Out of nowhere, I hear Jimmy yell no and storm throw the kitchen. I looked at Zacky and shrugged, then his mom came in with sadness on her face. I told Zack to cut up the tamttos, I fallowed Jimmy into the room with out saying a world.


“Don’t be piss at me, I didn’t do it.” I had made sure he knew where I stood. “What happen?”

“Mom knows,” I looked at him so confuse. What the hell does this women know? “She thinks you’re pregnant with my kid.”


“Shhh, yea. I told her no.”

“So now she think I’m fat?” I looked at him, little annoyed but I should have known this was going happen. I wasn’t going be able to hide it much longer, now that someone other then the little group knows now.

“Anna, come on. She want me to marry you so this kid has both parents.”

“Jimmy,” I walk to the bed to sit next to him. I toke his hand and looked at him, “You know that I love you and all the more reason why I want this baby to be yours but it wont work.” I looked away as I felt the tear come out of my eye, it was so fast I couldn’t wipe it.

“Anna,” he slowly turns my face towards him. He wiped the tear away, “I know that you want to make it work with Jonnie. I’m willing to let you go and do that because I know you want to do what you feel is right.”

“What you going tell your mother? That it’s not your, then she will think I’m a fucking slut.”

“But your not and I wont let her think it. Just don’t worry about what she thinks, as long the rest of us, the importation people know the truth.” He kisses me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love you”

“I love you too,” I cried into his shoulder.

Time pass and I remember that I was in the middle of making dinner. I let go of Jimmy and head to the bathroom to clean my face. It was really red and really puffy from crying really hard. This was killing the both of us and we both knew this. After I wash up, I when back to the kitchen where Zacky and Matt where talking. They looked at me with sad faces. I shared with them that everything was going be okay and I when back to the kitchen.

At dinner, Jimmy sat far away from his mother as he could. He was mad at her and I understand but this was his mother. She wants to make sure her son is going do the right thing. Thing is, he did by protecting himself so didn’t in up in Jonnie's spot. After dinner, Jimmy sat out back while his mom and her boyfriend where in the living room. They where all smoking and I cleaned the dishes, I had to keep myself busy. When they where done smoking and I finish the dishes, I had gone out there to sit with them. I sat next to Jimmy and Johnny C. Johnny C and I where talking while they all bull shit, Johnny C and I where starting to become really good friends.

“Jimmy, I set up a bed in Zacky’s room for you or Anna.” I didn’t look at her but I did look at Jimmy to see what he would say.

“Yea okay,” he stared out into the open field. The sliding door shuts and we looked at him. “Guys,” he turns to see where his mom was. Once she was out of the kitchen and in her room. He when on, “Guys, Anna pregnant but not with my baby.” the guys looked at me. They where clam but me, nope I was piss he told.

“Jimmy, why are you,”

“Their my best friends, brothers, part of my life. They should have the right to know.” I was piss; I didn’t know what to do. Should I get up and walk out or stay?

“Anna, if you need help or anything the guys and I are here for you,” Matt said getting up to come hug me.

“Thank you guys.”

“Does the little shit know,” Syn ask getting to smoke another.

“No, when we get home is when I’m going tell. Well I’m going bed.” I got up and head in the house. “Jimmy can you come here please.” He got up and fallowed me inside.

“What up?”

“One that was not your dam place. Two, sleep in Zacky’s room.” before he could tell another world, I turn and walked away.