Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chapter 36

That night, I got up in the middle of the night and told Jimmy to come back to the room. I was missing him and I couldn’t go to sleep with out him being next to me with his arms around me. As the week when on, the guys sawed me around the town and the laundry places that Jimmy lived in when his mom kicked him out. We stopped at a liquor store so the guy could pick up some 40s. Then we head over to the park, that where Jimmy found this big as duck. He of course chase after it, calling it the Stalin duck.

The week when on okay, there was still tension between Jimmy and his mom but he told me not to worry. Zacky told me that this always happens when they come to see her and that why it’s a long time before they come back. I wanted them to stop the fighting because this time it was about me and so I was going sit down with their mom when they where out.

“Merry,” I had tea on for her and I grabbed myself a water. She sat there at the table ready for me talk; “I know you and Jimmy are fight right now. Also he got be upset with me for talking to you but I feel I need to.”

“Anna, this has nothing to do with you. My son is just a stubborn ass and that all. It has nothing to do with you but I thank you for worrying about him.” she got up with her tea that I place in front of her and walked to the porch. I got up out of my set and fallowed behind her.

“Your son might be stubborn but you worse then him. The one thing your son didn’t get from you but learn himself was to love someone.” I turn and walked away. I walked into the bedroom and started to pack my clothes. I was ready to go home. I called Matt because I knew Jimmy and Zacky weren’t there yet. “Matt, can you take me to the airport?”

“Anna? Why?”

“Yea, because their mothers nuts and doesn’t see the good in Jimmy.”

“Okay, I’ll get Syn to pick you up.”

“Thanks.” I hung up the phone. I turn and his mom was standing right there in the doorway.

“You leaving like that? You know Jimmy always had people in and out his life. It sick
me on how he so into you. This baby, is it his?” I looked at her.

“You want to know?” she stared me down, “No it’s not your sons and he know that, it’s my boy friends. Your son told me that he would be this kids father if he doesn’t stick around.”

“Well then, you fucking slut!”

“Really because I heard you gone throw men like they where nothing. You kicked your own fucking blood out because he couldn’t get a long with some ass whole.”

“Who the fuck do you think,”

“HEY!” we heard someone cut her off. It was one of the guys and we knew that because it was just the two of us here. “What the fuck is going on?”

I was scared to look but it was okay, it was only Syn standing there. He looked at me and then Merry. We still didn’t say anything, “I was trying to talk to her and it didn’t work. I called Matt for him to take me the airport. He told me you where going to do it. She came to my room and we started yell.” I grabbed my purse and my suitcase to leave the room.

“People always leave him, slut.” I heard her; I didn’t turn around to answer her. I decide that I love Jimmy and I that he knew I wasn’t leaving him. I was leaving this house; he knew I would be waiting for him.


I just shook my head, “Syn, your such a great friend. But there is no reason why I could stay here, my own mother didn’t talk to me like this.” I open the door and walked out to his car. As I was leaving, I was Jimmy, Zacky and Matt all get out of the car.

“Where do you think your going?” Zacky ran up to me. I was shock that it was him and not Jimmy. He when in the house and Matt was behind him, “Baby, what happen?”

“Zacky,” I couldn’t look at him. He lifts my head, “I’m sorry.” He whipped my eyes and smiled.

“It’s okay, everything will be okay. Jimmy will take care of it.”

“No,” I started to sob, “No! He can’t, he going hate me.”

“No, no he wont.” He pulled me into his chest. “Jimmy has told me many times how much he loves you. you could so many thing to try hurt him and he still wouldn’t hate you.”


I walked right pass her, I knew where this all started and now I decide that I was going end this. Zacky toke care of Anna and Matt when with me into the house, when I got in there. There was Bri in the kitchen with my mom at the table. I looked at him and then at her. She was piss because her face got red like mine.


“Jimmy, I don’t understand why the hell you would stay with a women, NO! A fucking girl that knocked up by her boyfriend. SHE A FUCKING SLUT!” that was the first time in my whole life that I ever hit my mother. With out a word to anyone, I walked out of the house.

“Jimmy,” I heard Matt yell behind me. “Dude!”

“Come on Anna, we are going home.” I toke her into my arm and we walked to the car. She was crying so hard that we didn’t even make it to the car because she got sick.

“Dude, what the fuck man?”

“Man, no one calls the girl I fucking love a slut. I don’t care if she pregnant with some asshole's baby.” I help her in the car. I got in and I saw my mom standing in the doorway of the house. Her hand to her face with tears coming down.

“I THOUGHT YOU KNEW BETTER!” she screamed out to me. I close the door and held Anna in my arms.

When we got to the airport, Anna when to the bathroom and wash her face. I talked to the guys. I had felt bad that I was leaving early, it was lonely the middle of the week and there was so much we had to do but we couldn’t. After Anna came out, we sat in a café. Anna wasn’t really herself, she mostly rest her head on my shoulder. When the plain was called, that when we got up and ready to go.

We all said bye to the guys, I had told Zacky he could stay but he wanted to see Val. We all said bye to each other and then board on to the plain. We found our sets; Anna was closet to the window. I was in the middle; I was very worried about her. Hearing about the shit she pulled in the past when she was younger and now when she got depress. She close the blinds on rest her head on me.


I woke up when the plain came down; I was so tired and so out of it the whole ride home. I was the only one that had a bag with, the guys didn’t really care they didn’t have all their clothes. When we got off the plain, there were my two girls standing there with Jonnie waiting for me. Jimmy and I let go each other really fast, we where back to hiding our love.

“I’m so happy your home,” Shea said running to hug me. “How was it? I know it wasn’t great at the end but you have tell me everything,” she said as she hugged me.

“Me too, it was a trip I wont forget. I can tell you that much.” I let go and hugged Val. Jonnie was standing right there behind her. “Hey person, I havent seen in what half week.”

“Yea, can you believe it?” I walked over to him and hugged him. “how was the plain ride home?”

“I don’t know, I slept the whole way. I wasn’t feeling well or anything.”

“Oh, let get you home.” He wrapped his arm around my neck and we walked side by side of each other. I couldn’t believe how long it was scent him and I looked like a couple. Maybe was little feeling but not the feeling I felt for him the first time we knew what the really feeling felt like.

Zacky and Jimmy rode with the girl while I rode with Jonnie. We talked about everything and I told him that we need to go to a park or something so we could talk. He agrees with me. So before stopping at the house, we stopped at the park. I had text Shea to have her tell everyone that I wasn’t coming right home. Not to worry, that Jonnie and I need to talk. We had stop at the park up and around the corner from where we all lived.

“You ready?” I looked at him and nodded. He got out and came around to help me out of the car. “You look very different.”

“Yea,” he closes the door and then toke my hand. We walked to a bench where we could see kids playing on the playground. “Jonnie, you remember back around Christmas. We had made up from fighting.”

“Yea, I do. I’m really sorry for being an ass to you then. It wasn’t right and I understand that you hated me for it.”

“Jonnie, I know you are. I have forgiven you and moved on from it now but there something bigger I need tell you.” I looked away from him to a little girl in denim and she looked cute with her blond hair in pigtails. “Jonnie, we are young but we are going be parents. No it’s not Jimmy’s because him and I don’t sleep together. When you and I where on brake, we didn’t. You where the first and lonely guy that I ever had sex with.”

“Holy shit,” he got up and walked back and forth. He wouldn’t look at me, just back and forth. He just keep saying “Holy shit,” he finely looked at me, “What about my parents? What about college? How am I going be able to go? Lets get married and raise this kid on our own with my mother help. We think we can do this, I hope we can.”

“Jonnie,” I grabbed his arm to look at me. “Listen, I talked to your mom back when I found out. it was back in maybe February or around then. Jonnie, we will fine away to take care of this baby. We will make it, your going to college and making something of your self.”

He sat down next to me; he held my hand in his. “Anna, I want you to marry me. We will go live on campus of the college as a couple. Get daycare paid for and we will both go to school and I will work.”

“You really want to take this on? You really want to try to make this work?” he nodded his head at me. “Then you need drop the late night partying and the friends.”

“Okay,” I was going keep my hopes up a little more this time. Because this is what I really want for my life and my baby. “I love you!”

“Ha, I love you.” he lends in and kisses me. I slowly pulled away from him, “I’m due about September.”

“Okay, we will go to mom. We will set our room up and we will make it all work.”

“Jonnie, I don’t think we will be able go to school with a newborn. I know I wouldn’t be able to.”

“We will make it all work. That means if you take online classes and work at night. While in the day I work part time and try to go to school part time.” I swallowed hard and nodded my head. “Hey buddy,” he said rubbing my stomach. “Hey, its your daddy” I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Come on let talk to your mom about the baby and I staying at her house.” he jumped up and I got up. He was so excited; I was to but to a point. I was going have to leave Jimmy and I wasn’t ready to.