Status: working on the next chapter

Summer of hell

chpater 41

It was day of graduation, I didn’t get much sleep the night before, I was just so piss off. Zacky had found me walking around and drove me back to the house and said that I wasn’t homeless. I didn’t need to live like one that I had a house to live in. in some cases, yea I was homeless but I wasn’t going think of about it now.

“Anna, you excited for this day?”

“No,” I told Zacky as I sat there eating a piece of toast. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life and where I’m going.”

“Anna, baby, your going come with us to Cali and you cant say no. Your going stay with Val and me until you can get yourself together.”


“Yep., you need get going.”

I got up and hugged him, “Thank you.”

“Anything for my sister.” We let go and I grabbed my stuff and out the door I when to school.

In school, we didn’t do much in the classes, which we knew was going happen. I was at my locker after third period and Johnnie had come up to me. He had said that he was sorry for what he did. That he was a change man. He wants me back and to come move with him to Florida so we could go to school. I didn’t believe one world he said but I acted as I did. I had told him that I wasn’t going to get back with him just yet. I told him that he had to lay the drugs off and that this wasn't all going to change over night.

I let the day go on and I didn’t let this effect me, I told Shea and Val all about it. They where happy that I was going to do this on my own because we all knew it was better for me. Shea still didn’t know what happen at school that one day. Thanks to Andy, he never told her but she knew that Johnnie and I had a fight and he push me. I had left it at that. She was happy that I was picking the right thing for my life and living it.

After school, Shea had came home with us so we all could get ready together. Zacky was taking us and then other where all going meet Zacky there. He was going to hold set for Andy and Jimmy maybe his girlfriend.


Anna was in the fourth row and the other two where in the seventh row from the stage. Johnnie was to the right and twoo people down fromAnna, which was little annoying for her. He kept trying to talk to her but she didn’t listen. When it came to them going up, they called the names. They called Anna’s name, the guys even Jimmy screamed for her.

His girlfriend wasn’t so great with it but he didn’t really care. When Johnnie name was called, people cheered even Anna. Then the girl where called and everyone that was there had cheer them on.

After it was all over, Val and Shea when to find the guys to meet Anna there. Well as Anna was on her way to meet them, she had run into her dad, which was a little odd. They talked a little; he gave her flowers and then hugged him. she left him and ran into Johnnie’s mother. Talked to her for a little bit and got a picture, so she can keep. Anna was like a daughter to her anyway. Once she finely got to everyone that she wanted to see, it didn’t really turn out get.


“Hey guys,” I walked up. Andy hugged me and gave me some flowers and so did Zacky.

“Where did you get those flowers,” Shea ask holding Andy’s hands. They all looked happy with their boyfriends.

“I saw my dad and he gave them to me. It was really nice and sweet that he was here and hoping that I will stop by later today. He had a different girlfriend,” I looked at Zacky when I said that. I knew he would be the only one that would know what I was talking about.

“Here,” Jimmy said walking over to us. His girlfriend had these high heels and couldn’t walk and when she did, she would almost fall which I got a kick out of.

“Thanks,” he handed me flowers and hugged me. I could see she was upset with that, “Thanks for coming.”

“Anything for my Anna,” he smiled and then kiss my lips. Something wasn’t right but it did feel good.

“Can we get a picture,” I looked at him and ask. he smiled and nodded, Shea toke the camera and got ready. She snaps a couple for me and then we did all three of us girls. Then we ask Jimmy’s girl to take a picture of the whole group for us. Johnnie came over with something for me. “Thanks,”

“It’s nothing, just I hope I can see my child.” He smiled and then kiss me. “We get a picture? You where my first love ever.”

“We can and you where my first too.” We turn and looked at Shea and got snap for us. “You will see your son, have nice time in Florida. When you leaving?”

“Tonight with a group of friends.”

“Have fun.” He hugged me one last time and then left. I left something sicking inside me, it wasn’t a good feeling.

We all walked out and head home, I rode with Zacky and Val while Shea was with Andy in the car behind us. Jimmy was taking his girl home and then coming to the house. I told Zacky how I told my father that I was going stop by his house before we where home. They didn’t have a problem coming with me to visit him, Val was a little nervous but I was fine. We pulled up in front and we got out, my dad had just got home.

“Hi dad,” I walked over and hugged him.

“Hi my baby, Val?” he hugged me and then looked over. “Well it’s been a very long time scent I seen you. And Zacky, I meet you the last time you where here with my daughter.” I looked at him, I didn’t think my father knew Zacky because it wasn’t until after he when to jail I became friends with him. “You guys want something to drink?”

“No, we are good. We have to get going, we are having a party and then leaving in two days for a wedding.”

“Kevin, I need the keys,” his girlfriend said. He throw her the keys and she got it, she was pretty and really nice but I wonder if she knew about my mother and this house.

“We got to get going.” I said hugging my father one last time before going.

“You have fun and if you need anything, let me know. I know I put you throw a lot when you where younger. I want to make it up to you and saw I have change my ways and I’m sorry about your mother.” As we started to walk away from him, i heard him call out to me. "Anna, wait i have something for you." He ran over and handed me a baby picture of me with my parents at the hospital.

“Thank dad,” we let go and the three of us walked to the car as he walked into his house. “Wow that was nice,” I said when we got into the car.

“Your dad has change so much scent the last time we saw him,” Zacky said as we pulled into the drive way. “I don’t think he did it,”

“What? When did you two see him and how do you not think he didn’t do it?” Val looked at me and then at Zacky.

“When I lived at Jonnie’s I decide to go see him because I had money stash away that I wanted and needed. I found out that Jonnie’s dad and my mom had a thing. If my mom wasn’t pregnant with me, they might have gone married. Let go please.” I open the door and got out. I walked to the front door; I pulled my house keys out of my bag.

I got in the house and when to my room so I could change, Val when to the kitchen and Zacky was at my door knocking. He kept asking if I was okay and I was fine, I was really happy that everything was over and now I can focus on my life now. I walked out of my room and everyone was in the living room but Val. I when in the kitchen to help her and to talk.


“Hi,” she said as I walked in. “Sorry about before, I just didn’t understand why you would go there. Now what happen with Jonnie’s dad?”

“It’s okay, I think he killed my mom. I told the police to look into it because I had a feeling about him.”

“Oh wow,”

After thing where okay with us, we where cooking and laughing. I loved cooking and being in the kitchen with her, we always had a good time. The guys would come in for a beer when they ran out; Jimmy was acting a little weird. I liked it because he randomly would come in and just hug me or kiss my cheek. Yea, it felt like we where together but we wheren’t and also he was getting marred soon. Val could see that I was confuse in the way he was acting but knew that I was loving it. We both didn’t question it, we when with it.

We finish making the food and put it all out on the table like a buffet style. We had the food on the kitchen table and we where going to eat outside because it was so nice out. Jimmy sat down next to me and would kick me once and awhile. Everyone was talking, having a really good time. Jimmy when away for a smoke so I when with him, I thought that we can talk and hopefully everything would be okay.

“Hey,’ he pulled me in his arms. “I know,” he said as I pulled away to saying something. He kiss me again, “I miss you,”

“I miss you, Jimmy why do we fight so much now?”

“I don’t know,” he held me in his arm for the first time in a very long time. “I want to stop so bad. It’s making it hard for us to talk to each other.”

“I know, so tell me, is she really the one?”

“Be truthful, I don’t know.” I looked at him, “I think it could be a big ass mistake because her and I well our relationship is just base on sex more then anything. I don’t know much about her except, she annoying to sleep with.” I couldn’t help but laugh. “What?”

“She is annoying to sleep with, how?”

“She move a lot and kicks the shit out of me.” I couldn’t help but not laugh, before I started sleeping with guys. I use to move a lot but it had change, once in awhile I would but that when I’m alone or if I’m with them then having a bad dream.

“Oh jimmy, you should tell her to push the date then. You need to know more about her then just sex.”

“I know,” he toke his last smoke and then put it out. “Why couldn’t we do this before?”

“Because we where both jealousy with one another having someone else in our life. Don’t tell me that you wheren’t when I moved back in with Jonnie. I know I am right now that you’re with that,” he looked at me before I could call her a whore.

“Okay, so I was.”

“See, this place a big thing in our fights. What we have is really an unhealthy relationship. You marring someone and making out with me, I’m having my ex boyfriend’s baby and while I was with him, we where all over each other.”

“Hate when you're fucken right,” he smiled and kisses me. I smiled and little giggle cam out of me. “Come on,” we walked to the table smiling and talking. He had his arm around my neck and my arm around his waist. He sat down and pulled me on to his lap and that where I stay most of the night. When Val when in the house to clean up, the three of us girls all when in and that when we all talked, well mostly me. They wanted the dirt on what was going on. In mean but nice way, Val and Shea wanted me to break the wedding off some way. But I couldn’t do that to Jimmy because I loved him and wanted him to see if he was making the right thing.

When we got back out there, Jimmy was trying to start a firer. So me being the kind of girl I am. I got in there and helped him, I was the one that got it but I let him take the credit for it. The night when on and we made smores, it was getting and little by little everyone was leaving. Jimmy and I got a blanket and laid on the ground watching the fire in each other arm.